Spear Teacher

Chapter 23

But soon, Jiang Qiyu couldn't laugh anymore.

Because after she finished the provocative gangster dance, the poison circle had completely spread over.

Looking at her blood volume dropping, she shouted "My life is over" while taking drugs, picked up a car and chased her teammates like crazy.

When she was about to approach her teammates' coordinates, she suddenly heard Fang Xubai sitting next to her say in a deep voice:

"Teacher Changmao, can I ask you a question?"

Jiang Qiyu took the time to perfunctorily while driving:


"AK47 has a range of 400 meters. Do you think I can catch the bullet with my bare hands when I stand at 401 meters?"

"......" She almost flipped the car, took the time to glance at the serious man and said:

"Wait for me to get there in a while, and try it on you."


Fang Xubai was silent for two seconds and put down his phone:

"No need, I just tried it and I'm asleep now."

Jiang Qiyu arrived just before Fang Xubai was shot by his opponent, but it was too late. He could only hear his "last words":

"Mr. Changmao, you're here. I'll hang up first if I'm fine."

"Just go with peace of mind."

She didn't hesitate at all. After half a second of silence for her teammate, she changed to the same AK47 to avenge him, and then licked two boxes without any psychological burden.

Qi Yu also quickly solved the opponent over there, and Jiang Mian, who had been following her, was almost alive to the finals as Fang Xubai said at the beginning.

"Comrades, I'm a super criminal again!!!"

When Jiang Qiyu, with a lot of money in his pocket, happily went around to the other side of the building to meet the two of them, he saw Jiang Mian riding a motorcycle and stopped in front of Qi Yu.

"Brother Yu, I found a vehicle, get on it!"


The three of them looked at each other, and the scene suddenly became awkward.

In this game, motorcycles can only carry two people at most at a time.

But now, especially since this is a love show, whether Qi Yu should get on the motorcycle and abandon Jiang Qiyu to be a desperate couple with Jiang Mian has become a popular attraction for the audience.

[Yu Mian Party is ecstatic! ]

[Longmao Teacher: How about I leave? ]

[If Bai Bai died in the battle, Longmao Teacher will have no home, woo woo woo woo...]

[You can choose any punishment, but don't use the white spear knife to kill me. ]

[What are those people in front of you? Brother Slap may not get on the car, okay? I will carry the banner for Chang Er! ]


Just when the three CP fans were fighting over whether Qi Yu should get on the car, Jiang Qiyu interrupted this dispute without gunpowder.

Because there is gun smoke, it's coming.

Everyone saw Jiang Qiyu's game screen move his sight, and then, a small, cute, oval object in the screen became bigger and bigger...

It's a grenade!



Good news, no need to worry about whether Qi Yu can get on Jiang Mian's car.

Bad news, they were all killed.

Jiang Mian put down his phone and looked at Qi Yu, smiling with regret:

"What a pity, we died together."

Qi Yu ignored her, but turned to look at someone beside him who was secretly resentful, narrowed his eyes dangerously:

"You are the one who led him here, right?"

With just this sentence, the originally mournful barrage was amused, and netizens followed suit:

[Whose father is this, whose husband, and whose son is this, how can it be easy in the adult world? Respect you, a man as strong as steel! ]

[Hahahahaha, you are the one who led Huang Jun here, right? ]

[Jiang Qiyu should go abroad to avoid it. This is not a small matter.]

[I hope the country will set up a special task force. This is a big matter. I am not kidding.]

Facing his accusation, Jiang Qiyu dimmed the screen and gritted his teeth:

"I hate two kinds of people the most when I play games."

"One is teammates who expose their positions, and the other is teammates who blame me when I expose my position."

"It doesn't matter."

Qi Yu didn't bother with the self-righteous double standard dog. He raised his eyebrows and said calmly:

"Being able to mess things up is also a kind of ability. Come on, useless thing."


The barrage immediately swiped the screen again. Hahaha.

Finally, in a harmonious atmosphere, the game battle ended.

Although everyone failed to win the chicken, Song Yan still became the last player to die with her luck as the chosen one and her extraordinary ability to hide in the grass.

The situation was successfully reversed, and the group with the first three players to die won the final victory.

As they were happily high-fiving each other to celebrate,Director Zhang's voice suddenly rang out from the loud speaker in the living room:

"I sincerely suggest that you don't get too excited too soon."

"All the tasks we did today are actually pre-match preparations."



The audience became interested when they heard the program team say this.

What kind of task is it that requires such pre-match preparations?

Everyone present was looking forward to it, except Jiang Qiyu, who suddenly felt a chill on her back.

Oh no, she almost forgot...

"Next, we will start the first official outdoor task of "You Know Love" - ​​the real-life Jedi Battle Royale!"

"Tonight, all the guests will go to the battle royale venue together to play the real-life Jedi Battle Royale for three days."

"As long as you survive to the end without quitting midway or being "killed" by your opponent, you will receive a mysterious prize!"


After Director Zhang finished speaking, the entire living room was filled with deathly silence.

In fact, it is not surprising that the guests were silent, and even some fans were somewhat unable to accept it.

[No, who can come up with such a program flow? ]

[Friends, this is a love show, right? I don’t know, I thought I was tuned to the military channel. ]

[Program planner, come out, I promise not to hit you! ]

Of course, except for some fans who feel sorry for their idols, most of the audience still have some expectations.

[In fact, if the program team can ensure safety, I am quite looking forward to it. ]

[Expectation +1, imagine, a single man and a single woman, tenderness on the battlefield, sparks produced in the rain of bullets, don’t be too beautiful! ]

[Hiss, hiss, the sister in front will say you say more, I love to listen! 】

"......So exciting!"

Fang Xubai was a little confused after hearing Director Zhang's words, but after all, he was the youngest among the guests and had not experienced much of the social beatings. After reacting, he immediately clapped his hands and said:

"Teacher Changmao, are we going to play real-life CS?!"


Jiang Qiyu was pulled by his arm with a look of despair, and shook his head at the excited stupid (crossed out) naive boy:

"No, I'm sending you to the Transformation Plan, so that you can go from the popular idol Fang Xubai to the soldier assaulting Xu Sanduo."

"I'm Xu Sanduo, what about you?"


She pointed at herself weakly:

"I went from a half-dragon in funeral services to a small reptile lying flat in the wilderness."

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