Spear Teacher

Chapter 71

According to Qi Yu's guess, each duck in this farm has a leg ring with a number on its foot.

As long as you find the one with the last number, you can know the number of all ducks.

But even this is not easy.

They have to enter the fence, grab the duck with the largest number they can see, and then look for a larger number.

No wonder the program team only arranged this task for the whole afternoon.

The two of them were not pretentious. After changing into work clothes, they strode directly into the Duck Paradise.

Jiang Qiyu pulled up her work pants, clenched her fist and looked at Qi Yu, cheering each other up:

"Don't worry, the two of us will work together, and it's just four words: 'Quack, grab, grab'!"

Qi Yu had a hunch that she was going to say something stupid again, so he raised his eyebrows and asked patiently:

"What do you mean?"

But she just pointed at the ducks with one hand, "They are responsible for quacking."

Pointed at the tip of her nose: "I'm responsible for making a mess."

Then turned her finger to point at him: "You are responsible for grabbing."

Finally concluded: "Quack, grab, grab."

The audience in the live broadcast room burst into laughter:

[You know how to split up. ]

[Teacher Changmao, the division of labor is clear, no problem! ]

[It seems that although Chang'er doesn't look like a couple, their relationship is not that bad, right? 】

Qi Yu only commented on her explanation of "quack quack" with two words:

"You quack."

Just these two words made the man who was originally planning to catch ducks in troubled waters change his mind instantly.

"Stop catching ducks, I'm going to catch ducks!"

Jiang Qiyu looked serious and immediately rushed towards the ducklings that looked cute now and delicious in the future.


Qi Yu looked at her with a black face, lowering her body and spreading her arms without any image, laughing "hehehehe" from her mouth, and constantly chasing the ducklings that "quack quack" and jumped around.

A feeling of helplessness suddenly rose in his heart.

However, he quickly put this feeling behind his mind, strode forward, and joined the ranks of the duck catching team.

It was just a movement, which was much more normal than Jiang Qiyu's weasel-like posture when he stood up.


Amidst the continuous "quack" sounds, Jiang Qiyu's exclamations were constantly mixed in:

"Two hundred and sixty-five!"

"Four hundred and three!"

"Five hundred and eighty-two!"

"One thousand and ninety-three...I C!"

Qi Yu, who was catching the duck with his head down, heard her exclamation and immediately looked up in the direction of the sound.

But he saw Jiang Qiyu lying on the ground with a grin on her face.

But even though she was hurt from the fall, she was still holding the duck numbered "1093" tightly in her hand.

Qi Yu immediately threw down the duck in his hand and strode forward, pulling her up from the ground with one hand, frowning and asking:

"Where did you fall?"

[Are they really not on good terms? Suddenly it feels a bit good. 】

[Good knock +1]

Jiang Qiyu was pulled up by him and barely stood up. She frowned and looked up at Qi Yu with a bitter face, grinning and howling without any image:

"Knock my big-hip! Wow... "

Seeing her like this, Qi Yu frowned and couldn't help but said:

"Shut up, I can see your stomach."

[Sorry, I thought I was farting when I said good knock just now. 】

[Fart +1]

Qi Yu glanced at her unhappily, then turned to look at the ducklings who were still running around, and after a moment of hesitation, he said to her:

"Wait for me here for a while, I'll go to the warehouse to find some tools."

After saying that, without waiting for anyone to answer, he took off his gloves and turned to walk into the building.


Jiang Qiyu tilted her head, not caring about her aching hips, and shouted at Qi Yu's back:

"What tools?!"

But the man seemed not to hear, and strode away from the "quacking" duck park.


After waiting for a long time without seeing Qi Yu come back, Jiang Qiyu looked at the camera with a suspicious expression:

"You think this kid won't be lazy and leave me here to quack and scratch, right?"

She rarely interacts with the audience, so the silly netizens will naturally not miss the opportunity to make fun of her:

[You are also scratching me? ]

[It's really chilling! I didn't expect that Teacher Changmao would encounter such a thing! ]

[Call the police to catch him, I'm not kidding. ]

[Teacher Changmao, this time you must take up the weapon of law to defend your rights! ]

[Justice is delayed but it comes! I will go to Qi's official website to leave a message to cyberbully him! 】

However, she could not see the netizens' pranks, she just narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at the direction where Qi Yu disappeared in silence for a long time.


Suddenly, as if she had finally made up her mind, she looked sideways at the cameraman who was not allowed to speak during work hours:

"Brother, I'll leave my 1093 in your care. Give me five minutes, I'll go and get that lazy guy back!"

Before the cameraman could react, a quacking duck was stuffed into his arms.

He hurriedly caught it, and held down the 1093 they had finally caught with one hand.

When he looked up again, he could only see Jiang Qiyu's back as he climbed over the fence with his hands and feet.

He didn't dare to shout, nor did he dare to put the duck down. He could only hold the camera in one hand, hold the duck in the other hand, and stagger after it.

Jiang Qiyu ran very fast, and after rushing into the building, he ran in the direction of the warehouse on the first floor.

As for why she was so excited...

It was nothing, but seeing her colleagues slacking off without her was more painful than her death.

The first floor of this building was all warehouses, and because of the recording of the program, there was no one inside the building at this time.

She felt her way from warehouse No. 1 to warehouse No. 13, and finally heard some movement inside.

Without thinking, she pushed open the half-closed warehouse door, and after entering, she did not forget to quickly close the door with her backhand.

She jumped in front of Qi Yu in two steps and laughed twice:

"Haha! I caught you! "


Qi Yu held a roll of net in one arm, and when he saw someone suddenly jump out, his expression did not change at all.

He just raised his eyelids lazily, looked at the warehouse door behind Jiang Qiyu, which was already tightly closed, and then lowered his eyes to look at her again, his eyes slightly gloomy.

Seeing him like this, Jiang Qiyu restrained her smile and looked at him awkwardly.



The two were silent for a long time, and she couldn't hold it anymore, so she asked tentatively:

"It's so quiet, I thought we had something to say."


Qi Yu squeezed his hands hanging by his side again and again, and then he suppressed his anger, raised his hand and pointed at the door behind her, and gritted his teeth and said:

"When you came in, didn't you see a piece of paper pasted on the door with four huge words written on it?"

"What...what words?"

"Don't, close, the, door. "

"!!! "

Jiang Qiyu then realized what he had overlooked.

Faced with Qi Yu's gloomy expression, he took two steps back in panic and waved his hands:

"I don't know! I can't read! Ignorance is not a crime...right?"

"Jiang Qiyu!"

"Please spare my life, Master!!!"

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