Kamen Rider Kiva is a large-scale family ethics drama, which is described in two time points, 1986 and 2008, around the story of a father and son.

The plot is roughly like this.

The monster vampires who transform into humans and survive by absorbing human life energy are rampant in the world, and only a few people notice all this and fight against the vampires.

One day, when the vampire hunter Aso Yuri was forced into a desperate situation by the vampires she hunted, she escaped successfully due to the interference of a man who was attracted to her.

The man who ignored Yuri's rebuke and showed his love to her was named Hong Yinye.

The talented violinist thus learned about the existence of vampires.

22 years later, in 2008, a strange young man appeared who covered his face with a mask and collected garbage and fish bones. His name was Hongdu, and he was Hong Yinye's son.

He is working hard to make a violin that surpasses his father's legacy "Blood Red Rose", but because of his introverted personality that hates to interact with others, he often causes misunderstandings from all sides.

Why is this drama called "Dad is Better Than You"?

One of the reasons is the unheard sentence at the beginning of the OP, and the other is that most of the incidents that Hongdu, as a son, encountered were not handled properly by his father during that period.

In short, it is a historical legacy.

Hongyin also picked up girls 22 years ago, occasionally killed monsters, and was a genius violinist.

What about Hongdu?

The son helped his father to kill the monsters that he didn't kill; the son paid off the debt of love left by his father; the son suffered the consequences of his father robbing someone else's wife!

In the end, his girlfriend died because of this...

Even on the road to pursuing music, he was repeatedly frustrated because there was no one to guide him.

It can be said to be extremely miserable.

Okay, just kidding, in fact, the father was not much better.

He died a few days after reuniting with his wife and children.

One lost his life and the other lost his wife. I don't know which one is more tragic.

Hmm? Wait, it seems that Xiaodu will die in the future.

Judging from the performance of Xiaodu's son Hong Zhengfu when he appeared, Xiaodu is also likely to die.

So in general, Xiaodu is still more miserable.

The topic is right!

Good guy, you are comparing your misery here, right?

After complaining, let's get back to the plot.

Vampires invaded other races in the 15th century, enslaved or even eliminated most of them, and became the top of the thirteen demons.

Humans are also included.

Although their lifespan and physical ability are inferior to other races, humans are good at creating more knowledge and culture.

At that time, the vampires believed that if they were careless and launched a war, it would be likely to produce weapons that would destroy the entire earth.

Therefore, the vampires did not choose to eradicate them but to manage them.

And the vampires began to live in human society in the form of humans.

However, there is one thing that is expressly forbidden, that is, vampires and humans are not allowed to fall in love!

There is also a hierarchy among vampires.

The four people with the highest status are called "Checkmate 4", that is, "Chess Four Cadres"!

They are King, Queen, Bishop (Bishop) and the last Rook (Chariot).

As one of the four cadres, the Vampire Queen has the role of punishing vampires who commit taboos such as falling in love with humans.

In addition, as a law that only the Queen bears, there is also the responsibility to have children with the King and leave a pure-blooded successor.

The Queen in 1986 was named Maya, and she had a child, Totaiga, with the current King.

During Maya's duties, vampires who fell in love with humans continued to appear, and she became interested in humans and love, and took the initiative to approach Otona, who had just met.

Then the dog blood began.

Maya, who fell in love with humans, was not tolerated by the King and the vampires, and a battle broke out between humans and both sides.

Here we have to mention King.

The most miserable cuckold king in the Knights' Shed.

His wife was kidnapped, and his subordinate Kivat II, a member of the Tooth Bat Clan and a transformation tool, also betrayed him.

Then he was beaten to death by the "mistress" Hong Yinye and his son who traveled to the past.

After being resurrected by the bishop in 2008, he was beaten by his own son and the mistress's son, and died for the second time!

Even the background of the transformation has a hint, green...


In the end, Mavis could only think of this number to express his feelings for him.

Although he and Maya were a political marriage and had no feelings for each other, this experience was indeed a bit miserable.

Mavis recalled the plot, and closed the book.

The book talks about some things that happened in the past, and it seems that the plot has not started yet.

Mavis looked at the time. It is now the early 18th century, and there are still a few hundred years to go.

He has a toothache.

Why did he come so early this time?

Forget it, let's go and have a look first.

Just like the Southern Song Dynasty when Ling Yuan was found, it is quite novel to be able to visit this era.

"Mother, I'm done!" Mavis looked up and found that there were all kinds of food and snacks piled up around, and even various children's toys.

That was the favorite thing of human children today that the mother had just found after searching for her own information!

Just like your mother when you just had a holiday, she cared about you meticulously, always wanted to buy the best, and then stuffed it into your hands. (It was just like this at the beginning o(╥﹏╥)o)

Mavis was a little helpless about her care, but she did not refuse.

I can't make my loving mother sad!

While eating, he shared his life with her as usual.

"Then I'll go first. I'll come to see you when I'm free!" After chatting with her mother, Mavis planned to leave temporarily to see this world.

After Mavis left, the mother also felt the existence of "group chat".

Great, sister plus 1!


"Is this Italy?" Mavis was a little surprised.

I didn't expect to come to Europe in another world.

"It seems that this is the first time I've come here, whether in my previous life or this life?"

In the past, Mavis was a boy who liked to watch special effects, and he was also a otaku. He really didn't think about traveling to Europe.

"Let's go for a walk!"

When Mavis accidentally walked in front of a small house, he heard a melodious music.

"This, is it a violin?" Mavis' heart moved slightly, and he walked in subconsciously.

In the living room, two girls were learning violin playing from a red-haired middle-aged man.

"Click!" The door opened.

"Who is it?" Antonio Vivaldi, who was interrupted in his teaching, frowned and looked at the uninvited guest.

But after seeing the real appearance of the visitor, the anger in his heart subsided unconsciously.

"I'm very sorry for coming uninvited!" Mavis bowed to express her apology.

One of the girls tilted her head cutely, with a hint of doubt and an interested look in her eyes.

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