The first round of the ice-breaking dinner ended after Jiang Qiyu led everyone to clean up the battlefield like a swarm of locusts.

As a mysterious guest whose identity was not guessed, she naturally got the right to choose the room first.

Carrying her huge mecha, Jiang Qiyu chose the top floor without hesitation.

No other reason, the top floor not only has a wide view and is not easily disturbed, but also has a small open-air garden.


Even though the other guests had different thoughts because of her arrival, everyone was in the circle, and on the surface, they naturally began to allocate rooms in a peaceful manner.

There are four floors in the love apartment.

Of course, Lu Heng chose the second floor farthest from Jiang Qiyu, and Zhou Shun and Fang Xubai also chose the second floor to avoid suspicion.

Jiang Mian was naturally not generous enough to turn around and live next door to the person who always opposed him, so he turned around and chose a room on the third floor.

Although Jiang Ling was jealous of Jiang Mian who had taken away her status as the eldest lady, she chose to live next door to her with a sweet smile in order to maintain her position in the Jiang family.

Song Yan naturally saw the clues. Although she was jealous of the open-air garden, she still judged the situation and lived on the third floor.

In this way, the boys lived on the second floor, the girls on the third floor, and Jiang Qiyu lived alone on the top floor.

The apartment room was temporarily finalized, and the program team gave everyone an hour to simply pack their luggage.

Seeing this result, while the guests were busy tidying up the room, netizens on the barrage began to eat secretly:

[Ahhh! They did it on purpose, they must have done it on purpose! Heng Shuai lives in 201, and Mian Mian lives in 301! ]

[I really got it, the young couple was embarrassed to say it at first, so they used the method of me living upstairs and you living downstairs to secretly sprinkle sugar, right! ]

[Lu Mianyan is real! The young couple locked it, and I swallowed the key! ! ! 】

In addition to Lu Heng and Jiang Mian, who are already popular screen lovers, netizens have also spontaneously formed various ghost ship unpopular CPs.

[Am I the only one who thinks Zhou Shun and Jiang Ling are a good match? I feel that the two have a good aura! ]

[Zhou Shun and Song Yancai are a good match? A love song prince, a cool supermodel, love love! ]

[What about Teacher Changmao? Who does our Teacher Changmao match with? ]

[Jiang Qiyu? Didn’t you see that she was excluded by everyone? I don’t need to say more about her popularity in the circle, right? ]

[Of course Teacher Changmao is with Fang Xubai! A crazy female star and a younger little milk dog. ]

[Take our Baibai away! Don’t you feel guilty for supporting any CP? ]

[I was mentally prepared for Baibai to participate in the love variety show. Instead of others, it’s better to be Teacher Changmao. What CP are these two? Changbai Mountain? 】

【Let's go, isn't Changbai Mountain a bit too cold? Since it's a ghost ship, why not call it White Spear Girl. 】

【Hahahahahahaha, the CP name can be unpopular, but it can't be weird, sisters! 】


An hour passed quickly, and the time just came to half past nine.

The program team organized everyone who had packed up to sit on the sofa in the living room, and gave each of the seven people present a mobile phone of the sponsor brand.

Off-camera, Director Zhang took a small loudspeaker and began to introduce the use of mobile phones to everyone.

Everyone's mobile phone has a communication and social software developed specifically for the program "You Know Love" -

"Know Love APP"

The guests can call, video, send messages to each other on it, and share their lives and feelings in the "Love Friends Circle" like WeChat and Weibo.

The most important point is that the use of this software is completely open and transparent.

All the information, communications and love friends circle in it can be displayed in the live broadcast screen in the form of a small window.

In addition to increasing the sense of immersion and interaction with the audience, it can also ensure that the private communication between guests is not missed.

In addition, this love APP has several relatively unique functions.

One is to calculate the mutual favorability of the guests based on the frequency of chat.

Second, at the end of each night, a pop-up window will automatically pop up, and the mobile phone holder will give a heart-moving score for other guests except himself.

Guests with high heart-moving scores will enjoy special treatment in the subsequent links.

In addition, there is an anonymous function.

Everyone has an opportunity to confess anonymously every day, and can send a confession message to the heart-moving guest as a secret admirer.

Neither the audience nor the recipient will know the identity of the secret admirer, and it is up to the person himself to choose whether to make it public.


After the program team's introduction, everyone nodded their heads while holding their phones to show their understanding.

Only Jiang Qiyu found the software mall and quickly downloaded several popular apps as soon as he got the phone issued by the program team.Games.

If you don't play games for a month, how can you not go crazy?

She came to the love show not to annoy Lu Heng, but mainly because she knew that the show would be very popular in the future. As the holder of the script gold finger, it would be a waste if she didn't come to make some money.

Even if she really retired with hatred in the future, she had to make money first to enjoy her old age.

While Jiang Qiyu was enjoying her wonderful retirement life and showing off her after-meal fruit with a small fork, Director Zhang started to announce with a small loudspeaker:

"Next, the first episode of the night talk about understanding love begins."

Night talk about understanding love.

As the name suggests, it means that everyone sits together and chats after eating and drinking in the evening.

One is to deepen the impression of each other among the guests, and the other is to have more picture materials to be put into the essence editing version.

In this way, Director Zhang threw out the topic of today's night talk-

"What do you think real people are like?"

It was such a philosophical question at the beginning, and everyone was a little nervous.

If you answer well, you will naturally leave a good impression on everyone, but if you answer badly, it will be embarrassing.

Song Yan is as straightforward as ever. She was the first to raise her hand and answer:

"I think people who are consistent in what they say and do are real."

Zhou Shun pondered for a while and then answered:

"When it comes to judging a person, what you hear is not true, what you see is true."

Fang Xubai blinked twice and took out nonsense literature: "I think... as long as a person is not fake, he is quite real."

Jiang Ling glanced at Jiang Mian beside her without leaving a trace, and her tone was still kind:

"Realism means not being hypocritical, and not using a perfect mask to package yourself. ......"

Jiang Mian didn't hear the implication in her words at all, curled the corners of his lips and said seriously:

"I think it's sincerity, treat everyone sincerely."


And Lu Heng, who likes to show off the most, waited for a long time. Seeing that Jiang Qiyu was calm and had no intention of speaking, he looked at Jiang Mian with a cold and exiled look and looked at her without hesitation:

"I think it's beautiful."

As soon as these words came out, except for Jiang Mian who was slightly stunned, the barrage that was still discussing the topic exploded instantly:

[Ahhhhhhhhhh!! The direction he was looking at, he was looking at Mian Mian, right?? Right, right?]

[Is Heng Shuai talking about the real person being beautiful or "she is beautiful"?! Happy New Year to Lu Mian fans!!!]

[I'm so happy, I'm so happy, they are both locked up for me!! ]

[A believer has done all the good things in his life, so my Lu Mianyan should be real! ! ! ]

"If you ask me..."

Just when the CP fans were celebrating the New Year and the barrage was revelling, a slow and unhurried voice sounded, breaking the ambiguous atmosphere in the field:

"The shoes you spent thousands of dollars on may not be real, and the handsome men and beautiful women you saw on the Internet may not be unskilled, and even the "I love you" that some people say may not be true."

Jiang Qiyu paused, and in the eyes of everyone who was shocked beyond words, he spoke calmly:

"But the idiot you met, no doubt, he is a real idiot."

[Teacher Changmao, I didn't agree with you quitting the literary world at the beginning! ]

[Although the words are rough, the truth is not rough, but this is too rough, isn't it? ]

[Other people come to the love variety show to be ambiguous, and you come to the love variety show to be presumptuous, right? ]

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