Spear Teacher

Chapter 238


Mr. Qiao had a gloomy face and looked at Jiang Mian in the audience with a bad look.

Although I don't know where Jiang Mian got this information from, her approach is not smart.

Even if Qi Yu is finally found to have no blood relationship with the Qiao family, does she think she can get benefits by embarrassing the Qiao family in front of everyone today?


Or, this idiot never thought of benefiting from this matter.

All she did was just to target Qi Yu?

She could do such a thankless thing, and the old man in the Jiang family still brought her around like a baby every day.

A family of idiots!

Fortunately, my Qiao family has good genes, and my precious granddaughter was not assimilated by this family of idiots.


Thinking of this, he patted his grandson's hand on his arm in a soothing manner, and slowly spoke to the idiot of the Jiang family below the stage:

"Your name is Jiang Mian?"

"Yes, Old Qiao."

Jiang Mian was neither humble nor arrogant, and did not show any avoidance in the face of Old Man Qiao's sharp eyes. He raised his head and responded:

"I'm sorry to do this in this occasion. It's not good for me to expose this matter. I just can't stand Jiang Qiyu using this method to deceive an old man who has been searching for his relatives for 20 years!"

Her words are actually quite convincing to those who don't know the truth.

Because of this matter, anyone with a discerning eye can see that whether Jiang Qiyu is right or wrong, it is indeed not good for Jiang Mian.

Then the reason why she did this is really possible, as she said, purely because she couldn't stand the dirty things, so she stood up.

For a while, there were more or less questioning eyes in the eyes cast at Jiang Qiyu.

But everyone is not stupid, and they just keep their suspicions in their hearts and sit in their original positions to watch the situation change.

"Mr. Qiao,"

Seeing that the old man didn't speak, Jiang Mian thought he was moved by his words, and struck while the iron was hot again:

"You can not believe me, but as long as you do another appraisal with Jiang Qiyu, as long as you get the results, everything will be-"


But before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by a sudden burst of laughter from the audience.

Everyone looked in the direction of the sound again, and saw a strong and gray-haired old man in the main seat in the center of the venue laughing loudly without caring.

After laughing, he turned his head and looked at Mr. Qiao on the stage with a calm face, and said casually:

"Mr. Qiao, why do I hear that this girl seems to have secretly taken samples from you two grandpas and grandsons for testing, otherwise how can she be so sure?"


After he said this, the eyes of the onlookers instantly shifted to Jiang Mian in the field.


Jiang Mian didn't expect that the old man could hit the nail on the head. She could only argue under pressure:

"I just happened to hear her calling--"

"Yes, Old Qiao!"

Before she finished, another old man sitting at the same table with the old man took the initiative to speak:

"I think Old Gu's guess is right. There is such a possibility."

After he finished speaking, the old man surnamed Hu beside him, who was approached by Mr. Jiang at the beginning but ignored him, also laughed happily:

"This girl is quite thoughtful, but it's a pity... she is hollow!"

These people who can sit at the main table must be big shots who can change the situation with a stomp of their feet.

But looking at their relaxed demeanor, they just think Jiang Mian is a clown who is having fun and don't take it seriously at all.

"Mr. Qiao!"

Jiang Mian was anxious. She walked straight to the stands regardless of her father Jiang Shifeng's secret obstruction. As she walked, she shouted to Mr. Qiao:

"I don't need to lie to you! Just do another identification! I can guarantee that Jiang Qiyu is definitely not--"

But before she could run two steps, she was held down by the black-clad bodyguards who had been waiting for her.

Before she had time to struggle, she heard Mr. Qiao's calm voice on the stage:

"The result of another identification should be the same. Qiyu and I are not related by blood."


As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar.

In fact, most people still don't believe that Jiang Qiyu can fool the Qiao family with her means, but when they heard Mr. Qiao admit that the two sides were not related by blood, they still felt that their brain CPU was burning.

What's going on?

But the most shocked person was Jiang Mian who was stopped by the bodyguards.

"No blood relationship..."

She repeated in disbelief, her eyes full of bewilderment:

"So the Qiao family knew it a long time ago... How, how could it be..."


Mr. Qiao had not originally intended to make his family affairs public.

But things have alreadyIf Qiyu is not cleared of his name, the outside world will surely make a big fuss about it.

Thinking of this, he did not give Jiang Mian another look, but turned to look at his granddaughter who was also puzzled.


The old man sighed, his tone carrying a bit of disappointment:

"Qiyu's mother, that is, my late daughter Wanyi... is not my biological child."

"How could it be..."

Jiang Mian was devastated by this series of news, and muttered to herself as if she had lost her soul.

It turned out that she had been complacent and self-satisfied, thinking that the trump card in her hand was enough to control Jiang Qiyu's life...

The result, the result was a joke? !

How could this be? !

Before she could recover from the shock, she heard the old men at the main table who had just helped her speak up:

"In fact, Wanyi is also our daughter."

"I, Lao Hu, Lao Zhao, Lao Qiao, and our old squad leader are all different from each other in terms of family background and personality, but we all came from the same company when we were young."

"During the flood that year, we went to the front line to help with disaster relief, and an accident occurred on the way back..."

"It was the old squad leader..."

Speaking of this, Mr. Gu couldn't help choking up.

It seemed as if he could still see the scene in front of him when the old squad leader took the initiative to release the only lifeboat in a critical moment when there was a raging flood all around.

Mr. Hu patted his shoulder and said in a deep voice:

"After learning that the old squad leader died in the line of duty, my sister-in-law who had just given birth also...left behind a little girl who was still in swaddling clothes."

"We swore in front of my sister-in-law's bed that we would treat this child as our own."

Mr. Qiao patted Jiang Qiyu's hand, his eyes slightly red as he sighed:

"Maybe it was God's will. The old squad leader and I have the same surname, so I decided to take Wanyi home and only told the public that she was the biological child of me and your grandmother..."


After this unexpected but reasonable truth was revealed, not only Jiang Mian, but other people who didn't know the inside story also opened their eyes wide.

Twenty years ago, Qiao Wanyi, the pearl in the palm of the Qiao family who was famous in S City and praised by the Qiao family, was not Mr. Qiao's biological child? !

Some people were surprised by this.

If so, everything makes sense.

Jiang Qiyu's mother Qiao Wanyi is not the biological daughter of Mr. Qiao, so no matter how she is identified, she cannot be related to Mr. Qiao by blood.

And this woman named Jiang Mian.

The reason why she can say this so confidently and use it as evidence to "expose" Jiang Qiyu.

There is only one possibility -

She learned through some channel that Jiang Qiyu and the Qiao family might have a relationship, and obtained the DNA samples of the two through improper means.

Holding the identification result of non-biological, she has been waiting for such an opportunity today!

But she didn't expect that the Qiao family had such an inside story.

It's like shooting herself in the foot!

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