Spear Teacher

Chapter 186

As soon as she finished writing, Yu Xiaoyu came back with her densely written ribbon, which looked like a cheat sheet.

"Sister Yu, let's go hang it on the tree!"

"You are..."

"This," Yu Xiaoyu smiled a little embarrassedly:

"Increase the chance of winning."


Good fellow, those who knew she was praying for marriage, those who didn't know would think it was an assassination list of some organization.

The two walked out of the pavilion with the three written ribbons and found a place with a lower branch to hang the blessing ribbon.

Yu Xiaoyu closed her eyes and muttered a few words in a mysterious way with the "assassination list" in her hand, then took a deep breath, threw her hand upwards-


The ribbon fell down melodiously without even touching the edge of the branch.




She threw it several times in a row, but each time she was either a little bit off or threw it too far, and she couldn't hang it up.

Jiang Qiyu also tried several times, and so did she and the God of Wealth.


Yu Xiaoyu supported her knees with both hands, breathing heavily:

"How...how did they throw it up?"

None of the couples around them who came with them could successfully hang the blessing ribbons in their hands on the branches.

Jiang Qiyu looked up, looked at the colorful ribbons on it, some of which were even faded, and waved to the persistent Yu Xiaoyu:

"This is just for the sake of luck, just a token of appreciation, let's not throw it away, okay?"


But the usually easy-to-talk assistant didn't know what was wrong with her, and insisted on wrapping the ribbons in her hand, which were like roll call cards, around the Yue Lao tree:

"I must throw it up!"

Seeing her determination to achieve her goal, Jiang Qiyu, who had already begun to retreat, didn't know what to say.

She could only hold the three ribbons in her hand and watch her go crazy.


After waiting for more than ten minutes, several couples nearby shook their heads and gave up, but Yu Xiaoyu was still jumping.

She was about to go forward and persuade her to take care of herself, but a leisurely male voice suddenly sounded beside her:

"The donor asked for three, why only two?"


Jiang Qiyu was wearing a hat and mask, with only a pair of eyes exposed. Hearing this, he turned his head to look.

But he saw that the young monk in the pavilion just now stood behind him at some point, and now he was looking at her calmly.

"You are talking about this..."

She just remembered, shook the blank red ribbon in her hand, and turned to look at Yu Xiaoyu who was panting:

"Anyway, I can't throw it up, so it's useless to write it."

And the monk didn't say much, just handed over a pen, and then turned and left without saying a word.


Jiang Qiyu frowned slightly at the pen in his hand.

After hesitating for a moment, she unfolded the red ribbon and wrote a few words on it.

She then tied a few buckles at the front of the ribbon to form a round knot.

She stood up and walked towards the frustrated Yu Xiaoyu, showing her:

"Believe in science."

After that, she grabbed one end of the ribbon, swung the knot-like round knot, and threw it up regardless of anything -


Before Jiang Qiyu looked up to see the result, she was frightened by Yu Xiaoyu's scream behind her.

She turned her head and glared at her, but saw her pointing upward with excitement:

"Sister Yu! Sister Yu, you are hanging on the tree!"


Ignoring the wrongness in her words, Jiang Qiyu looked up.

I saw that the bright red ribbon actually went around a thick branch!

The round knot used to increase the weight was tightly wrapped around the branch twice under the action of inertia, and it was swinging back and forth slightly at this time.

"It's actually... really hung up?"

She herself couldn't believe it.


Seeing her success, Yu Xiaoyu stood up like a chicken.

She also tied a few times on the end of the ribbon like Jiang Qiyu, and swung the blessing belt with full confidence:

"God of Science! Give me strength!!!"


Maybe because Yu Xiaoyu believed in a lot of things, the God of Science still didn't work.

In the end, she still tied her "assassination list" to other trees in the temple.

"Please bless the Buddha, if anyone on this list can succeed, I will definitely bring the thickest incense to fulfill my wish..."

Yu Xiaoyu put her hands together and bowed three times to her assassination list.

After finishing, she turned around and looked at Jiang Qiyu who looked impatient beside her:

"Sister Yu, what is written on the belt you hung up?Huh?"

"...I forgot."

"Huh? Didn't you just write it? How could you forget?"

"I can't remember."

"What if it works, how will you fulfill your wish?"


"Did you really forget?"

"Get lost. ”


After spending an afternoon in the temple, it was almost evening when the two returned to the hotel.

After a short rest, the staff of the program team came to communicate the specific matters of tomorrow, and recorded some highlights and pre-interview clips in advance.

The variety show to be participated in tomorrow is the most popular program that has recently been broadcast after the show "Knowing Love", and its name is——

"You are so daring, are you going to die?"

The program has five permanent guests, and the program team will invite several flying guests in each episode to complete various challenges together according to the current competition system.

And the theme of tomorrow is wildlife protection.

After simply checking the process with Yu Xiaoyu to confirm that there were no problems, the staff invited Jiang Qiyu to come to the hotel's single interview room to record the pre-interview Q&A clip.

Behind the camera, the staff signaled her to turn on the camera and asked:

"Excuse me, Miss Jiang Qiyu, do you know about wild animals?"

She had a calm expression and replied lightly:

"Not much."

The staff asked again: "Then what animals do you know about?"

She replied: "Does a cow count? "

"Of course," the staff continued to persuade: "Then please briefly tell me what you know about cattle."

Jiang Qiyu nodded: "Beef tenderloin is very tender and suitable for hot pot, beef top brain slices and stir-fry taste very good, beef brisket..."

Before she finished speaking, she was stopped by the staff who made an "X" sign behind the camera.

"Then let's change the question."

The staff flipped the script in his hand and asked again:

"If you encounter a large wild animal like a bear in the wild, what will you do?"


Jiang Qiyu had never eaten one and didn't understand it, so she frowned and asked back:

"Just me?"

The staff was stunned: "Uh... there should be other companions."

"That's easy."

Hearing this, her expression instantly eased, and she waved her hand and said in a relaxed posture:

"I will turn around and run."

"How can a person run faster than a bear? What if it gets mad...”

“When did I say I would outrun the bear?”

Jiang Qiyu said confidently: “I just need to outrun my companions.”


The staff member lowered his head and bit his cheek to hold back his laughter. After a pause, he continued to ask:

“What if you encounter a bear alone in the wild?”

Jiang Qiyu shrugged and followed his answer:

“Isn’t it just a bear? I’m not bragging, I can take ten slaps from it without fighting back.”


“Except for the first slap, which hurt a little and I screamed, I didn’t say a word for the next nine slaps.”

“Ah? !”

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