Spear Teacher

Chapter 211

In the elevator, watching the floor numbers above slowly jump from [1] to [23], Qi Yu's mind was full of:

"I can't let her down."

Even when he raised his hand to press the doorbell, he still thought so.

But when the door slowly opened and half of the head with water vapor poked out from inside.

The countless assumptions and preparations he had made in his mind just now collapsed without any warning.


Speechless for a moment, he could only stare.

Watching her eyes slightly fixed, watching her look of doubt, watching her boldly open the door to a man.

Looking at her lips still with crystal clear water stains, looking at her pure cotton pajamas that had nothing to do with sexiness.

Looking at her wet collar, looking at the water marks on her white neck above the collar that had not been wiped away in time.

Then, he heard her speak, calling him by his full name in a gentle voice:

"Qi Yu?"

At this moment, Qi Yu suddenly realized that all the preparations he had made when he came here had quietly disappeared.

Perhaps he disappeared at the moment when the door opened, perhaps he disappeared under the dim light spilling from the room, perhaps he disappeared in her ignorant but defenseless eyes.


he disappeared in the slightly bright water mark on her neck.

So, at this moment.

The fatigue of several nights of high-intensity work came over him, and the sudden dizziness made his hands and feet numb, his forehead hot, and even his breathing was a morbid hot flash.

"Why are you..."

Her voice sounded again in his ears.

This time, before his consciousness responded, his body had already responded.


Until his breath was filled with the fragrance of her shower gel.

Until his hot cheeks gently pressed against the coolness on her fair neck.

Qi Yu's almost chaotic consciousness was slightly restored, and he couldn't help but laugh at himself in his heart:

I'm so useless.

But as soon as he said it, all the thoughts and worries thousands of kilometers away disappeared.

Between the hot lips and teeth, there was only a long sigh:

"Jiang Qiyu, I miss you so much."


Jiang Qiyu was not annoyed when she was taken advantage of.

Only the sudden heat on her neck made her shudder slightly, and then she quickly reacted:

It turned out that someone didn't drug her.

I had a fever.

It wasn't the kind of fever during the video call before, it was a real physical fever,

I had a fever.

"You have a fever."

Jiang Qiyu said: "Come in first."

Although this apartment has one unit per floor and no neighbors.

But it's not good to hug in the corridor in the middle of the night.


But Qi Yu seemed to have not heard it, and still buried the hot dog head in her neck.

I don't know when this man started to have a fever, and now the temperature of his breath is full of hotness, which makes her heart tremble.


Suddenly, Jiang Qiyu's brain twitched.

I don't know what she was thinking, so she simply moved her feet in this posture that was too ambiguous for anyone to see——

The two of them half hugged and half stuck to each other and entered the house, and she also closed the door.



Standing in this posture at the entrance for more than 60 seconds.

Finally, Jiang Qiyu ran out of patience:

"Is it because of the fever that your legs are weak and you can't stand up, or is it because you feel ashamed to stand up."


The next moment, a medical miracle happened.

The man who was clinging to her just now, weak and weak, as if he was about to die, stood up instantly.

Qi Yu froze, and quickly withdrew the hug that could be called abrupt.


With an unnatural cough, he straightened his back and turned to look at the wall of the living room, nodding his head seriously and commenting:

"This wall clock in your house is nice."


For such Qi Yu, Jiang Qiyu only felt novelty, standing aside with his arms crossed and teasing:

"Then tell me, what's good about it specifically?"

"It's... quite round."

"How round is it?"


"Is it as round as the moon in the sky when you look up at me when you miss me?"


"Is it as round as your thoughts of me?"

She became more and more addicted to playing, standing beside Qi Yu with her head tilted and watching his ear tips slowly turn red, her smile becoming more and more rampant.

Such Qi Yu (limited edition of weak and unable to take care of himself) is so rare that she feels excited as if she has drawn a hidden version.

She must sell this sword!

Jiang Qiyu was just about to lean forward to observe his rare reaction:


But when he looked up, he suddenly met a pair of wet eyes full of spring water..

She was caught off guard and was startled, but the owner of those eyes took the opportunity to get close to her quickly.

So close that even their breathing was ambiguous and entangled.

He said:

"Jiang Qiyu, do you remember what I said to you before I left?"

Qi Yu's sudden counterattack instantly disarmed her.

Jiang Qiyu's brain crashed, and she lost all her ease:

"What, what?"

"I said, I'll tell you in person when I come back..."

While speaking, his hot breath got closer:

"Am I short or not?"

Qi Yu bent his waist, his eyes were level with hers, an active kissing posture.

The two were clearly talking, but he kept looking at the girl's soft lips in front of him with an aggressive look.

Very beautiful.

He had kissed her.

It cost a lot.

But it was worth it.

Today, she still had a faint smell of wine on her body, just like last time.

Dangerous and charming.

Still want to kiss.


Feeling the man's gaze that was as hot as his breathing, Jiang Qiyu just slowly raised the corners of her lips, and her tone returned to calmness:

"Will you still want to say, 'Woman, are you satisfied with what you see?'"


The ambiguous atmosphere disappeared instantly.

Qi Yu was speechless for a while, and was about to lower his eyes and withdraw, but suddenly felt his neck tighten.


The white and slender knuckles were tightly folded, colliding with the dark tie to create a visual impact that made people's breath stagnate.

The insignificant strength for the man, but with an irresistible mysterious force pulling him closer...

This time, it was her white and tender neck exposed to the air, so close that he could easily drop a kiss on it with the opening and closing of his lips.

His chest was like a drum, and the lights in front of him began to become gorgeous and brilliant.


Jiang Qiyu was actually afraid that she could not control herself and bit him just now. If the young master kissed her again and sent her to the hospital, it would be troublesome.

But she did not want to miss the opportunity today.

Taking advantage of Qi Yu's unclear mind, she grabbed the tie on his chest.

Turning her head, she seemed to kiss him on the ear, and seemed to brush his lips inadvertently.

She leaned against the man's ear and spoke slowly:

"Qi Yu, then are you long or not?"

How long is the timeliness of your confession?


Qi Yu felt a little dizzy at this time.

But his heart was still moving.

Finally, he left a gentle kiss on her delicate neck.

The kiss was against the artery, as if it was carried by the hot blood to flow inch by inch to the limbs and bones.

His lips gently touched the soft skin, and he said:

"Very long."

"How long?" She tilted her head and rubbed the earlobe that was almost red enough to drip blood, and smiled softly:

"Is it longer than your legs?"

He kissed her again, and his voice was tinged with lust:

"Longer than my life."

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