Spear Teacher

Chapter 289

Time passed day by day.

Finally, the night before the deadline agreed with Director Yuan.

Jiang Qiyu typed the last character of the first version of the script outline of "Big Times 5".

After browsing and searching the newly written part as quickly as possible, she solemnly packaged the files and sent them to Director Yuan's mailbox in the form of an email.

After finishing all this, she turned off the computer with a sense of relief.

While stretching, she opened her mouth and yawned loudly:


Suddenly, as if she had just realized something, she rubbed her slightly stiff and sore waist, got up and left the study.

She walked to the kitchen in slippers and poked her head in:

"Qi Yu."

No one.

She took two steps towards the living room:

"Qi Yu?"

No one either.

She shrugged her nose in confusion, turned around and walked towards the master bedroom, and opened the door while she couldn't help but jump for joy:

"Qi Yu, I finally finished writing..."

After pushing the door open, the slightly smiling voice stopped abruptly.

There was still no one in the master bedroom.


Is he in the second bedroom?

Thinking of this, Jiang Qiyu couldn't help but frown.

During this period of time, Qi Yu had been sleeping with her in the master bedroom, why did he take the initiative to go to the second bedroom today?

Queen Qi lowered her status and was willing to be a concubine? !

While making wild associations, she slowly walked to the closed door of the second bedroom.

This time she didn't go in directly, but first lay on the door and listened.


I don't know if the house is too soundproof or the people inside are really asleep, the second bedroom is quiet.


This is even weirder.

It's only past nine o'clock in the evening, can this kid really fall asleep?

Jiang Qiyu leaned against the door of the second bedroom with a slightly undecent posture, wondering if she had neglected him because she was busy writing the script recently.

But she changed her mind and thought again.

No, they had been fighting a lot during this period, and sometimes even had some midnight snacks for three meals a day,

How could he be neglected?

Puzzled, she finally decided to go into the house first to test the enemy's situation.


She gently grasped the door handle and slowly pressed it down.

The bright light in the second bedroom slowly came out from the crack of the door.

After opening the door a crack, Jiang Qiyu finally saw the man she had been looking for in the house.

He was sitting at the table with his back to the door, his straight back and neck were slightly bent at this time, as if he was looking down and studying something on the table seriously.

But his hands were not on the table, but slightly raised in front of him under the table.


Qi Yu seemed to be so engrossed in watching that he didn't even notice the subtle sounds of the door opening and closing behind him.

Only the elbows in front of him swayed slightly, as if his hands were fiddling with something in front of him.


No, this is not right......

Fearing that the 9.9 slippers Yu Xiaoyu bought from PDD would make noises when stepping on the floor, Jiang Qiyu had taken them off before the dog sneaked into the door.

At this time, he was barefoot, cautiously, step by step approaching the man.

Slightly turning sideways, he vaguely saw a piece of white headphones exposed by his ears, and a mobile phone in front of him that was playing some video content.


Jiang Qiyu reacted immediately, his face turned yellow and he became two points bolder.


She showed a sneaky smile behind Qi Yu, and leaned over quietly, leaning over to the man who was operating the device seriously, and whispered in a sinister voice:

"What are you doing?"


When the voice sounded, the man who was concentrating on watching the video content suddenly shook.


The air was silent.

Jiang Qiyu lowered her eyes slightly, and saw the earlobe that was quickly dyed with crimson in front of her.

She thought it was fun, and couldn't help but exhaled softly.


The man shook again, and the tip of his ear was hot, red and almost transparent.

Qi Yu reacted at this time, and with a slightly panicked movement, he turned the screen of his mobile phone upside down on the table.


Again, in the smile that the man behind him tried to hide, he put the thing that he had just been watching the video in front of him and tinkering with it seriously on the table.


Seeing him in such an embarrassing state as if he was caught cheating on her, Jiang Qiyu couldn't help herself.

Laughing like a madman who saw Sun Yida wearing a red mandarin duck bellyband, he looked at the things on the table:

"...What are you doing with the towel?"


Qi Yu didn't expect her to come in at this time, and he opened his mouth but didn't have time to speak.

The phone on the table was turned upside down by her.Like a hungry tiger, he pounced on his food and grabbed it.

"This is..."

Jiang Qiyu looked at the video that was still playing on the screen, raised her eyebrows and read the title above:

"6 simple massage techniques to relieve lumbar muscle strain, learn them for your...wife?"

After she finished speaking, she immediately turned her head to look at the man who was still sitting in the chair, pursing his lips and not speaking, and her smile became even brighter:

"Massage tutorial?"

She secretly hid in the second bedroom to learn, and even took a rolled-up towel to practice.

Why is this boy so...


Seeing her sunny face, Qi Yu's expressionless face became even more embarrassed.

"I'm just looking around..."

As he said this, he took the phone back from her with a pair of red ears, avoiding her eyes and changing the subject stiffly:

"Are you done? Then--"

But he had just said half of his words when he lowered his eyes and saw the bare feet of the person in front of him stepping on the ground. He subconsciously frowned and was about to scold her:

"Tsk, why don't you wear..."

"Qi Yu."

But this time, he didn't finish his scolding words, and was choked back by someone's action in the next second.

In the brightly lit room, the tall man sat upright on the chair in front of the desk.

And the woman in his arms, who looked thinner in contrast, opened her legs and sat face to face on the man's solid thighs.

The two wore the same style but different colors of home clothes, and their eyes met. The concentration of ambiguous atmosphere in the room soared sharply.

"Qi Yu,"

With her hands casually placed on both sides of the man's neck, Jiang Qiyu called him again, her voice very light with an inexplicable tenderness and weariness:

"My waist has been sore these days..."


The big hands on the slender waist turned from support to grip, Qi Yu's throat and hands tightened together, and his voice also changed slightly:

"Shall I rub you twice?"

Hearing this, she seemed to be unable to feel the danger signals gradually awakening around the man, and her smile was still wanton:


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