Spear Teacher

Chapter 299

The Best Screenwriter Award is over.

So far, all the individual awards of the Golden Jade Film Awards have been awarded.

Next, there are two awards for works voted by the audience -

Best Film and Outstanding Film.

Among the nominated films, "Big Times 5" is also on the list.


After playing the highlights of the nominated films, the new award presenter began to read out the awards with a smile on his face:

"The winner of the Outstanding Film Award voted by the audience at the 27th Golden Jade Film Festival is -"

Compared to the individual best director, Director Yuan actually pays more attention to the film awards.

Among these two awards, the best films of the past years are generally the first choice for red theme movies, and a series of fantasy comedies like "Big Times 5" has almost no chance of winning.

And the outstanding films are more inclined to audience voting and word of mouth.

Therefore, the Golden Jade Award for Outstanding Film is the most valued award by the entire creative team of "Big Times 5".

At this moment, everyone held their breath and stared at the award presenter on the stage.

"Let's congratulate the Golden Jade Award for Outstanding Films--"

"All the creative team of "Big Times 5"!"


"Is... us?!"

The producer is a long-time friend of Director Yuan. Hearing the news, he was so excited that tears welled up in his eyes:

"It's "Big Times 5"! We won the award!"

The award presenters on the stage applauded with a bright smile:

"Let's applaud and welcome the creative team of "Big Times 5" to the stage to receive the award!"


Amid the long-lasting and enthusiastic applause around him, Director Yuan slowly stood up and looked at the creative team who had fought side by side with him for a year.


After brewing for a long time, he finally uttered only one sentence:

"Come on, everyone."


It was not surprising that "Big Times 5" won the award. The filmmakers around him applauded and congratulated Director Yuan.

But soon, something unexpected happened to them.

Jiang Qiyu, who everyone thought was just a person who got in to watch the fun with connections, actually stood up slowly with the main creators of "Big Times 5".

And in the eyes of everyone who didn't understand and was greatly shocked,

they walked to the stage with firm steps.


The old foxes in the field looked at each other in confusion, but they didn't show it.

But the netizens in the live broadcast room didn't have so many scruples, and all put question marks on the public screen.

【? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 】

【What do you mean? Did Jiang Qiyu go to the toilet? 】

【Girl, come back soon, otherwise the Mao family army really can't protect you!!! 】

【Mr. Changmao flew bravely, and he took the blame if something happened! 】

【No! The family members are wrong! I have an absurd guess! 】

【Hiss... I have one too! 】

【Impossible! Absolutely impossible! 】


Until the six main creative representatives of "Big Times 5" stood side by side on the center stage of the Jinyu Film Festival Awards Ceremony.

The Grand Slam actor who was the award presenter suppressed his surprise and passed the microphone to Director Yuan on the far left to liven up the atmosphere:

"It seems that not only me, but everyone is also very curious about the main creative team behind "Big Times 5". Why not let Director Yuan introduce it."

Taking the microphone from the award presenter, Director Yuan introduced the team members on the stage one by one:

"This is our "Big Times 5" producer Wang Zhen, producer Xu Fang, main actors Fang Xubai, Gu Xunjian, and this one..."

Here, he paused before continuing:

"This is the main creative screenwriter of our "Big Times 5" movie script-

Jiang Qiyu."


As soon as this remark came out, there was an uproar on all sides.


What did Director Yuan say?

Who is the screenwriter?

Jiang Qi...Yu? !

Even the Grand Slam actor who had seen many storms and waves raised his eyebrows in surprise, and then looked at the person on the stage who was calm and composed from beginning to end:

"I seem to remember that the screenwriter announced when the movie was officially announced was..."

"It's my pen name."

Taking the microphone handed over by Director Yuan, Jiang Qiyu smiled without hesitation:

"It's mainly because it's my first attempt at cross-border, and the span is a bit big, so I dare not use my real name."

The award presenter asked again: "Who proposed this bold attempt to let you, a popular artist, write the script?"

"I found Qiyu first." Director Yuan answered quickly:

"I have worked with Qiyu before, and I found that her ideas about the plot and details are very novel, imaginative, and full of fantasy. Many of her ideas are exactly what I thinkThe feeling pursued in the era series of movies.

When I was preparing for "Big Times 5" a year ago, I thought of her first. I just asked tentatively. I didn't expect her to agree, and I didn't expect that she would bring me such a big surprise in the end! "

"Then how did you think of crossing over to be a screenwriter, Qi Yu?"


Jiang Qi Yu blinked, raised her eyes and accurately met the unwavering gaze of the audience, and said half-jokingly:

"I'm afraid that I won't be able to produce works in the future, and anyone can match me with eight hundred turns back and forth."


[Haha ... 5》Such an awesome script was actually written by Jiang Qiyu? Doesn’t she have everything she wants? 】

【What kind of cool story about a female lead in the entertainment industry is this? ! ! My eyes are a ruler! If you mess with me, you’ll die! 】

【Mr. Changmao really makes me cry. In order to stay in the entertainment industry and continue to cause trouble for everyone, she actually spent a year writing such an awesome movie! 】

【Qi Yu is so lucky! Qi Yu is so lucky! Qi Yu is so lucky! Qi Yu is so lucky! Qi Yu is so lucky! 】

【Maybe I’m too sexy. Seeing that Mr. Changmao is working so hard to get better, I really want to... Cry. 】


Everyone on the stage raised the golden trophy, which is of great value in the domestic film industry, with a sincere and unrestrained smile.

After a whole year of hard work, they finally got the best reward at this moment!


And Qi Yu in the audience just sat there quietly from beginning to end.

He looked at the shining woman on the stage without blinking, and gave her his warmest applause.

A corporate representative who was also an investor beside him naturally did not forget to say a few polite words:

"She is worthy of being the daughter of Qiao's family. Miss Jiang is indeed outstanding."

"You are wrong,"

But Qi Yu shook his head slightly when he heard it, his eyes still on the stage, and his eyes reflected a tiny light:

"She is outstanding to begin with. ”

No need to add any prefix.

Jiang Qiyu,

These three words are enough to shine.


After the award ceremony, all the winners were interviewed by major media reporters.

Of course, a certain vase-like top star who is the main screenwriter of the award-winning excellent film is also among them.

"Are you planning to develop screenwriting as a future career plan, or is it just a simple cross-industry attempt?"

"I heard that you haven't taken any roles in the past year. Will you consider acting in the future?"

"Will Qiyu appear on more variety shows in the future?"


On the red carpet after the film festival, Jiang Qiyu was holding the interview microphone that someone had stuffed into her hand with a confused look on her face.

Faced with the reporters' bombardment of interviews, she not only did not answer, but took the initiative and asked the reporters:

"Has anyone seen Qi Yu?"


As soon as she finished speaking, all the reporters in front of her turned their eyes to her back at the same time.

"? ”

Before she looked back, the machine gun-like cameras and microphones in front of her all moved to the side.

“I heard that Qi’s company is the largest investor in the movie “Big Times 5”. Is it because of your relationship with Miss Jiang Qiyu?”

Qi Yu followed without hesitation, stood beside Jiang Qiyu, and handled the reporters’ questions with ease:

“I think the Golden Jade Award for Best Picture and the box office of this movie can answer your question.”

“Since the two of you made your official announcement, rumors about your relationship have been circulating on the Internet from time to time. What do you think about this?”

“Well... we usually watch it together at home.”

“You two have such a good relationship. Have you considered when to get married? "

"This question..."

Qi Yu hadn't finished his official answer when he heard her nervous voice trembling slightly beside him:

"Ahem... that's what..."

Jiang Qiyu coughed nervously and pursed her lips in the deep eyes of the man who followed her voice.

Facing the surprised eyes of the crowd and the flashing cameras, she slowly spoke to him:

"Qi Yu, I originally thought... if I could win the Best Screenwriter Award, I could secretly give it to you when you presented the award to me, but unfortunately I didn't win the award.

When the movie won the awardI was a little excited. To be honest, I forgot about it at that time.

After the game, I kept thinking, is there a more suitable time? I feel that now is a good time. "

As she said, she faced the slightly stunned man beside her and slowly put her hand into her shirt pocket:

"Qi Yu, I want to give it to you..."


At this moment, the reporters who were still racking their brains to ask questions all held their breath.

It is really hard not to think too much when saying such words in this atmosphere!

Is it really what they think? ! !

The thing she wants to give is not...

The reporters present were stunned by Jiang Qiyu's overly obvious words.

Originally, it could be done at any time. To the man who was calm and composed,

Although there was no expression on his face at this time, his heart was already in a state of confusion.


He opened his mouth slightly, but it was difficult to make any sound. The guess that made him at a loss began to magnify in his heart.

There was a roar in his ears, and no sound could be heard. The whole world seemed to be left with only a pair of clear and bright eyes in front of him, and the thing hidden in her shirt pocket...

That thing.

Qi Yu said nothing, but stared at her quietly with deep eyes.

He was so nervous that he almost forgot to breathe, and naturally I also missed the momentary stiffness on someone's face when he put his hand into his pocket.


Jiang Qiyu's smile suddenly became a little unnatural. She slowly took her hand out of her pocket under the eager eyes of everyone who was extremely expectant...


Here it comes!

In an instant, this small backstage interview area was almost drowned by the flashing lights with a terrifying frequency.

Other people who were interviewing or being interviewed also looked over, and everyone was holding their breath waiting for this sacred moment!

Jiang Qiyu's right hand, which had been pulled out of her pocket, curled up slightly, as if What is hidden in the palm of her hand?

She moved very slowly, like a slow-motion movie playing frame by frame.


The clenched right hand slowly stretched out in front of Qi Yu.

Then, under the attention of everyone, it suddenly changed its movements-

The white index finger and thumb stretched out, the fingertips were tightly together, and then slightly staggered...


Just before everyone reacted, Jiang Qiyu's cold words that didn't care about anyone's life or death suddenly sounded:

"Uh... I don't have anything to give you, just give you a heart."


In an instant, the surging flash lights disappeared instantly.

In the deafening silence of everyone, only a low voice with a slight smile responded to this:

"Well, I like it very much, thank you. ”


That night, Weibo’s hot searches were almost dominated by this highly anticipated awards ceremony.

#Jinyu Film Festival# Explosion

#《Big Times 5》 Screenwriter# Explosion


#Jinyu Award Outstanding Film#

#《Big Times 5》 Won the award!#

#Jiang Qiyu Let you cross the border but not the industry#

#What other surprises do you have that I don’t know?#

#Long spear Now no one is worthy of you except him#

#Quietly working hard is the best medical beauty for artists#

#Jiang Qiyu You know how to make a heart#

#Long ears Please leave a child for the domestic entertainment industry#

#I like it very much× I love it so much✓#

Fans who watched the live broadcast rushed into Jiang Qiyu's Weibo comment area:

[@枪子是我女神:女明星是天天,谁见长枪长假烟? ]

[@加勒比水稻:长枪师被将八00回回,狂怒著出800元号电影剧本,我被将八00回回,狂怒著出800年群,我就恨一,终不难了。 ]

[@齐总V我50:OK, you kid...OK...OK...]

[@长枪毒唯,谁见谁挡者杀:我想这圈太It's a mess. I don't understand and don't want to respect her. She's obviously my wife, but you love her back and forth. 】

【@重生之我是长枪老师的狗:I applied for the boys and girls rushing forward some time ago, but was rejected. I rush every day, as long as I see Teacher Changmao, I rush, but they say I don't meet the requirements, because I'm neither a boy nor a girl, I'm just a dog of Teacher Changmao. 】

【@长枪嫁我:You said you like generous and loyal men, but I only made it to junior college. 】

【@长耳没结婚今天? :So when will Mr. Qi propose? 】

On the Internet, the discussion about her vest as the screenwriter of "Big Times 5" is getting louder and louder. Most people are shocked, and a few people are skeptical.

In short, tonight'sAt the Golden Jade Awards Ceremony, Jiang Qiyu, who did not play any roles nor receive any individual awards, was undoubtedly the most watched artist. But she herself no longer cared about these.

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