Spear Teacher

Chapter 81

"Then I'll ask Brother Yu first."

Jiang Mian held the "king card" in her hand and looked at Qi Yu with a smile on her face.

Just when everyone thought she would ask him why he disappeared for three days, she just smiled and said:

"Excuse me, what do you think of the 'engagement'?"

Hearing her ask this, except for a few people, all the other guests were confused.

Although it is a love variety show, why did they suddenly talk about engagements?

But Qi Yu narrowed his eyes slightly when he heard it, and slowly focused his eyes on Jiang Mian, who was smiling peacefully, with a faint scrutiny in his eyes.


He raised his eyebrows slightly, his expression did not change too much, and he answered nonchalantly:

"It's just feudal dregs."

Those self-righteous older generations, who take feudalism as dogma and filial piety as power, and self-righteously want to control the lives of the next generation, how ridiculous.

[He is so arrogant, I love him so much. ]

[Slap brother, he really makes me cry to death. ]

[Hiss... I suddenly thought of a fatal question. Qi Yu's family is definitely a wealthy family. Jiang Mian asked this question because she knew that Qi Yu had an engagement or something? ]

[No way. In this era, are there still people doing that? ]

[It's hard to say, it's hard to say...]

After hearing Qi Yu's answer, Jiang Mian just nodded slightly, with a calm smile on his face.

It seemed that it was just a casual question, and there was no hidden meaning in it.

But Jiang Qiyu frowned slightly, and ripples kept rising in her heart.

If it was in the past, she would naturally think that what Jiang Mian said was the engagement between her and Lu Heng.

But on second thought, didn't she already know Qi Yu's attitude at the birthday banquet? Why did she bring up the old things again?

Could it be that Jiang Mian, who was reborn, knew something about Qi Yu?

Jiang Qiyu's guess was not groundless.

You know, the book "The Movie King's Palm Pet" she had read before was about the simple and brainless sweet love between Lu Heng and Jiang Mian, and the ending was set at the moment when the two got married with a child.

The book didn't even mention Qi Yu's name, let alone his life story.

And the first thing Jiang Mian did after her rebirth was to draw a clear line with Lu Heng, and she always intentionally or unintentionally linked herself to Qi Yu...

From this, it seems that she knows a lot more than her book-crossing person.

Just as she lowered her eyes and thought, a voice suddenly pulled Jiang Qiyu back to her thoughts.

"Then let me ask Brother Zhou Shun another question."

After getting Qi Yu's answer, Jiang Mian didn't hesitate any more, and smiled and turned his eyes to Zhou Shun on the side.

But this time, her question was much simpler and more direct:

"Excuse me, Brother Zhou Shun, among all of you, is there anyone of the opposite sex you like?"

[Hahahaha, Mian Mian, you know how to play straight. ]

[Come on, carry Jiang Mian to the main table for me! ]

[Jiang Mian can still support CP after work, right? I won't tell you who is envious. ]


Her words not only made the fans of the CP in the barrage revel, but also made the person being asked blush.

Zhou Shun raised his eyes a little embarrassedly and glanced at Song Yan, then stuttered:

"Yes... yes..."

[I'm really looking forward to the confession night tonight, give me a big score for the CP I like! ]

[The look is too obvious, brother, you should hide it! 】

Unlike Zhou Shun's shyness, Song Yan was much more generous. She smiled at Zhou Shun, then took the initiative to collect the cards in everyone's hands and put them back on the table:

"Okay, it's time for the next round."

Coincidentally, she got the king card this time.

Holding the poker cards in her hand, Song Yan looked at Jiang Qiyu and Jiang Mian with a meaningful smile.

"Do you choose truth or dare?"

For a person who slacks off at work, he can't take any risks, so Jiang Qiyu chose truth very happily.

Jiang Mian was the same.

"In that case, I'll ask you two the same question."

Song Yan clapped her hands briskly and asked casually:

"Which type do you prefer among the opposite sex?"

Jiang Mian tilted her head and smiled naturally: "I might be quieter, and I like people who complement me, humorous and witty."

As soon as she said this, the Yumian party on the barrage jumped again.

[Humorous, this shouldn't be about Fang Xubai, right? I won't say who it is. ]

[Humorous, is it true that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder? Shouldn't Mr. Qi be the type of irritable old man? ]

[Qi YuIt's better to be too funny. I can laugh for a year when I think of what you said. ]

[I'm holding the banner for Yumian!!!]

"What about you, Qiyu?"

Song Yan glanced at Qi Yu, who was pretending to be profound, and the smile in her eyes became even more intense. She shook the king card in her hand and looked at Jiang Qiyu:

"Which type of the opposite sex do you like?"

And Jiang Qiyu didn't hesitate at all, and said seriously:

"A rich man."


[Hahahaha, fucking rich man, hahahahaha......]

[Teacher Changmao is really something, don't say it, you really don't say it.]

[Help, Teacher Changmao and I have the same type, I also like rich men!]

[Coincidentally, I'm a man, I also like rich men!]

[Teacher Changmao likes rich men, and Brother Slap is a rich man. If you round it up, I'll give 200 to Chang'er when he gets married, and put it in Xiaobai's account! ]

[I'll give you 500, put it on Director Zhang's account! ]

Even though she knew she always said something shocking, Song Yan was stunned for two seconds.

"Qi Yu, you're avoiding the question..."

She shook her head with a smile, but she didn't want her to fool around, so she continued to ask:

"I'm asking about the type. What type of boys do you like?"

"Yes, that's the type I answered."

Jiang Qi Yu nodded confidently, and did not explain her answer:

"Big, style."


As soon as these words came out, not only did the originally harmonious atmosphere freeze instantly, but the barrage of comments also exploded.

[She, she, she... How dare she? ]

[You don't say anything, right? Then I won't say anything either. ]

[Sir, you can drive on this broken road, right? ]

[No problem, I also like the big style, Mr. Chang Mao, you are pragmatic. 】

【Mr. Changmao knows how to see the essence through the surface. No type is better than older. 】

【You are talking about age. 】


The people present are not children, so they can naturally hear her hidden meaning, but in front of the camera, they can only suppress their mouth corners and try to pretend that they don’t understand.

The scene suddenly became cold, and no one dared to answer.


Only Qi Yu didn’t care about his screen image, and laughed out loud with curved eyebrows.

Jiang Qi glanced at him when he saw this:

“What are you laughing at?”


Facing the camera, Qi Yu did not shy away and shrugged calmly:

“I just think I just meet the requirements.”

“Which condition?”

“Big, handsome,”

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