Spear Teacher

Chapter 308

Very strange.

Jiang Qiyu is really strange.

I thought she would take the opportunity to blackmail me, and I was even prepared to be ripped off.

But she only asked me a request that was hardly a request:

"You pretend to pursue me for a while."


"You must pursue me relentlessly, and it's best to cry, make a scene, and hang yourself, so that everyone knows that you love me so much that you want to die!"

"... You are so good at using idioms, you want to publish a book?"

"Hehe, this time, I want to take back all the dignity I lost!"

"What did you lose..."

I realized that this person was probably still holding a grudge against me for unilaterally denying the engagement and embarrassing her.

I did something wrong, and it's understandable that she retaliated, but it was her way of retaliating against me...


Why didn't you tell me earlier about this good thing?

To be honest, after I realized I was crazy, I was actually a little hesitant about whether to go further.

I was unsure about Jiang Qiyu, and I was even more afraid that if I acted rashly, I would annoy her and end up not being able to maintain our current friendship.

I would never dream of such a development.

I was afraid of waking up with laughter.

Just as I lowered my head and tried to control the upward arc of my mouth, I heard her speak again, but she was obviously not as confident as before:

"Well, if you really can't accept it..."


My mouth was faster than my brain:

"I can accept it, shall we start now?"

"Uh... are you anxious?"

"... a little."

Bad news:

She hates me.

Good news:

She rewarded me.


Anyway, no matter how the process is, the current situation is always positive for me.

However, since I was a child, I have never chased other creatures except chasing a few leopards in a jeep on the African grasslands.

So, I had no choice but to find Zhao Jin.

"Rose, fireworks, spending a fortune, accepting your most sincere confession under the spotlight... Mr. Qi, believe me! Such a romantic confession of the century, there is no girl who will not be moved!"

Looking at the plan he spent three hours to make, I always felt that something was wrong.

But then I remembered that my friends around me always used this method when they were chasing people, and roses, fireworks, and other gifts were never wrong.

I nodded and handed the plan back to Zhao Jin:

"Then you go and do it, remember to use my personal account."


After speaking, I saw Zhao Jin's eyes brighten a little.

He has been with me for more than ten years, and he still has this kind of vision.

Using public accounts means that every penny must be spent effectively, at a high level, and on the tip of the knife.

And using private accounts is just two words:

Spending money.

"Don't worry, Mr. Qi, I will complete the task successfully! I guarantee that you and Mr. Jiang will be satisfied!"

He vowed.

"You'd better..."

I was worried.


The first day.

Ten thousand precious and delicate roses were flown in overnight from other places, and the clear dew from the long journey across the ocean was placed under the building of the Qiao Group's branch in S City.

Such a grand action naturally aroused the gossiping spirit of Qiao's workers.

On the surface, each part was calm, but in fact, the keyboard was about to hit sparks:

[Reborn: I'm a dog in the office building]: Hey, what's going on? The office building was transformed into a farmhouse?

[Go to the bank to get some gold bars]: Do you know who sent these flowers downstairs?

[A large sum of money to die]: What? ! Flowers? Isn't that the cabbage distributed by our company as employee welfare?

[Go to the bank to get some gold bars]: Did you not wear glasses this morning? Those are roses.

[A large sum of money to die]: Am I suddenly color blind?

[Reborn: I'm a dog in the office building]: You are not color blind, it's green.

[Tired Sister]: Who is so generous? It can't be our General Manager Jiang... No, that's not right. General Manager Jiang is so poor recently that she wants to take the subway to Qi's cafeteria for three meals a day. How can she afford this?

[Go to the bank to get some gold bars]: Let me tell you, this is Qi's special assistant Zhao who brought people here early in the morning.

[Rebirth: I'm a dog in the office building]: Special assistant Zhao? Isn't that it? ? ?

[A large sum of money to die]: What? ! We worked hard to earn a Bentley for them? They are in love behind our backs? ! !

[Go to the bank to get some gold bars]: Did you get your brain damaged by reading novels? Look carefully, what are the flowers downstairs arranged into?

[Tired Sister]: I took a photo when I went to take a paid shit just now. Looking down from the upstairs, it really looks like a pile of cabbages, as if arranged into two letters, JQ

[Working: I stole electricity in the company]: JQ? Jiang Qi? They won't really...

[Reborn: I'm a Dog in the Office Building]: Impossible, I guess it's a reinforcement, probably a satire on General Manager Jiang's business level needs to be improved.

[Reborn: I'm a Dog in the Office Building]: Will it be an increase in money? Could it be that the recent joint venture project thinks that our company's investment ratio is too small?

[Tired Sister]: Pretentious, or green flower, this is a satire on our General Manager Jiang's green tea, General Manager Qi is really...

The next day.

A video appeared on the LED exterior wall of the landmark building in the most prosperous area of ​​S City.

Against a completely black background, a beam of sparks suddenly rose into the sky and exploded at the highest point.

And from the center of the sparks, in addition to the gorgeous fireworks, there was also a high-definition headshot of a woman with a blue background.

The short 10-second video was played in a loop for a whole night in Pujiang, where the flow of people was the most dense.

As expected, this incident became a hot search that night. Such a lavish act coupled with a simple video shocked countless netizens:

[Who can give me 648 for no reason]: This... Last month, the birthday support for the top star in the domestic entertainment industry was only posted for 30 minutes. Who is this sister?

[The most useless brain]: How much does it cost to post it all night? And the ID photo is posted, and the whole city is wanted? She assassinated the Jade Emperor? Is it worth looking for her like this?

[Girls change 72 times]: There is no height, weight, age, name, or reward amount on this wanted poster? Which department will they report to if they are caught?

[Money incontinence]: I am ready to go out and do something big, fugitive sister, blame yourself for provoking the wrong person!

[Want to eat spicy chicken leg burger]: Well, I have a friend whose sister looks a bit like the person in the video. I will ask him where is the best house location in S City now?

[Bobo Chicken for 1 Yuan]: That spicy chicken leg burger, you really want to make money from everything... Um, is your sister easy to catch? Would you consider bringing a helper or something?


Of course, I didn't notice the undercurrents on the Internet at that time, but I always had a bad feeling in my heart.

Sure enough, on the third day when I officially started pursuing Jiang Qiyu.

Early in the morning, a figure wrapped up tightly rushed into my office with a solemn murderous intent.

"Qi Yu, you did it on purpose, didn't you?"


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