Spear Teacher

Chapter 272

After that day, the four words "security captain" seemed to become the switch to open some mysterious power of Qi Yu.

I don't know what medicine he took wrong.

When recording the program, whenever he saw a role like a security guard, he would take advantage of no one noticing to get close to Jiang Qiyu's ear and ask:

"What do you think of me wearing a uniform?"

"What do you mean?"

"Will you be subdued by me?"

"......Are you sick?"

When completing the task on the program, he always deliberately ran to the underground parking lot and gave himself the title of "Underground Parking Lot King" in front of the live camera.

Since then, the nickname of Qi Yu on the Internet has changed from "evil capitalist" to "security captain" and "parking lot king".

Everyone followed this name just for fun, but Jiang Qiyu, who understood the deep meaning, blushed again and again.

This is not the key point.

Anyway, since Qi Yu knew that he was the "security captain".

Not only did he actively bribe the program team, but also asked the director to turn the room that had been cleaned up for the two airborne guests back to the prop room.

Even the bad habit of holding up the sky when it fell was gone.


Jiang Qiyu was accidentally found with a red mark on his neck, and he said that he had gone to get a cupping last night.

He suddenly said: "Yes, before inheriting the family business, my career plan was to be a cupping master."

In response, netizens commented:

[Babaochu: If it's not my brother, who asked you? ]

[Yumen Yongcun: Sister Yu, what do you mean? You kept everyone in the dark and Qi Zi in bed, right? ]

[: Qi Zong V 50: Qi Zong, I really misjudged you. You said it was too hot in 34℃, but you hugged a woman in 37℃ all night. ]


The program team asked everyone to express their desires in love to each other.

Jiang Qiyu showed her desire to share, possess, and control.

Desire to share: want to send the payment code to everyone.

Possessiveness: feel that other people's money is mine.

Desire to control: want others to transfer all their money to me.

Qi Yu also expressed his desire to win, show, and protect.

Desire to win: They are not as rich as me.

Desire to show: No one is as rich as me.

Desire to protect: want to be a security guard in the underground parking lot.

When this live broadcast was broadcast, most people were questioning whether materialism is true love, and someone with the most say came out personally.

[@余 V: Money is also a part of me. What's the difference between her love for money and love for me? ]

In response, netizens commented:

[A delicate police officer: Whatever, just be happy. ]

[AAA Domineering President Wang: It's really embarrassing for our domineering family! ]

[Answering Superman: It's really the president, enterprise-level understanding! 】


When the program arranged for everyone to send gifts to each other.

Qi Yu used an eight-carat sapphire necklace to exchange for two Nanfu batteries that Jiang Qiyu bought casually.

On Weibo, netizens once again questioned the inequality between the two, Qi Yu was too love-minded, and Jiang Qiyu was suspected of being a gold digger.

The overwhelming marketing accounts dug up Jiang Qiyu's identity and background.

Conclusion: The golden boy and jade girl are a perfect match, and they are well matched. Netizens should stop worrying about it.

At the same time, the person concerned sent another Weibo.

[@余 V: I found that I am indeed a love-minded person, and there is really no hope! I swear that if I fall in love with @江绮遇 V, I will immediately go to the temple to pray and bless us to be together forever. 】

And the accompanying pictures are nine photos of the wrist from various angles.

The focus is on the limited edition Patek Philippe on the man's wrist, which must be shown in every picture.

In response to this, netizens commented:

[Dogs don't get licked by the House: Trivia: Yang Liwei only took five photos in space. ]

[Minister retreated: @Jiang Qiyu V If you give him a Patek Philippe, he can only give you a thankful smile. I am different. Today, you only need to V me 50 and you can gain a loyal fan. ]

[Rebirth of I am a rich second generation: What is a Patek Philippe worth millions? I am a post-00s generation, I run my own business, a Range Rover worth 1.46 million, three apartments in Shanghai worth more than 50 million, and a nine-digit deposit. As long as I work hard, I can type any word! ]

Taking advantage of this wave of popularity, the studio also asked Jiang Qiyu to post a Weibo.

Of course, she also posted it honestly:

[@Jiang Qiyu V: Repost, comment and like this Weibo, and ten people will be drawn. ]

Hearing this, netizens immediately became excited.

[Rebirth of I am a conspicuous bag: Sister, what will I give to ten people? ]

Soon, she replied below:【Jiang Qiyu V: No gifts, just draw. 】

Hot searches that day:

#Qi Yu, the conspicuous bag of the boss world#

#Jiang Qiyu, I feel itchy and draw a netizen for fun#

#Couples who haven't broken up, please don't go on the variety show of your ex#


And Qi Yu's abnormality is not only reflected in the show.

After the show in the evening, one of the two rooms opposite will definitely be empty.

For several days in a row, Jiang Qiyu couldn't stand it anymore, and blocked him at the door and resisted him sternly, advising him that he should focus on his career at this age.

Maybe these words worked.

Qi Yu didn't come again that night, and she slept well as she wished.

But the next day, the door was knocked again.

A "security guard" with long legs, broad shoulders and narrow waist stood at the door.


Looking at the man in front of her who wore an ordinary security uniform like a plainclothes special forces soldier, Jiang Qiyu was dumbfounded.

I couldn't help but think of a topic I talked about with Gu Xunjian today:

Vitamin B is a very good mood stabilizer, which can regulate nerves very well. If you meet the kind of person who is often nervous and startled, and occasionally makes incomprehensible actions, the so-called "neurotic" may be the result of lack of vitamin B.

And now, seeing Qi Yu at the door.

She suddenly felt that the word "silly B" turned out to have a medical basis...

In the end, she still couldn't defend herself.

When this person hugged and bit her, she just flashed a sentence in her mind silently:

'He is stupid B, just let him go. '


Time passed quickly, and the relationship heated up quickly.

The variety show that the two participated in together also quickly entered the middle and late stages.

On this day, the program team took everyone to a large outdoor water park and issued today's task to the guests:

Survive in the water park for four hours.

And the background setting of this episode is the zombie siege.

The rules are actually very simple. Zombies will continue to refresh in the scene. At first, there is one, then two, four, eight... more and more.

Everyone must ensure that they avoid zombie attacks and survive safely in the water park until the last moment without being infected by zombies.

Each of the eight guests has a special water gun in his hand. The zombies hit by the water gun will temporarily lose their ability to move for one minute, and the guests can use this minute to escape.

The water gun also has a cooling time. After the liquid in the water gun is exhausted, you need to wait for five minutes before it can be refilled again.

In fact, to put it bluntly, this game is about survival and escape, and there is no setting for guests to kill zombies.


After listening to the program director's introduction to the rules, Jiang Qiyu looked at the man next to him with interest:

"Zombies, are you afraid?"

But Qi Yu just curled his lips slightly when he heard it, and said lightly when the camera turned away:

"I dare to hold a weird species while sleeping, so what's a zombie..."

Suddenly, he realized that what he said was wrong, and was about to find a topic to cover it up.

The next moment, a faint voice with a hint of danger came from the side:

"Weird... species?"

It's bad!

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