Spear Teacher

Chapter 297

Wearing a helmet and riding a shared electric donkey, Jiang Qiyu was extremely glad that she did not listen to Yu Xiaoyu and wear a red carpet uniform that would overshadow the crowd. Instead, she chose a low-key women's suit to fit her role as a screenwriter today. She rode the electric donkey very fast, following the navigation with sparks and lightning, and rushed to the square across the road from the exhibition center. But even so, she still missed the red carpet session that attracted much attention at the beginning. At this time, the sky was gradually getting dark. Looking across the road, the original red carpet venue was surrounded by security guards at the door, in addition to a dozen staff members who were cleaning up the scene. And a group of fans who came to support their idols gathered in groups, almost filling the entire square. After properly placing the electric donkey that saved her life, Jiang Qiyu touched the mask on her face angrily, and felt that she had foresight in her heart. She gathered her windbreaker and was about to go to the side door of the event site opposite to find the staff that Yu Xiaoyu had contacted.

"Hey, beauty!"

But she had just taken two steps when she was stopped by a smiling man.

The man was short, dark-skinned, and looked to be in his early thirties. He smiled at Jiang Qiyu with a sly look, and then took the initiative to move over and said mysteriously:

"Beauty, the last ticket for the audience seats of the Golden Jade Awards Ceremony, do you want it at a low price?"


Jiang Qiyu immediately realized that the man in front of her should be a ticket scalper.

Commonly known as a scalper.

Unexpectedly, the scalper brother could even get tickets for the audience seats of this level of awards ceremony.

She raised her eyebrows and asked with interest:

"How much?"

"Hey, beauty, you asked the right person!"

The scalper saw that there was a chance, and immediately reached into the backpack on his chest.

He looked around cautiously, and when he saw no one was paying attention, he took out a golden invitation letter from his pocket in a serious manner:

"My sister-in-law's boyfriend's classmate's relative is the sponsor of the event organizer. It took a lot of effort to get two tickets. I just sold one. Now that the opening ceremony is over, I'll sell it to you at a low price - this amount!"


Seeing his expression of "you got a great bargain" and secretly holding up five fingers to him, Jiang Qiyu frowned:

"Five hundred?"


The scalper got angry when he heard this, stuffed the invitation back into his bag, and waved his hand at her with disdain:

"Five hundred? You can't even get in with five hundred!"

"Hey! Brother Scalper,"

Calling the scalper who was about to leave, Jiang Qiyu pulled up her mask inconspicuously and said to him cheerfully:

"I'm just afraid that your ticket is fake."

Hearing this, the scalper raised his foot and turned around, and turned back.

"Beauty, I want to give you the tickets at a low price because I think you have a good eye for them."

After taking a closer look at her windbreaker worth tens of thousands of yuan, the man rolled his eyes and continued:

"The tickets I have are not fake!

Let me put it this way, when September Day held a concert in X City before, the audience seats were full, and I forced people to go in after the opening.

Zhou Shun's concert in Q City last year explicitly prohibited scalpers from reselling tickets. At that time, I took a few girls who didn't buy tickets to enter. I have connections!"

But as soon as he finished speaking, a disdainful voice suddenly sounded:

"You have a shitty connection!"

Jiang Qiyu turned around and saw a man with a baseball cap and a beer belly standing behind them with his eyes rolled.

Seeing her looking over, the man with a beer belly immediately said in a sarcastic tone:

"Beauty, I'm kindly reminding you not to be fooled by him."

The short scalper got angry when he heard it:

"Don't talk nonsense, how did I fool you?!"


The man with a beer belly rolled his eyes at him again:

"The September Day concert was by the river, you charged a fan girl 5,000 yuan, rented her a diving suit and said you would take her to swim across, and finally the girl called the police.

During the Zhou Shun concert, you charged a fan 2,000 yuan, went up and hugged the security guard at the door and asked him to The young man ran in by himself, he was put in jail, and you were also put in jail for three days.

No, how dare you say that? "

He blasted the short scalper to pieces, and then turned to look at Jiang Qiyu who was stunned by what he heard:

"Beauty, don't listen to his lies, I am a serious and reliable ticket agent! Without saying anything else, you know Jiang Mian and Lu Heng, right?

At the first trial of their case at the end of last year, the people in the front row at the scene were all taken out by me! The lawyer took them in! Absolutely authentic!”


When Jiang Qiyu was still shocked by the omnipotent power of the scalpers in the courts, the short man who was dismantled suddenly took action:

“I let you, a bastard, steal my customers!”

“Hey! Are you going to fight? ! Are you going to fight? I’m lying down!”

“You lie down! I can’t lie down if you lie down? Someone, come! Look, the scalpers are beating people!!!”


Almost instantly, the two big men who suddenly lay flat on the ground and shouted at the top of their voices successfully attracted the attention of the nearby fans.

Jiang Qiyu was afraid of being recognized,

When the two started fighting, she quickly wrapped herself in a windbreaker and greased her feet.


While everyone nearby was focusing on the two scalpers fighting each other on the ground, Jiang Qiyu successfully crossed the road.

As soon as she took off her mask, she was immediately recognized by a little girl with a work badge who was looking anxiously:

“Teacher Jiang! ”


Following the little girl, I walked into the venue through the side door.

She took off her windbreaker and handed it to the staff for safekeeping. She was only wearing a simple, low-key, yet stylish beige suit.

Every year, the Golden Jade Award ceremony is broadcast live online simultaneously.

In order to be less ostentatious, she deliberately walked through the crowd when the live broadcast screen cut to the nominated movie posters, and found the empty seat next to Director Yuan and sat down smoothly.

Although she acted low-key, some people still recognized her at the scene.

“Is this... Jiang Qiyu?”

“Why is she here?”

“Is there a role for her in the award-nominated movie?”

“You are really bold to guess. Her acting skills are famous...”

Listening to the whispers around him, Director Yuan looked calmly at the wonderful excerpts of various movies that were being played on the big screen in front of him.

He opened his lips slightly:

“Mr. Qi’s plane was late, what were you doing? "

Jiang Qiyu stroked the hair beside her ear lightly, smiling appropriately:

"Watch the scalpers fight against each other."


Director Yuan was speechless, but he leaned back consciously so that Jiang Qiyu could see the investor representatives in the front row who were presenting the awards.

"Are you confident that Mr. Qi will present the award to you?"

Looking at the serious and focused profile of the man in front of her left, Jiang Qiyu smiled confidently:



Jiang Qiyu did not lie about this.

As a new screenwriter who was previously unknown, she was already lucky to be on the nomination list for the best screenwriter.

And the main purpose of her coming today was indeed not the trophy for the best screenwriter.

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