
When he said this, although Qiao Xinxin and Secretary Zhao were obviously used to it, the netizens in the live broadcast room felt the impact of the language.

[Uncle's slap hahahaha... I feel so sorry for this girl named Xinxin hahahaha...]

[I like this kind of handsome and sick guy. I was wondering why I had a pair of chopsticks in my hand when I watched the live broadcast. It turned out that I met my dish. ]

[Don't laugh, the child is still young and can't stand the uncle's slap. I'm grown up, I can do it! ]

[Whose pants are all on the barrage? I was tripped as soon as I came in. ]

In the camera.

The tall and long-legged man was about to bend down to pick up the little kid in front of him and take him back to settle the score.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Qiao Xinxin immediately stepped forward and hugged his straight trousers, raised her head and said mysteriously:

"Uncle Qi, don't be angry first, guess who I met today?"


"Tights Warrior!"


"Really! That sister also has a very powerful mecha tank that can be disguised as a suitcase!"

She said it with a beaming face, innocent and yearning, and she was completely different from the little adult who just said that his IQ was not low because of his young age.

Tights Warrior can't fool children, try to fool adults.

"Qiao Xinxin."

Okay, adults can't either.

Almost at the moment the man's voice fell, Qiao Xinxin's bright eyes suddenly dimmed, and she drooped her head and admitted her mistake:

"I know I was wrong..."

[Hahahahahaha... This girl is hollow. ]

[I really don't understand you. You have no sympathy for children. Anyway, I never laugh at them. I just happened to show my teeth to cool them down. ]

[These uncle and nephew, plus the one who just ran away on the mecha tank, you three should open a parent-child program separately. It will definitely be popular. ]

[How does this parent teach his child? Education should guide positive energy, not lead me into the palace of marriage! ]


Just as the barrage of dirty talk was constantly going on and the trend began to gradually become perverted, Secretary Zhao, who was standing aside as a background board, suddenly rang his phone.

He hung up the phone after a few words, walked up to the man and whispered something.

Then, the two hurriedly took the sad-looking little girl away from the live broadcast screen.

The backstage director also inserted a gradient animation when he saw this, and the live broadcast screen soon became a promotional picture of the love variety show.

At this point, all seven guests boarded the plane.

The first Easter egg segment of "You Know Love" was declared to be over without any danger.


But no one expected that such a simple pilot live broadcast easter egg would cause a heated discussion online.

Someone recorded the dramatic clips of the mysterious guest's live broadcast room and edited it on the short video platform.

With the marketing bonus of the program team, in just one hour, several strange entries rushed into the top ten hot searches on Weibo Entertainment List:

#Uncle's slap#

#What's the difference between this and pooping in public at the airport#

#Who is the pure prison-style female star? #

#Looking for the slap uncle on the whole network#

These strange entries overwhelmed the hot searches of other guests such as #Lu Heng private life#, #Jiang Mian helps the elderly#, #Fang Xubai hot dance at the airport#, etc., and ranked high on the list.

However, Jiang Qiyu, who had already boarded the plane successfully and was wearing an eye mask and closed his eyes to rest, knew nothing about this.


The recording location of the love variety show is in a seaside town far away from the city.

The program team spent money to buy a four-story garden sea view villa on the beach, as the place where the guests of "Understanding Love" will live together for the next month.

At this time, the sky gradually darkened, and countless cameras lit up in the brightly lit living room at the same time.

Except for the mysterious guest whose identity has not yet been announced, the other six have already sat around the round table, with hot pot ingredients in front of them. People who are familiar with each other smiled and nodded, and the atmosphere is quite harmonious.

Outside the camera, a large electronic screen is playing the live broadcast in real time, with dense barrages floating on it.

After the six guests made a simple self-introduction, the program team issued the first ice-breaking task-

[The mysterious guest who has not yet appeared is connected to the scene, and each person asks a question. Whoever guesses her identity first has the right to choose the room first. ]

Prerequisite: [Do not ask the name directly, and do not ask about the work. ]

Once the rules were released, many netizens who heard the news brushed the barrage more frequently.

Almost all the female celebrities of similar age in the entire entertainment industry were pulled out, and of course there was someone who had re-entered the public eye because of going crazy some time ago.[Why do I hear the mysterious guest's voice sound like the sister who went crazy a while ago? ]

[Jiang Qiyu? Don't mention it, I also sound a bit like her. ]

As soon as her name came out, fans of various groups began to respond.

[Can you please not mention the name of that sister who is obsessed with her? It's so unlucky! ]

[Really mean, don't force me to scold her in such a happy place. ]

[Impossible, I heard that Jiang Qiyu has been sent to a nursing home, right? ]


And just at this moment, the mysterious guest's line was connected.


Her voice was accurately transmitted to everyone's ears through the loudspeaker.

Although the sound was a little distorted with a little current, people could still hear that her tone was crisp and neat, which made people feel good about her.

The six people in front of the camera exchanged glances, and the supermodel Song Yan, who was sitting at the edge, spoke first:

"Then I'll ask first."

She tied her long hair up high, looked heroic and advanced, and asked with a slight twitch of her mouth:

"Excuse me, my mysterious guest, how old are you?"

The other party answered honestly without any hesitation: "22."

The age was confirmed, which narrowed the scope a lot. Many netizens who guessed wrong expressed regret on the barrage.

With Song Yan taking the lead, others followed suit and narrowed the scope of candidates, but the answers of the mysterious guests began to become more and more outrageous.

The popular young actress Jiang Ling smiled: "What kind of personality do you think the mysterious guest has?"

Answer: "I'm quite outgoing. I never wear a hood when I go to the bank to withdraw money."


Love song prince Zhou Shun said: "Have you ever sung in public?"

Answer: "Yes, since I started singing, I have been called back to cry at funerals in the village."


At this time, the youngest boy group idol Fang Xubai smiled, his small tiger teeth were extremely dazzling under the lights, and he asked a question that everyone wanted to know:

"Where did you buy your mecha tank?"


There was silence for a few seconds, and then he calmly said: "Also I haven't received the advertising fee, so I can't just say that. "

Fang Xubai was not surprised at not getting the answer he wanted, and his signature smile became even more charming:

"Then I wish you to get the endorsement soon... Tights Warrior."

Seeing that the topic was getting more and more off-topic, Jiang Mian received a signal from Director Zhang and quickly pulled it back:

"Let me ask you a question..."

She paused, looked up at the camera with a smile, and spoke in a coquettish tone as if she was fully confident:

"Can you please tell me what your current WeChat username is?"

As soon as this was said, the barrage of comments that were originally all hahaha was silent for a moment, and then there was a wave of praise.

[Mianmian is so smart! It should be easy for celebrities to match their WeChat usernames to their real selves?!]

[Oh my God, is this a smart and sweet girl? I really love it.]

[Jiang Mian did hit the nail on the head, but am I the only one curious about the WeChat name of this airborne live treasure? 】

[Curiosity +1]

[Curiosity +10086]

It was just that the bullet screen was over, and the mysterious guest on the other end of the line suddenly fell silent.

After a long silence, he finally asked a seemingly ambiguous question:

"Are you sure... can you say this?"

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