Spear Teacher

Chapter 52

In the end, Jiang Qiyu still "reluctantly" accepted his proposal.

Not for the three million, but mainly because she really admired Qi Yu, a man with so many billions of dollars.

But she was smiling, but Qi Yu, who proposed this condition, was in a complicated mood.

Jiang Qiyu's sincere assurance: "Don't worry, I'm different from others. They are all sincere, only I am purely after money." He was somewhat caught off guard.

Is it too late to regret now?

And the answer is obvious.

Too late.

Because after Jiang Qiyu said that, he had already thought about where to buy a house with the three million.

Before the money was received, every penny had been prepaid in his mind.


Early the next morning, everyone was gathered in the living room by the program team, and each person was asked to choose whether to confess or to whom to confess.

Guests who choose to confess need to publicly invite the confession object, and the confession object can choose to agree or refuse.

Finally, the two who were successfully invited can go to the city and have the first one-day date arranged by the program team.

Those who were not successfully matched can only stay in the apartment and do the general cleaning.

The staff have arrived, and the fans in the live broadcast room have been ready for a long time. The CP fans of each family are crazy about the screen, all looking forward to the sweet date of their own CP.

Jiang Qiyu sat opposite Qi Yu, and when he looked over inadvertently, she gave him a confident look of "see how I perform" without leaving a trace.

Seeing that Qi Yu ignored her, she turned and inadvertently glanced at Jiang Mian on the side.

After seeing clearly, one couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth slightly.

After being scalded by milk yesterday, she applied ointment. She was basically healed when she woke up this morning, and the red marks had almost disappeared.

Jiang Mian, however, put an oversized band-aid on the back of her hand at this time, and as if she was afraid that others would not see it, she would use that hand to lift her hair from time to time.


Don't be too ridiculous.

With her efforts, Jiang Qiyu was not the only one who discovered the clues. Song Yan was surprised when she saw it:

"Oh my God, Jiang Mian, what's wrong with your hand?"

After finally being discovered as she wished, Jiang Mian began to cover up like a schizophrenic, quickly put the injured hand under the table, and then looked at Song Yan who was concerned about her and shook her head with a smile:

"Nothing, I accidentally burned it yesterday."

As soon as she said this, Lu Heng instantly clenched his fists, and his cold eyes fell on Jiang Qiyu intentionally or unintentionally.

Last night, he originally mustered up the courage to find Jiang Mian, but saw her eyes slightly red and covering the back of her hand as she came down from the elevator on the top floor.

Afterwards, he asked the staff indirectly and found out that it was the milk that Jiang Qiyu brought up that scalded Jiang Mian.

Almost habitually, he attributed this matter to Jiang Qiyu deliberately bullying Jiang Mian as before, and his disgust for her naturally deepened.

It seemed that his eyes were too explicit, and Jiang Qiyu soon met Lu Heng's eyes.

And without any hesitation, she rolled her eyes before him.

Never mind what he meant, just use your eyes to scold him first.

Not only Lu Heng, but also the live broadcast room barrage was full of voices that felt sorry for Jiang Mian.

There were even many people who had conspiracy theories, forcibly linking it to Jiang Qiyu, saying that she was a workplace bully.

However, these scattered barrages were quickly covered up, because Director Zhang appeared with his small speaker again.

"Starting from Jiang Ling, please stand in front of our confession wall in turn, and say to the camera who you want to confess to."

Since Jiang Ling received a hidden gift from Lu Heng yesterday, it was no surprise that she took the initiative to invite Lu Heng for a date today:

"Brother Heng, can I invite you to go to the concert with me?"

But her confident smile, which was originally well-prepared, was defeated by Lu Heng's firm head shake. Holding two concert tickets in her hand, she froze in front of the confession wall that was specially painted pink.

[My Linglu is BE...]

[Let's eat something good, Lu Mianyan is the real one! ]

[It's so funny, she didn't think that Heng Shuai gave her a gift yesterday because he was interested in her, right? ]


The first person to confess was not successful, and Jiang Ling, whose reputation was not much better than Jiang Qiyu, simply sold herself in front of the camera.

She took the initiative to give the ticket in her hand to Song Yan, who confessed next.

Song Yan had just stood on the confession wall, just smiled and glanced at the male guests present, and before she spoke, Zhou Shun at the table couldn't sit still.

He stood up and took the initiative to walk to her side and recommend himself:

"Excuse me, can you choose me?"

Song Yan's smile became even wider, and her heroic eyebrows curved into a gentle arc:

"Of course."

It was expectedThe answer inside still made Zhou Shun blush immediately.

He extended his hand gentlemanly, and when Song Yan smiled and placed her hand in his palm, the two of them walked down the confession wall hand in hand.

[Ahhhhh, I'm so happy, I'm so happy, love each other hard! ]

[This couple is really running in both directions from beginning to end, so sweet! ]

[I believe in love again! ]

Next, it was the turn of Jiang Mian, who was accidentally injured.

She walked slowly to the confession wall with a graceful posture and smiled at the camera.

When the barrage was swiping the screen frantically, guessing whether she would choose Qi Yu or Lu Heng, Jiang Mian looked at the camera, with a gentle but firm tone:

"I choose to give up."

When this was said, not only the other guests were surprised, but the barrage was also directly exploded:

[When Jiang Mian gave Qi Yu a gift yesterday, I thought she was interested in him, but today's operation made me shout that I couldn't understand. ]

[What's there to not understand? We don't like any of Mianmian. Can't a beautiful woman be beautiful alone?]

[Sister, kill me! Let someone else snatch it. Sister doesn't care at all!]


Obviously, her words of giving up were more clever than inviting any male guest.

Not only did she win the applause of the whole room, but she also successfully reversed the decline that was ignored by Qi Yu yesterday and created a unique and beautiful personality for herself.

After giving up, Jiang Mian glanced at Qi Yu inconspicuously and found that his face was a little unnatural at this time. She knew that she had made the right move.

She immediately raised a sweet smile on her face and turned around to sit down.

And the moment she saw Qi Yu's slight nervousness was actually because Jiang Qiyu had just thrown her a wink while everyone's attention was on Jiang Mian.

That wink was... a little bitty.

Jiang Mian finished, and then it was the turn of the patient with facial tics.

Jiang Qiyu.

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