Spear Teacher

Chapter 207

Study room on the second floor of the Qiao family villa.




The three generations of the old, middle and young gathered together (crossed out) and looked at each other.


Old Master Qiao first smiled at Jiang Qiyu, who was confused on the sofa, and then gave his son a very obvious look.

Qiao Jiangyun seemed much calmer.

He sat upright, calm, and spoke slowly:

"Miss Jiang, I'm sorry to ask you to come here today. There are two things."

"About the part-time daughter you mentioned last time..."

Jiang Qiyu took the initiative to speak, and she naturally knew what the two meant.

Although this matter sounds like a hundred benefits to her, there are big problems when you think about it carefully.

If she agrees to be a part-time daughter for Old Master Qiao, wouldn't it be a direct increase in generation?

There is nothing wrong with increasing generation, but she is an ideal and ambitious cleaner who is determined to become the captain of the security team!

What if she has something with the young master in the future, and this aunt falls in love with her pretty nephew...

It's not easy to say.

Besides, there is no free lunch in the world.

She directly offered 8 million a year to be a "part-time daughter" the second time they met?

No matter how you think about it, it's not right.

The more Jiang Qiyu thought about it, the more frightened she felt. In just half a second, she had rehearsed a bloody drama in her mind:

"The daughter of a wealthy man is terminally ill, and her family finds a matching kidney source and offers a sky-high price for a kidney."

Thinking of this, she felt a dull pain on both sides of her lower back.

"Uncle Qiao, Grandpa Qiao, I don't want this contract..."

She was about to wave her hand to refuse after making up her mind, but she saw that Qiao Jiangyun seemed to have guessed her decision long ago.

He spoke at the right time and intercepted her refusal:

"Ms. Jiang, I know you have concerns about this matter, but can you listen to me before making a decision on this other matter?"

"You say."

Qiao Jiangyun glanced at his somewhat nervous father, and then naturally took out a document from the file bag on the table in front of him:

"Ms. Jiang, why don't you take a look at this first."


Jiang Qiyu took the papers in doubt, flipped through them casually, and soon looked up at him again:

"What is this?"


"I said this girl couldn't understand it."

Before Qiao Jiangyun had time to speak, Mr. Qiao on the side interrupted him with a frown.

He turned around and looked at the illiterate with dyslexia in front of him with a kind face, and explained to her concisely:

"Qi Yu, this is the news that your uncle, uh - this is the news that your uncle Qiao got. Someone will spread the news of the Qiao family and the Qi family's engagement to the outside world in the near future. The purpose should be to target you."

"Yeah." Qiao Jiangyun nodded and continued to add:

"In today's society, as long as people in the dark want to expose the news, it is actually difficult to suppress it. Although the engagement has been settled, you are a public figure after all. If this matter ferments, even if the two families clarify it to the outside world, the outside public opinion will still have a certain impact on your career and life."

As he said, he paused, looked at Jiang Qi Yu calmly, and his tone was gentle but very convincing:

"Even if you don't care about those remarks, for an artist, reputation and popularity are equally important, and now, there is a foolproof plan..."

Jiang Qi Yu was not surprised at all when she heard the news.

Although she didn't know the source of Jiang Mian's hostility towards her, this was most likely her back-up plan.

What is the perfect plan that Qiao Jiangyun mentioned? It is self-evident.


The three of them talked in the study room for a long time behind closed doors.

Finally, the door was opened from the inside.

"Old Zhao..."

Mr. Qiao said to the housekeeper who had been waiting at the door for a long time with a serious face:

"Notify them, the Qiao family will have a family dinner in an hour, I have something important to announce."

Butler Zhao was naturally one of the people who knew the inside story, and his eyes lit up immediately after hearing the words.

With many feelings in his heart, his tone was also stained with a bit of excitement:

"Yes! Master!"


One hour later.

In the Qiao family villa in City A.

It was still the huge prototype dining table from last time, but today, all the people sitting at the table were from the Qiao family.

The main seat was empty.

Qiao Jiangyun sat on the left side of the main seat, and next to him was his wife He Rong.

The two have been in love for half their lives and have three sons.

The eldest, Qiao Jingting; the second, Qiao Jingshen; the youngest, Qiao Jingyuan.

Originally, these three were very busy, but today they were all present because of Mr. Qiao's "order".

The eldest brother, Qiao Jingting's wife and son sat beside him, and Meng Hanqiu also brought Qiao Xinxin and Qiao Jingshen to sit together.

The Qiao family hasIt has been many years since the whole family sat together like today.

"Brother, what do you think grandpa is going to announce today?"

Qiao Jingshen sat close to Qiao Jingting, and seeing such a big scene, he couldn't help but wonder:

"Did something happen in the company?"


Qiao Jingting, the eldest brother who was "ordered" to go home by grandpa a few days ago, knew nothing about it. He shook his head and said nothing.

Qiao Jingyuan on the side smiled and half-jokingly said:

"Is it the beginning of his second spring of life?"


The conversation of the three brothers naturally fell into the ears of their father. Qiao Jiangyun didn't say anything, but glanced at Qiao Jingyuan coldly.

Just one glance, and he immediately shut up.

While several people were guessing, the housekeeper Lao Zhao appeared at the door.


He turned sideways in a decent and formal manner, bowed slightly, raised his hand and made a gesture of "please come in".

The next moment, Mr. Qiao, who had changed into a formal suit, walked in slowly.


Several younger generations stood up to greet him, but were stopped by the old man's raised hand.

The old man stood upright at the door, dressed in a formal suit, and said with a serious face:

"I asked you to gather here today because I have an important announcement to make."


Seeing the always easy-going grandfather being so formal, the youngest Qiao Jingyuan couldn't help but feel uneasy:

"What's the matter?"

Is it really going to bloom?

Is he being deceived?

Hearing this, the ruddy-faced Mr. Qiao looked at his eldest son, and then announced in a deep voice:

"The daughter of your aunt Wanyi has been found."


When this was said, all the Qiao family members were shocked except Qiao Jiangyun.

The air was silent for a few seconds, and then a few exclamations were heard randomly:

Qiao Jingyuan almost jumped up:


Qiao Jingshen was also not calm:

"Aunt's daughter... was found?!"

Qiao Jingting was a little more stable and reacted immediately:

"Where is she? I'll go pick her up!"

Qiao Jingshen immediately echoed:

"It just so happens that the company's meeting is cancelled today, I'll go pick her up!"

Qiao Jingyuan reacted a step slower, but also rushed to say:

"Grandpa, my experiment is suspended, I'll go pick her up!"

After the three of them finished speaking, Qiao Xinxin followed suit and raised her little hand:

"Star chasing is suspended, I'll go pick her up!"

Seeing this, Qiao Jingting's eldest son Qiao Fang was not to be outdone:

"The exam is cancelled, I'll go pick her up!"

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