Spear Teacher

Chapter 285

The day after meeting Director Yuan, Jiang Qiyu moved back to her own apartment building 2 on the pretext of work.

There was no other way.

Although the Qiao Family Villa had a good environment and was convenient for daily life, the two little devils who were on summer vacation were too noisy.

In order to finish the first draft of the outline of "Big Times 5" within a month, the person who always put words first showed unprecedented professionalism.


For three whole days, she didn't leave the house once.

If Qi Yu hadn't run to her house with a flattering face every day after work, Jiang Qiyu would have starved herself to death.

Qi Yu saw all of this.

Although he felt distressed, he was the first to support her with all his efforts when he saw that she had found the field she really liked and was good at.

He made breakfast every morning and left, ordered the restaurant to deliver takeout at noon, and came back in the evening to cook for her in various ways.

Then he coaxed and tricked the person who was almost growing mushrooms in front of the computer to come out, and after dinner, he pestered her to go downstairs for a walk to relax her eyes, and finally let her go back.

He can be regarded as a model of a good husband and father in modern times.

"The young master has finally grown up..."

And Zhao Jin, who was forced to be an undercover agent, saw all this.


Yesterday, he swears to his father with a cold face that he will never betray the young master in his life. If he breaks this oath, the nine generations of the Zhao family will be cut off!

Old Zhao was so angry that he sent a telegram on the phone for more than half an hour.

But the next day, the loyal Zhao Jin made a 180-degree turn.

Not only did he take the initiative to accept the responsibilities of an undercover agent, but he also hid in the stairwell during lunch break and secretly called Old Zhao to tell him:

"Good news! He loves it so much!"


After listening to Zhao Jin's exaggerated (crossed out) and appropriately packaged description,

On the other end of the phone, Butler Zhao and Old Master Qiao looked at each other slowly, and each saw shock and suspicion in the other's eyes.


Old Master Qiao couldn't help but open his mouth to confirm with him again:

"You said... Qi Yu is a male servant for Qi Yu at home?"

"Master, this is absolutely true!!!"

Zhao Jin was full of loyalty and courage, holding the phone and using all his life's acting skills:

"Mr. Qi is not only busy with official business during the day, but also responsible for serving Miss Jiang at night. Washing clothes, cooking, massaging and foot massage are all commonplace. Not only does he obey Miss Jiang's words in big and small matters, but even when Mr. Qi is at home, he dare not speak loudly!"

When he was deeply moved, he sobbed twice in an exaggerated way, and his tone was With three parts of indignation and seven parts of heartache:

"Master, you know that our General Qi has never suffered such grievances since he was a child? But when he faces Miss Jiang, it's like a mouse seeing a cat, a hen seeing a weasel. No matter how Miss Jiang treats him, he is happy and has no regrets!

It's just... Men will be silent after watching it, and women will cry after watching it. You don't know how many sad tears I have secretly shed for our General Qi in the middle of the night during this period..."

Zhao Jin's performance is sincere and heartfelt. He cried more sadly than when his first girlfriend found out that he secretly watched "The Domineering School Prince's Unbridled Love" and broke up with him.

But he was crying, but his expression on his face couldn't hide his joy.


What a joke, I finally met the routine of inciting the people around the male protagonist to rebel, which is common in the domineering president's novel.

As the first-line younger brother, how could he be ungrateful and betray the young master?

Of course, he was playing tricks on his father and acting out a Mission Impossible~

Of course, his loyalty to Mr. Qi is evident to all, and it was definitely not for the 1,000 yuan base salary increase that the young master had just given him yesterday.

Zhao Jin was still crying, and the old Zhao on the other end of the phone was embarrassed and quickly hung up.



Turning his head to look at Mr. Qiao, who was in a complicated mood, he spoke tentatively:

"Master, this......"

"Old Zhao," Mr. Qiao looked at the fish bladder on the water not far away, and said meaningfully:

"How much do you think your son's words are true and how much are false?"

Hearing this, Housekeeper Zhao shook his head decisively without thinking:

"According to my understanding of this bastard, it's all false."

After saying that, he immediately reacted and frowned slightly: "Then the young lady is with Master Qi, isn't it......"


But Old Qiao smiled calmly, his eyes still fixed on the water, but his tone was undisguised relief:

"But according to my understanding of Qi Yu, I'm afraid he passed these words to my ears through Zhao Jin."

Old Zhao frownedShu Zhan, "You mean... Young Master Qi is expressing his determination to you?"

"... Let them be,"

And the old man just waved his hand lazily, saying:

"Let's not get involved in the affairs of young people..."

"That's right."

"By the way, Qi Yu's dowry..."

"Don't worry, Master, I've been preparing it."

"That's good... But... When I released the little fish just now, I clearly told it to call the adults at home, why didn't it catch any fish?"

"Could it be... I didn't slap it?"

"... Makes sense."


Here, Qi Yu easily let Old Master Qiao put down his guard against him, but there, Jiang Qi Yu was completely unaware of it.

Because on the fifth day, her creation encountered a bottleneck.


She was walking around the house with a coffee cup, mumbling something, and suddenly the phone next to the computer desk rang with a text message alert.

Jiang Qiyu walked over and picked it up to take a look:

[Your savings card with the last number 4233 has a new transaction reminder: Transaction currency: RMB / Transaction time: 21:08 / Transaction type: Income / Transaction amount: 200,000.00. ]


She frowned at the 200,000 yuan that was inexplicably transferred to her bank card, but before she could react, the phone rang.


Looking at the bright [12366] on the caller ID, Jiang Qiyu was even more confused, but she still answered the call subconsciously.

The next moment, a female voice in standard Mandarin sounded:

"Hello, are you Ms. Jiang Qiyu?"

"It's me."

"It's like this, our tax service hotline is 12366. Has your China Construction Bank savings card with the last number 4233 received a transfer of 200,000 yuan?"


After hearing this, Jiang Qiyu immediately thought of the WeChat article that Gu Xunjian had shared with her before:

[45 common telecom fraud methods, transfers by family members! ]

One of them is like this, first make a large transfer to the victim's bank card, then contact the customer service and lie that it is illegal funds to trick people into handing over their passwords, and then transfer all the balances.

Oh, this old-fashioned trick, you still want to trick her?

Thinking of this, she was too lazy to argue with the liar, and only left one sentence:

"Yes, I'm a human organ smuggler abroad. I just sold a kidney, and this is the payment."

After that, she hung up the phone immediately.


PS: I'm going to draw a few people when it's finished (not just a draw)

By the day of the end, the top 5 of the monthly fan activity list and the top 10 of the total gift list can contact me on vb, or leave a message with a free gift, leave an address, and send a useless signed postcard. The top three of the two lists are specially signed.

(If you don't mind my ugly handwriting, vb: @山外-的偷妈头做工日记)

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