Spear Teacher

Chapter 282

That night, the rich girl who quickly took the initiative still didn't make it to the end.

But she did a lot of other things.

After making a fuss for half the night, Jiang Qiyu slept soundly after the drunken madness.

As for Qi Yu, only the cold water in the bathroom accompanied him all the way...


The next day, Jiang Qiyu got up from the second bedroom in a daze, touched the water at the head of the bed and poured it into her mouth.

Because her brain was not fully sober from the hangover, she got out of bed and stumbled out.

Finally, after meeting a pair of smiling eyes at the kitchen door, she was instantly shocked.


Looking at Qi Yu with wide eyes, Jiang Qiyu's mind was in a mess:

"What are you...doing?"

When Qi Yu heard this, he just curled his lips in an ambiguous way, then slightly stepped aside, showed her the steaming casserole, and said meaningfully:

"Rice is cooked into porridge."


In an instant, this sentence seemed to open the valve of memory.

The scenes of last night flashed through his mind like a fleeting view.


After a long time, Jiang Qiyu lowered her head and sighed, and waved her hand weakly at the smiling man in the kitchen:

"Remember to add some pork liver to the porridge, I love it."

Qi Yu smiled, his eyes and eyebrows were full of joy:



When the two of them were eating breakfast, Jiang Qiyu still couldn't help it, pretending to be casual and asked Qi Yu:

"Your parents...didn't say anything yesterday?"

Ask yourself, she was actually a little nervous when she went to see Qi's father yesterday, otherwise she wouldn't have brought Qiao Xinxin to give her courage.

But the wine was too fragrant, and Qi Yu's father was very good, and he didn't need to persuade Ku Ku to drink.

Seeing that the elders were drinking, how could she not risk her life to accompany the gentleman?

So she drank more and more, and began to be unrestrained.

She vaguely remembered that she patted Uncle Qi on the shoulder yesterday and said that he was a good dog and not a bad drinker...

It's over. It's probably difficult to deal with it now...


Qi Yu saw her regretful expression and knew what this person was afraid of.

He didn't say anything. He was happy in his heart first, then slowly opened his mobile phone, flipped through the chat history and handed it to her:

"Look for yourself."


Jiang Qiyu took the phone with a puzzled look on his face and looked over:

[Hot Mom Diary: [Good morning, little girl].jpg]

[Hot Mom Diary: Son, how is Qiyu? ]

[Yu: I'm fine. ]

[Hot Mom Diary: Qi's strange news, your dad didn't get up to run at this time! ]

[Yu:? ]

[Yu: It's really strange. ]

[Hot Mom Diary: [Laughing] Do you know what he said to me yesterday? ]

[Yu: What? ]

[Hot Mom Diary: He has been showing you wedding houses a few days ago! ]

[Hot Mom Diary: Do you like Ireland? Switzerland? Singapore? Or do you want to stay in China? I heard from your Aunt Zhou that Denmark is not bad either. ]

[Yu: ... We are just dating. ]

[Hot Mom Diary: [horrified] Do you just want to have fun with her? ! ! ]

[Hot Mom Diary: Bah! I don't have a son like you who abandons me after having sex with me! ]

[Yu: ...]

[Yu: I'll ask her. 】

[Hot Mom Diary: Waiting for your news [Rose]]


After reading the message, Jiang Qiyu was still confused. She looked up at the man in front of her who was blowing hot porridge calmly, with a puzzled expression:

"What do you mean?"


Qi Yu put down the spoon in his hand and looked at her calmly:

"It means that my dad was embarrassed to ask, so he asked me through my mom to ask you which country you like."

After a pause, he added calmly:

"Or we can live in these places in the future, but we still have to install a permanent residence in China."


Seeing that he looked as if it was a matter of course, Jiang Qiyu breathed a sigh of relief and felt a little unhappy.

The engagement was canceled by this guy, what does this attitude of having her taken for granted mean?

Men can't be spoiled, the more they are spoiled, the more bastards they become.

They must be beaten.

Thinking of this, she rolled her eyes and pretended to be puzzled:

"When did I agree to marry you?"


But who would have thought that after she said this, Qi Yu was not nervous at all, but his expression became more relaxed.

He lowered his head and stirred the pork liver porridge in the bowl. He seemed to be sitting on the high platform, and smiled and said:

"I didn't ask for it."

Jiang Qiyu, who felt defeated, gritted his teeth:

"......You'd better not beg me. Even if you beg me, I may not agree. "

The man opposite raised his eyebrows slightly, and teased her with a slightly nostalgic tone:

"Hiss - who said he would be responsible for me yesterday?"

Someone was not afraid at all, and denied it without any psychological pressure, with a look of "I just want to take it all and not admit it":


"I don't remember it very well,"

Qi Yu was not panicked, and followed her words and pretended to have amnesia. His slender index finger gently tapped his temple, and said thoughtfully:

"I just remember that there seemed to be a tooth mark under her right collarbone..."

As he spoke, the smile in his eyes became more and more obvious, and his tone was full of pride and pride:

"I bit it."


Jiang Qiyu could only pull up his collar to cover the red marks on his body, and chewed and swallowed the pig liver in the porridge as if it were a smug old bitch.

He looked up and pulled a fake smile on his face:

"Then you are quite a dog. ”

“Same here.”


The two of them had a brief battle of swords and sabers after breakfast.

After breakfast, Qi Yu told her not to run around, saying that he would have good news in a while.

He kissed her secretly and then hurried to the company.

Jiang Qiyu was too lazy to ask, wiped her lips with the back of her hand, and turned into the cloakroom.


She was indeed quite interested in the matter that Director Yuan mentioned last time, and it happened that the company gave her a two-month vacation because of the kidnapping incident.

So, she decided to meet that middle-aged poor Mo Qi and have a good chat.

Of course, the self-cultivation of a female star is that even on vacation, her business cannot stop.

After changing her clothes and putting on a simple makeup, she posted a photo on Weibo with the text:

[@江绮遇V: The first time I heard the word "beauty" I was just a little strange. At that time I didn't know that this title would accompany me for the rest of my life. 】

Of course, since that incident, fans who have been waiting for her to post status naturally flocked to her.

[Long spear poison fan, whoever stands in the way will be killed: Woohoo, it's good that Maobao knows you're okay~]

[Don't smoke, smoke men: I originally slid away, but slid back. I want to tell you that you should read more books, learn more knowledge, and don't indulge in your own skin. Let me test you on simple geography knowledge. Where is your home address? 】

[O.o: My wife saw that I liked your post, and she asked me to go with you. I'm fine here, how about yours? 】

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