Spear Teacher

Chapter 66

Life is like this. It often gives you the heaviest blow when you are most proud of yourself.

——Fang Xubai said so.

Because just when he was showing off in front of the camera, Director Zhang's words made his expression freeze.

"The data is wrong, now re-group!"

"Zhou Shun, Jiang Qiyu in one group!"

"Fang Xubai, Jiang Mian in one group!"

"Qi Yu, Song Yan in one group!"

"Lu Heng, Jiang Ling in one group!"

As soon as Director Zhang finished speaking, before everyone had time to respond to the grouping, another deep and long call came from a distance:


The cow carrying the Niu Niu Prince on its back rushed towards everyone from another direction again.

"Wait for me to find a way-"

Then, just like before.


Run away again.

The rancher seemed to be used to such scenes. He introduced himself to the shocked crowd without changing his expression:

"Hello everyone, I am the rancher of the Cow and Horse Ranch. You can just call me Uncle Niu!"


Hearing this, Jiang Qiyu immediately shifted his attention from Prince Niu to the bearded Uncle Niu, and said in a puzzled tone:

"Uncle Niu, the name of your ranch..."

The rancher Uncle Niu's personality is as generous as his appearance. He waved his hand and explained loudly :

"My last name is Niu, and my husband's last name is Ma. It just so happens that we have both cows and horses here, so it's down-to-earth!"


Jiang Qiyu had a bad feeling in her heart, and couldn't help but raise her hand and point at the back that was being carried away by the cow:

"What's his name?"


Uncle Niu said sincerely, "He is my son, his full name is Niu Jianjun, you can just call him Niuzi!"


After hearing this name, Fang Xubai almost stumbled and fell to the ground.

Not only him, but also the fans in the live broadcast room were also shocked:

[Is this...really okay to call him? ]

[Prince Niu Niu, abbreviated as Niuzi, is there anything wrong with that? ]

[No one is saying anything, right? Then I won't say anything either. ]

[The whole court of civil and military officials hesitated, and no one dared to speak? ! Then I won't say anything either. 】

Uncle Niu didn't hear the shock in Fang Xu's words, he smiled heartily and said in a casual tone:

"This kid doesn't like people calling him by his nickname, but I think it's okay for you, he's a loyal fan of your show!"


Before everyone recovered from the shock of Niu Zi, no, the name, they heard Director Zhang holding back his laughter and pulling back the topic:

"The groups are temporarily set, and then everyone will settle the accounts every hour according to the fans' votes, and change the team at any time, so everyone be prepared!"

"Next, we will start our two-day and one-night pastoral The first task of the field trip is to check in at the ranch using any transportation you choose! "

"The specific check-in locations and the required photo poses have been sent to your mobile phones. Whoever collects all the check-in locations first can choose the ingredients needed for lunch first!"

"I would like to remind you that the last team will not have any ingredients to choose from! Please hurry up and choose your favorite transportation and set off!"

After hearing the first game rule, everyone looked at each other, and then followed Uncle Niu's gesture to look at the four groups of transportation parked on the side, each one more outrageous than the other -

Two pairs of roller skates.

Two scooters.

A convertible children's car.

An old ox of the same model as Niuzi.

Jiang Qiyu was standing closest and reacted the fastest. She walked over in two or three steps.

She quickly picked up the roller skates and ran away.

While running, he did not forget to call out to his teammate Zhou Shun who was standing there in a daze:

"Teacher Zhou, what are you doing standing there in a daze? Go!!!"

"Ah? Ah! Oh!"

Zhou Shun finally reacted, gave Song Yan a look, and then ran to catch up with Jiang Qiyu who was sitting on the ground and changing his roller skates.

"Teacher Chang, Teacher Spear..."

When he got closer, Jiang Qiyu had already stood up on his own, looking at him with a ready-to-go look, and said excitedly:

"Teacher Zhou Shun, youth can't wait, change shoes and start now!"

But Zhou Shun was troubled by the remaining pair of roller skates beside her, scratched his head and said helplessly:

"I, I can't skate..."

Jiang Qiyu, who was known as the "Super Dancing Queen of the Skating Rink" in her previous life, was stunned.

"Can't skate?"

Turning his head to look at the transportation that had been occupied by others, and finally rolled his eyes, smiling slyly.Looking at Zhou Shun:

"Teacher Zhou Shun, is your chassis stable?"



Just like that, Jiang Ling sat in the convertible children's car. Lu Heng didn't want to get in, but followed her with a stern face.

Jiang Mian sat on the back of the old yellow cow, and Fang Xubai held the reins with a look of fear.

Qi Yu and Song Yan each had a children's scooter with handrails.

Jiang Qiyu was wearing roller skates and holding a blue scarf tightly in her hands, and the other end of the scarf was tied tightly to Zhou Shun's hands.

[The world where only Zhou Shun was injured has been achieved. ]

[Program crew, you know about transportation. ]

[Is this cow safe? Don't let Mian Mian fall off! ]

[Teacher Changmao, I asked you to be a couple with Zhou Shun, but I didn't ask you to escort him back to Beijing. ]

[Our Heng Shuai looked arrogant. Who noticed that he was sneaking a peek at the old yellow cow just now? I won't tell you who he was looking at. ]

[Boss Qi also looked at Teacher Changmao. If it was before, I would have eaten some candy, but now, I guess he was glad that he was not arrested in public, hahahahahaha...]


After everyone was ready, Director Zhang held the upgraded loud speaker and shouted with all his strength:


With Director Zhang's order, the game officially began!

In order to successfully get the ingredients for lunch that day, everyone tried their best to move towards the first location on the mobile phone map.

Jiang Qiyu took a deep breath and turned to look at Zhou Shun, who was wearing roller skates and tied up with a scarf behind him:

"Teacher Zhou Shun, squat down!"

Zhou Shun, who couldn't skate on roller skates, certainly didn't dare to complain, and immediately squatted down honestly.

After adjusting the position, she shouted loudly: "I'm ready!"


Hearing this, she squatted slightly with her arms raised, posing a forward posture, and exerted force on her body!

“Let’s go!”

“Let’s go F—Aa ...

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