Spear Teacher

Chapter 246

"Tell me, is it exciting enough?"

"I don't know if it's exciting or not..."

Jiang Qiyu frowned, looking worried:

"But can you not say these forbidden words? I don't like to hear them."

"Humph, you are still so stubborn."

Jiang Mian smiled contemptuously.

She took the initiative to reveal her plan.

One was to appreciate Jiang Qiyu's extremely frightened eyes, and the other was to make it easier to use these photos to threaten her in the future.

As long as Jiang Qiyu knew that he had these photos of her in his hands, she would always be controlled by herself and live in shadows and anxiety forever!


Thinking of this, she raised her hand to tuck the hair falling from her temples, slowly straightened up, and said in a cold tone:

"Jiang Qiyu, don't blame me, you can only blame yourself, who told you..."

While speaking, Jiang Mian raised his right hand high, his face twisted and his neck veins bulged, and he was about to drop a fierce slap:

"So annoying--"

In a flash, it was not a crisp slap, but a muffled sound:




Jiang Qiyu's counterattack hand suddenly hit nothing.

The woman who was standing steadily in front of her just now stumbled and fell to the ground in a blink of an eye.

The corner of her mouth twitched, and she subconsciously said:

"......Are you asleep so early?"

As soon as the voice fell, two roars, one near and one far, sounded at the same time.

The voice nearby was painful:

"Jiang Qiyu! How dare you kick me?!"

The voice in the distance was furious:

"Bitch! How dare you kick her?!"


Jiang Qiyu slowly put a question mark on her head, lowered her head and looked at the leg beside her, which had changed its position at some point.

Her sight went up along the trouser leg, and she saw Qi Yu's face, which showed no signs of sobriety.


Jiang Qiyu, who had been blamed for no reason, did not pretend to faint.

While Lu Heng was running over to help her, she immediately jumped behind the sofa and explained palely:

"If I say that she was sleepy, would you believe it?"


Jiang Mian was almost angry to death.

Enduring the piercing pain from her calf, she couldn't even stand up, and could only say to Lu Heng beside her:

"Don't worry about me first! Don't let her run away. If she runs away without the threat of the photo, we..."

She was anxious for a moment, and halfway through her words, she realized that her character had collapsed, and she forced a smile to Lu Heng:

"Ah Heng, I don't want to drag you down because of my own affairs..."

"Mianmian, don't worry..."

Facing Jiang Mian's anxiety, Lu Heng just patted her shoulder with a gloomy face and picked up a piece of hemp rope scattered on the ground.

Then, he slowly raised his head and looked fiercely at the woman with a complicated expression behind the sofa:

"She has no chance to run away again..."


When these words with a cold murderous intent fell, not only Jiang Qiyu, but even Jiang Mian in his arms was shocked:

"Ah Heng, you..."

She didn't expect that Lu Heng's silence just now was actually with such thoughts.

He...he actually wants to kill someone? !

Is he crazy? !


After hearing Lu Heng's words, Jiang Qiyu's shock in her eyes was really not acting this time.

She stared at Lu Heng, who was like a mad dog with murderous intent, with a shocked tone:

"No, buddy, you still want to kill people?"

This is not legal ignorance,

This is fucking crazy!

"I can't help it, I don't want to do this...but who made you wake up so early?"

And Lu Heng just slowly raised a creepy smile from the corner of his lips, and let go of Jiang Mian, who was trembling with pain or fear.

Gradually revealing his crazy face under the hypocritical mask:

"Mianmian is still too naive. I don't believe that a few photos can make you shut up. Only the dead will never speak..."

"Do you know..."

Compared to fear, Jiang Qiyu was more shocked:

"What you said gives people the feeling that you are in pain and have a low level of education."

She really couldn't understand Lu Heng's brain circuit.

A mistake is about to be exposed, but he doesn't want to try his best to remedy it, but tries to cover up the previous one with another bigger mistake? !

Has this person ever received nine years of compulsory education?

"Heh... sharp-tongued."

At this moment, the expression on Lu Heng's face has completely changed, and he walks step by step towards the target standing behind the sofa.

His eyes are locked on her without blinking,Veins popped out of his temples, and he looked eerie and scary, totally different from the perfect actor on the screen:

"While I can still talk, I don't mind you scolding me a few more times."


At this moment, Jiang Qiyu seemed to be completely frightened by him, and could only stand there in a daze, unable to even turn around and run away.

The murderous man was almost about to bypass the sofa.

Behind him, Jiang Mian, who was unable to stand due to a calf injury, suddenly spoke:

"Ah, Ah Heng..."

Lu Heng stopped, but did not look back.

Jiang Mian's hands that were supporting the ground clenched into fists subconsciously, and her voice trembled even more:

"Are you really going to kill her? I'm afraid..."

"Mianmian, what are you afraid of?"

Lu Heng lowered his voice very low, looking at Jiang Qiyu, who was only an arm's length away, like looking at prey, but he said to the person behind him:

"Watch carefully, don't you hate her the most? I'll kill her for you, will you marry me?"

"Ah, Ah Heng, Lu Heng! Don't..."

Jiang Mian knew how to be afraid. If Lu Heng killed Jiang Qiyu, she would not be able to escape for the rest of her life!

"Mianmian, it's too late."

Lu Heng never looked back from beginning to end.

Amid Jiang Mian's terrified cries, he clenched the hemp rope with both hands and reached out to the slender neck viciously...

"Lu Heng! No——"

Jiang Mian's voice of stopping him suddenly stopped behind him.

Before Lu Heng could react, he felt a flash in front of his eyes.

The next second, a violent tightening sensation appeared in his throat.

He subconsciously pulled his hand back to touch it, but felt the same touch as the piece of hemp rope in his hand.

But this piece appeared on his own neck.


He rolled his eyes because of the strangulation, and his fragile throat was tightly bound by a force that was enough to kill people, and he couldn't even speak.

Only the cold voice of the man came to his ears:

"Who do you want to kill with you?"

"Qi Yu?!" Jiang Mian was still sitting on the ground, his face full of fear: "Are you awake?!"


At this time, Jiang Qiyu, who was "scared silly" just now, said lightly:

"He didn't faint at all, and..."

As he said that, he took out a special micro-lens device from his jacket pocket with a smile on his face and pointed it at Jiang Mian, who was glaring:

"Come on, say hello to the audience friends in the live broadcast room."

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