Spear Teacher

Chapter 38

As the last person in charge of the famous wealthy family Jiang in City A, Mr. Jiang is also a well-known figure in this circle.

His birthday party is naturally not small.

In the top luxury hotel in City A, he spent a lot of money to book the largest banquet hall on the top floor.

This top luxury hotel is a membership system. It is not open to the public at ordinary times and only undertakes banquets of very large scale.

Jiang Qiyu deliberately arrived on time, and the entrance of the hotel was already full of various luxury cars like a car show.

At a casual glance, only a pure black latest Maybach caught her attention.

She didn't know much about cars, but the license plate number of this car was really eye-catching-


Whose good person has such a hateful license plate?


I want it a little.

But she just thought about it and didn't take it to heart.

Jiang Qiyu handed the car keys to the receptionist, and was respectfully led to the door of the banquet hall by the receptionist after she just said her name.

"Uncle Liu, this is my gift."

After handing the huge package to Uncle Liu, the housekeeper of the Jiang family who was in charge of reception at the door, Jiang Qiyu turned around and followed the crowd into the venue, ignoring the twitch on his face.

Her eyes turned around the huge banquet hall, and when she saw a table of people in the corner, her eyes lit up instantly.

Then she walked straight to the table of rich ladies who were dressed in jewels and gems, with an average age of at least fifty, and looked unfamiliar.

She sat there honestly, looking at her nose and her heart, but in fact her ears were almost stretched out two miles.

As expected, whoever you eat at, you gossip about.

This group of aunts and uncles (rich women version) is no exception.

"Have you heard that Mr. Jiang kicked the second son's daughter out of the house?"

"How could I not hear about it? This matter has spread all over the circle. How did that girl anger the old man?"

"Hmph, did you know that the Jiang family took back the granddaughter who was lost a few months ago?"

"Yes, she is a star just like Jiang Ling in their family."

"It was because of this precious granddaughter that I heard that the second son's daughter and the first son's daughter who was just taken back...stole a man! The old man favors the first son, and he also used another dishonorable method. In a rage, she broke off the relationship directly!"

"Steal a man?! But wasn't the girl from the second family engaged to the grandson of the Lu family since she was a child?"

"Yes! Isn't it this man that was snatched!"

"Then this matter... it's hard to say who is not honest."

"Well! These things are all just a word from Mr. Jiang. Whoever he loves is right... Hey, I'm talking to you, girl."

The aunts were chatting in high spirits, but suddenly found that the girl who had been silent since she sat down just now was sitting more and more sideways, and now she was almost lying on them.

One of the middle-aged women raised her eyebrows and looked her up and down with a defensive look on her face:

"Why do I see you so unfamiliar? Are you..."


Caught eavesdropping, Jiang Qiyu didn't blush at all. She sat up straight, straightened her clothes and said calmly:

"I am the little so-and-so of someone's family."


"That so-and-so......"

Jiang Qiyu was just about to make up a name first, and then try to get close to the middle-aged women to ask about the Jiang family's recent situation so that she would be prepared.

But before she could open her mouth, a slightly intimate female voice came from behind:

"Qiyu, you are finally here!"

She frowned slightly, turned her head and looked in the direction of the voice-

She saw Jiang Mian, who she hadn't seen since they were separated in danger on the deserted island, was now wearing a light-colored high-end dress and was running towards her with a warm face.

"......Jiang Mian?"

Jiang Qiyu was a little confused for a moment.

Doesn't Jiang Mian usually avoid her? Why is he rushing to say hello today?

Although he didn't understand the origin of her enthusiasm, Jiang Qiyu naturally smiled and waved to her:

"What a coincidence."

Hearing her words, the smile on Jiang Mian's face, who was dignified and decent, seemed to freeze for a moment, and then slowly walked to her side and said with a smile:

"Qiyu, you are really a joker. We all come to attend grandpa's birthday party. How can it be a coincidence?"

After she said this, the rich ladies couldn't sit still. They stared at the girl next to them with wide eyes:


Seeing this, Jiang Qiyu also grinned at them:

"......It's me."

And Jiang Mian, on the side, greeted the embarrassed ladies appropriately., and then naturally took Jiang Qiyu's hand.

With a sisterly look on her face, she scolded her:

"Why did you come so late? Our family is waiting for you."


Family? !

Whose family? !

Before Jiang Qiyu could react, Jiang·Hospitable·Mian, who suddenly changed his personality for some reason, pulled her to the main table where the Jiang family was.

Mr. Jiang had only two sons in his life. The second son, Jiang Shinian, who was Jiang Qiyu's biological father, died young, and the eldest son, Jiang Shifeng, inherited the Jiang family.

As the current ruler of the Jiang family, Jiang Shifeng has many children. Not only are his three sons each with their own merits, but he also has an adopted daughter, Jiang Ling, and his biological daughter, Jiang Mian, who he just recognized.

His lineage is flourishing, but Jiang Shinian, who died young, only has Jiang Qiyu, a daughter born out of wedlock.

The original owner had developed an extremely unpleasant personality since she was a child for various reasons, and she was annoying to everyone in the Jiang family.

More than a month ago, she was driven out of the Jiang family by Mr. Jiang because of a conflict with Jiang Mian, and even her trust in the family was stopped.

Now the old man has taken a disgraceful attitude and called her on his own initiative. Does he want to reconcile with her? Repair the broken family relationship?

Thinking of this, Jiang Qiyu glanced at the Jiang family members with different expressions on the table one by one, and finally set her eyes on Mr. Jiang who was in the main seat, and took the initiative to say hello:

"Grandpa... Grandpa?"

But who knew that when Mr. Jiang saw her, his wrinkled old face instantly became more wrinkled, and then a cold snort came out of his nose.


Yes, she misunderstood.

Knowing that this old Deng had no tendency to have a deep relationship with her, Jiang Qiyu felt much more relieved.

He immediately let go of his previous reservedness and sat down in the empty seat.

Seeing Mr. Jiang's cold look, Jiang Mian didn't know what was wrong with him and started to worry about something unnecessary.

She smiled at Grandpa Jiang, and then stood behind Jiang Qiyu and patted her shoulder gently, as if to ease the atmosphere:

"Qiyu, we finally have a day off today, and it happens to be Grandpa's birthday party. How about this, you pour Grandpa a glass of wine to apologize, there is no misunderstanding that cannot be resolved in our family."

"Pour wine?"

Jiang Qiyu heard this and immediately turned her head to look at Jiang Mian in surprise. Just as she was about to say something, she heard the old man Jiang, who had a bad attitude just now, speak again:

"Mianmian, if you hadn't begged me, I would never allow her to come here."

The old man paused, and then continued in a cold tone:

"You are shameless and framed my cousin, you are not qualified to pour me wine."

Grandpa Jiang has always disliked Jiang Qiyu, precisely because this child is not born to the daughter-in-law he favors, and he has always been critical of Jiang Qiyu since he was a child.

If it were the original owner, he might burst into tears and run away after hearing such words.

But who is Jiang Qiyu? She has no father, no mother, and no heart. She is the eldest and she has never been afraid of any elders since she was a child.

After hearing what Mr. Jiang said, she just curled her lips slightly. She relaxed her body and leaned back on the chair, raising her hand to push the wine utensils in front of her.

There was a bit of nonchalantness in her tone:

"Okay, you are qualified, then pour it for me."

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