Spear Teacher

Chapter 92

After she posted on Weibo, she read the comments with great interest.

[@大炮塞屎轰谁谁废: I know that Mr. Changmao is always active in the forefront of surfing. If there are any rumors, the studio doesn’t need to intervene. He will post them on his own. ]

[@但四级不改名: Ah, ah ... Jiang Qiyu raised her eyebrows, but still chose to answer the call and record it:


She was calm and composed, but the person on the other end of the phone lost his arrogance and shouted angrily:

"You actually complained to Brother Qi Yu???"


Jiang Qiyu almost laughed out loud, pursed her lips and spoke slowly:

"You didn't tell me not to complain just now."

"If I told you not to, you won't sue?!"


She smiled unabashedly, "I will still sue."


The person on the other end of the phone was speechless for a moment, and paused for a while before calming down and snorting coldly:

"Jiang Qiyu, you went to great lengths to seduce Qi Yu Brother, isn't it because you were abandoned by the Jiang family that you want to get on board the big ship of the Qi family? I tell you, don't daydream, you will never be able to marry into the Qi family!"


Jiang Qiyu raised her eyebrows: "Tell me more."


The woman thought she was frightened, and immediately raised her attitude and said contemptuously:

"You don't know yet, the Qi family, a wealthy family, has made an engagement for Brother Qi Yu a long time ago!"


"Of course, Brother Qi Yu has a fiancée now. Just because you are an illegitimate daughter of the Jiang family without a father or a mother, you still want to enter the Qi family? Wishful thinking!"


Jiang Qiyu asked her calmly:

" Is it you?"


When she asked this, the woman who was talking nonstop and mocking suddenly stopped, hesitating for a long time before reluctantly saying:

"Although it's not me, but..."

Before she finished, Jiang Qiyu asked again:

"Is it your relative or friend?"

"No, no, but..."

"It's neither you nor your family, so why are you talking nonsense to me..."

Jiang Qiyu frowned slightly, looking puzzled:

"Where's COSPLAY?"


"What do you mean by me?"

Her temper and rebellious nature were immediately ignited, and she said to her phone It was a stream of output:

"You are so nosy. When the manure truck passes by your door, do you have to chase it with a spoon to taste the saltiness?"


"What do you mean by you? You keep calling me brother all day long. Are you going to lay eggs? Go shake your brains first and then talk to me!"

After saying that, she was about to hang up the phone with this person when she heard the gritting teeth and shouting from the other side:

"Don't force me, or I can do anything!"

Jiang Qiyu rolled her eyes fiercely and left the last words before hanging up:

"Then please make a plate of cold boneless chicken feet and send it to my home."


She hung up the phone and put the strange number directly into the blacklist.

Just after the operation, Yu Xiaoyu called again:

"Sister Yu, Sister Yu! Check Weibo."

"What's wrong again?"

"Check the top three hot searches!"

She hung up the phone and opened Weibo again.

The previous top entry #江绮遇 打打路人# was quickly removed, and the top three positions were filled with three eye-catching entries:

#I beat you, what's wrong#

#I'll beat you, do I need to pick a day#

#长耳 女雄双妖#

She knew the second most searched, but what were the other two?

She clicked on the first one in confusion, and saw the most popular Weibo post in this entry.

It was posted more than ten minutes ago, with only six simple words:

[@Y: I beat you, what's wrong? ]

Without any keywords or topics, the number of reposts, comments and likes kept climbing like crazy.

She clicked on the user's homepage, and the profile was clearly aOfficially certified identity:

[Qi Group shareholder, general manager of Qi's A City branch, guest of love: Qi Yu.]


She clicked on the Weibo post, and the comments below were also very interesting:

[@长耳结婚了我是孩子]: Ah ah ah ah ah ah you came out to protect your wife so soon, slap brother you can!

[@命护长耳]: Qi Yu: Touch my woman, die!

[@我吃饭不鸿]: Brother, you really deserve to have a wife, I feel relieved when you are like this, you two can't abuse me at all!!!

What surprised her was that there seemed to be something strange mixed in these comments:

[@齐氏法律务部官微V]: Qi's Legal Department, wholeheartedly welcomes your arrival!

[@齐氏A市分部秘密室V]: I have never seen the young master care so much about anyone.

[@乔景深V]: You are good, do great things quietly.

Clicking on the personal homepage of Qiao Jingshen, it turned out to be the heir of the Qiao family in S City and Qi Yu's closest friend.


Jiang Qiyu frowned slightly, exited this entry and clicked on the second one——

#I'll hit you if I want to. Do I need to pick a day?#

It has to be said that their company's execution and efficiency are still very high.

With this video she posted, the company's public relations team clarified the matter more quickly and efficiently.

Under this hot search, in addition to her video Weibo, the studio account operated by the company also urgently issued a clarification statement and a lawyer's letter with the official seal.

And the accompanying text was——

[@Jiang Qiyu Studio V: The legal department of China Resources Entertainment, the annual salary is also considerable. 】

She was browsing Weibo, looking at the rumor that was overturned at the speed of light after a few hours.

The phone that had been busy all morning rang again.

This time it was an acquaintance.

"Are you satisfied with the result?"

Listening to the man's undisguised credit claim on the other end of the phone, Jiang Qiyu curled her lips:

"I can handle it myself."


A burst of electric laughter came, and Qi Yu's voice was low:

"That's why I want to get ahead of you."

She asked knowingly:


"I'm chasing someone, of course, for..."

He was frank:

"To show myself."

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