Spear Teacher

Chapter 35

"Everyone loves beauty. At my age, it's normal."

Jiang Qiyu stretched her head in front of Qi Yu, who looked gloomy, and smiled very flatteringly.

Seeing that he still didn't speak, she continued to defend herself:

"Brother Qi, think about the problem from another angle. Don't you want to watch me take off my clothes now?"

Qi Yu glanced at her, "You?" Two words were written on his face:



Hearing him say this, Jiang Qiyu shook her head slowly with a calm face:

"You are talking in anger, I don't believe it."

Qi Yu's eyes twitched fiercely, and he deliberately lowered his voice and said fiercely in her ear:

"Don't force me to slap you in such an inappropriate place."


As soon as the voice fell, even the air was quiet, and Jiang Qiyu immediately made a zipper gesture on his mouth.

Qi Yu was about to close his eyes and rest, but he heard a rustling sound next to him. He was about to tell her to be quiet.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw an opened chocolate bar in front of him.

Behind him, there was a smile with sickly red eyes but a firm and bright smile.

"Then do you eat chocolate?"


At this moment, his heart suddenly skipped a beat.

The originally quiet space suddenly sounded with alarm bells, deafening.

Qi Yu soon realized that this trip to the deserted island might not just be an adventure, but...


A wonderful encounter.


Who is talking?

Obviously, Jiang Qiyu also heard the heart-wrenching voice coming from afar.

The two looked at each other and quickly reacted.

"It's Fang Xubai!"

The rain is getting lighter now, and it is estimated that the program team has found the rescue team and followed the location to find them.

They didn't care about anything else, and quickly unzipped the awning and rushed out. With the rumbling sound of breaking through the air, they looked up.

In the distant sky, a helicopter was approaching this place quickly.

Jiang Qiyu looked up and waved continuously until the helicopter in the air accurately landed above their heads. The fully armed rescuers put on the rappelling rope and slowly descended from it.

She slightly side-glanced at her companion who also looked relaxed, with a bright smile and a brisk tone:

"Finally saved..."

Qi Yu lowered his eyes and looked at her, and also slightly curled the corners of his lips:

"I said, you can't die."

As soon as he finished speaking, a familiar chocolate bar appeared in front of him again.

"So do you want to eat chocolate now?"


Accompanied by the deafening sound of the propeller breaking through the air, his eyebrows slightly curved, raised his hand to take it:

"You can have some."

Soon, the rescuers quickly descended to the two people and fixed the rescue rope firmly on them.

Jiang Qiyu was slowly lifted into the air, and she waved to Qi Yu who was still below:

"I forgot to tell you that I accidentally dropped the chocolate on the ground just now, so I picked it up for you to eat!!!"


The rescuer looked at the chocolate bar that was instantly crushed in the hands of the cold-faced handsome guy with horror, swallowed his saliva and tentatively spoke:

"It's okay, I'll take you up to find her in a while."

Qi Yu looked up at the figure swinging his legs leisurely in the air, and slowly looked at the rescuer:

"Please hurry up."


Jiang Qiyu encountered a helicopter here, and was immediately hugged by the anxious Fang Xubai.

"Sister Qiyu... wu... I thought... wu... I would never see you again wu..."

He was still dirty and looked like he had just been rescued.

"Stop, don't talk yet."

Jiang Qiyu pushed him away with some disdain, raised her hand and patted the child's shoulder and explained:

"Bad luck."

Then, without waiting for him to continue, she immediately changed the subject and asked:

"Where are Jiang Mian and Lu Heng?"

"They were rescued by another helicopter."

Fang Xubai's emotions came and went quickly. Now that Sister Qiyu was fine, he felt relieved. He wiped his face and calmed down and began to complain:

"Sister Qiyu, you don't know, we found a cave to hide from the rain at that time, and Brother Lu was worried about Sister Jiang Mian, but..."

"But what?"

He scratched his head and spoke uncertainly:

"I don't know how to say it, but Sister Jiang Mian...she seemed to be scared. Anyway...anyway, she became a little strange after waking up."

"It's normal to be scared when encountering such an accident."

Jiang Qiyu didn't doubt him, he said a few perfunctory words and then stopped talking. In a blink of an eye, he happened to meet Qi Yu's cold eyebrows.

"Brother Qi!"

Fang Xubai greeted him with surprise, but Jiang Qiyu laughed twice and waved to him shamelessly:

"Handsome guy, what a coincidence that you are also taking a plane."

Qi Yu glanced at her unhappily, and did not say anything about the chocolate bar that fell on the ground, and sat quietly on the other side of her.

After the rescuers came up, everyone took the rescue helicopter together to leave this strange deserted island.

Perhaps it was the first time to take a rescue helicopter, Fang Xubai, who had put down the big stone in his heart, became particularly talkative, and kept pestering the sleepy Jiang Qiyu to chat.

In the end, it was Qi Yu who spoke to shut him up.

And without allowing him to refuse, he pressed the burning head that was about to smoke on his shoulder.

Fang Xubai looked at Jiang Qiyu who was quietly leaning on Qi Yu's shoulder and resting his eyes. It took him a long time to finally understand his position.

The excitement on his face for the first time riding a helicopter gradually collapsed, and his tone was bleak:

"Okay, you guys, I finally understand."

Qi Yu glanced at him: "What do you understand now?"

"I used to be called a spare tire, then a licking dog, and last year I was called a wronged seed. What about this year? What are you going to use to describe me, a handsome and affectionate man who is despised by others?"

At this time, Jiang Qiyu, who was quietly resting his head on Qi Yu's shoulder because of dizziness, didn't even open his eyes, and rubbed his head to find a more comfortable position.

She answered calmly:



Fang Xubai almost cried out loud, and like a drama queen, he stretched out his finger and trembled as he pointed at Qi Yu who was gloating over his misfortune:

"What about him? Is he your Xiyangyang?!"

Jiang Qiyu opened her eyes a little when she heard the words, tilted her head to look at him with a sad and angry face, and shook her head with a smile:

"That's not the case."

"Then I feel relieved..."

"He is the Antelope Prince."

As soon as she finished speaking, she heard a chuckle from above her head.

Then, the man's low voice with a hint of ridicule sounded:

"Arigado Meiyangyangsan."

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