Spear Teacher

Chapter 54

After Jiang Qiyu and Qi Yu successfully formed a team.

Then Lu Heng followed Jiang Mian and chose to give up, which made Lu Mianyan's CP fans shout that they could not forget their old love.

It was Fang Xubai's turn. Although he looked like he had no desire to live, he still looked at the "young master and old slave" duo with a little reluctance.

"I'm not here to destroy you, I want to join you." directly pushed this one-on-one date invitation to a climax again.

But due to the program group's one-on-one pure love rigid regulations, they could only regretfully stay in the apartment as cleaners.

Among the eight guests, only two pairs successfully held hands, which made many viewers shout regretful, but most people have begun to look forward to the one-day date schedule of these two pairs today.

After the team was formed, everyone split up.

Lu Heng, Jiang Mian, Jiang Ling, and Fang Xubai stayed in the apartment, waiting for the professional cleaning staff to arrive and clean up together.

Zhou Shun and Song Yan, and Jiang Qi and Qi Yu, two couples who were on a one-day date, followed the program group's bus to the downtown area of ​​G City.

On the bus, the staff informed them of the process and rules of today's one-day date:

Donglian Apartment is an hour's drive from the city.

During this time, the two pairs of guests need to plan the location and process of today's date through various methods.

In short, the program group is a hands-off shopkeeper, not participating in any process guidance, and only sends a follow-up camera, allowing the guests to arrange today's date on their own.

As soon as the rules were released, they got their own mobile phones.

Song Yan and Zhou Shun got together at the first time, and began to search for dating places in G City while whispering to each other.

"What do you think of this amusement park?"

"What about this restaurant? How about we go to the aquarium?"


Before the date, just looking at their attitude of not caring about others, pink bubbles have begun to appear around them.

[The CP that looks good is really a long-lasting love that goes both ways. I only like this couple in the whole show! ]

[It feels really good that the two of them can discuss and consult with each other. I feel healed watching this couple fall in love. ]

[Please don't be stingy and generous with your sweetness. I deserve it! ]

After taking enough photos of the sweet duo, the cameraman turned his camera and took photos of the two who had no communication and were looking down at their phones.

In addition to most CP fans who were spamming the screen with the handsome men and beautiful women who were a good match, a small number of netizens began to constantly sing bad words on the barrage:

[Who is knocking on the long ears? Is the interaction between these two really not for hype? ]

[To be honest, the two of them really don't get along sweetly and don't have a CP feeling. ]

[Yes, yes, yes, I think so too. Seeing that they had dark faces and no communication throughout the whole process, they didn't seem to be very serious about today's date. 】


Naturally, the two of them knew nothing about the comments on the barrage, because they were concentrating on the content of their phones at this time.

Jiang Qiyu frowned slightly, lowered her eyes and looked carefully at the dating guide on a certain APP.

At this time, she was concentrating on putting herself in the role of an old servant, vowing to give the young master a dating experience that made him feel at home.

And Qi Yu, who seemed to be careless and didn't take this date seriously at all, had a dialog box with Secretary Zhao on his mobile phone screen.

【Yu: [Location]】

【The president hasn't smiled for ten years: Got it! 】

【Yu: Wait. 】

Just two words, but the other party seemed to have expected what he would ask.

Before Qi Yu sent out the next sentence, he efficiently sent out a link to a high-end restaurant introduction with a lot of likes on a certain platform.

【The president hasn't smiled for ten years: [Laughing] Do you need help to make a reservation? 】

【Yu: Forget it, I'll do it myself. ]

[The president hasn't smiled for ten years: OK, Mr. Qi. ]

[Yu: Also, change your stupid online name. ]


[I haven't seen the young master so happy for a long time: OK, Mr. Qi. ]


Qi Yu's hand holding the phone tightened slightly, and he temporarily resisted the urge to ask him to go to the HR department to resign, and instead clicked on the article link sent by Secretary Zhao...

The one-hour drive was neither long nor short, and the four of them followed the program team's bus to the bustling city center.

Although the program team did a good job of keeping secrets, as soon as the four of them got off the bus, some fans who came out of nowhere surrounded them.

"Yan Yan! Your international catwalk show is really great!"

"Brother Zhou Shun, when will you release a new song? Our fan club has been waiting."

"Have you two babies decided where to go on a date today? I recommend you the seaside in G CityThe mansion is a dating paradise!"

Compared to the enthusiasm of Zhou Shun and Song Yan's fans, Jiang Qiyu and Qi Yu's side was a little ridiculous.

"Teacher Changmao! My love for you is a rogue text message, and you can't unsubscribe even if you reply TD!"

"Teacher Changmao, are you dating? No love, no money, typing a lot of words for you is the only killer move for this poor bitch!"

"Boss Qi! I'm your fan, can you give me some money?"

When the staff escorted them out, Jiang Qiyu suddenly turned around and smiled and waved to the fans around and asked:

"Do you know what must-see places are there in G City?"

When she asked this, many locals in G City naturally began to recommend.

Among them, a strong male voice sounded in the crowd like a thunderclap, and he roared with a firm tone and righteousness:

"Of course there are! We also need entertainment! ”


As soon as these words came out, the originally noisy crowd suddenly became quiet for three seconds, and even Jiang Qiyu was almost tripped by the staff who suddenly stopped in front of her.

She looked in the direction of the person who made the sound, and curled the corners of her lips speechlessly:

“Brother, sincerity is a must-kill, not for you to do anything.”

After a moment of silence, the fans at the scene immediately burst into laughter.

At this time, Qi Yu suddenly seemed to have seen something, and slightly moved behind her, grabbing her wrist without leaving a trace.

“Run. "

Instantly, the two of them slipped through the crowd like slippery loaches and quickly jumped onto a Porsche parked on the side of the road.

This move not only caught a dozen fans off guard, but also confused the staff who had been following them.

That... doesn't seem to be the car prepared by the program team?

And the cameraman who was responsible for following them shook the camera in confusion.

In a flash, the fans also reacted quickly and immediately left the staff and rushed to the Porsche that had not yet started.


But before they could catch up, they heard A powerful engine sound sounded, and the luxury car's 100-meter acceleration performance came into play at this time.

The dark Porsche soon rushed out in front of everyone like an arrow from a bow.


The disappointed voices of fans came one after another.

After a few minutes, when everyone thought that the two had left and were ready to disperse on the spot, the familiar engine sound sounded again from the back.

The cameraman who was thrown in place had not yet recovered when he saw a cool luxury car parked in front of him.

The passenger door was opened, and Jiang Qiyu's voice sounded in the back seat:

"Get in quickly!"

He didn't think about it, his body was faster than his brain, and he immediately jumped into the car with the equipment.

When the fans in front found the clues and rushed back again, he closed the door first.

The fans who were a step slower again could only stand in place, looking at the Porsche with the license plate number:

[粤A·886SB] with regret.

Disappeared in front of them again.

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