Spear Teacher

Chapter 17

Jiang Ling came with a lot of calculations, and Jiang Qiyu sent her away with a lot of resentment.

So, no one suffered a loss.

In the evening, she was very considerate (crossed out) and took the initiative to help Mr. Qi wash the vegetables, and successfully got the three dishes and one soup that Fang Xubai ordered with tears.

After dinner, it was time for the usual reserved part of the program -

"Understanding Love Night Talk"

And today's program is the public disclosure of the love circle in the Understand Love APP.

Everyone sat in the living room and looked at the electronic screen in front of them, which showed all the love circles they had posted from last night to today.


Zhou Shun uploaded a photo of his room with the caption:

[A wonderful "shared" life. ]

Song Yan posted a selfie in the mirror with the caption:

[Looking forward to it. ]

Jiang Ling took a photo of the night view outside the window with the caption:

[The breeze is blowing, and all the good things will come unexpectedly. ]

Fang Xubai posted a paragraph of pure text:

[I met a very interesting friend. ]

When this picture was shown on the big screen, Fang Xubai subconsciously looked up at Jiang Qiyu.

But he found that the man's eyes were distracted, and it was obvious that his mind was far away and he was not watching seriously. He grinned heartlessly and turned his eyes back to follow the big screen.

Jiang Mian's circle of friends was posted this morning. The picture was a table of various Chinese breakfasts, and the caption was:

[Food is as gentle as love. ]

And Lu Heng not only liked her circle of friends in seconds, but also posted a landscape photo of the garden right after, with the caption:

[What I see is gentle and beautiful, and what I do is not in vain. ]

When it was shown to this point, the barrage was almost dominated by Lu Heng and Jiang Mian's CP fans:

[Is this the time difference for young couples to play? How can you still exchange secret codes when you are on a dating variety show? Don't be gentle, don't be beautiful, give me happiness! 】

【Ahhhh I am fake, Lu Mianyan can't be fake either, I'm dead! 】

【Do you two care about the life and death of the fans? You will turn the fans into CP fans! 】


Qi Yu, who came here the next day, had no movement in his friend circle, and only his blank friend circle flashed on the big screen.

From last night to now, everyone's friend circle has only posted sporadic posts or no updates at all.

Except for Lu Heng's copywriting that used Jiang Mian to hype up the CP, which caused a wave of response, the others didn't make any splashes at all.

Jiang Qiyu's friend circle was specially displayed at the end by the program team.

As for the reason...

Whoever is poked with a spear in shit will die. The first pure text circle of friends this morning:

[There are many kinds of spicy in this world, namely: slightly spicy, medium spicy, very spicy, and]

She only said half of the words, and everyone was still confused, and then the big screen showed her second post:

Picture: A piece of cut blue cheese.

Whoever is poked with a spear in shit will die: [Stinky and spicy! ]

Lu Heng's face turned black on the spot.

Picture: A bowl of vegetable tofu soup that has been drained.

Whoever is poked with a spear in shit will die: [Spicy and spicy! ]

Qi Yu raised his eyebrows slightly.

Picture: A selfie from the death angle in the dressing room wearing a bright red executioner's uniform.

Whoever is poked with a spear in shit will die: [Beautiful and spicy! ]

Jiang Ling's face turned green.

Picture: A photo of a smiling face standing in the rooftop garden with the sea view behind her.

This photo, which is still normal and full of beauty, has the following caption:

[My mother and the sea.]

Finally, there is a photo with Jiang Ling, who looks very reluctant, in the rooftop garden.

Caption: [You can scold my sister if you don’t like me. I am like this, how can my sister be a good person?]

Then he replied below:

[After scolding my sister, you can’t scold me anymore.]

Jiang·Fake cousin·Ling’s face turned even greener.

Jiang·Real cousin·Mian’s face was not very good either.

[She is really worthy of being Teacher Changmao. A few simple love circles can ruin everyone’s good face.]

[I am narrow-minded. I take back what I said before that Teacher Changmao is here to clean up the fan circle. This sister is here to clean up the entertainment circle.]

[Get out of there with your seven kinds of spicy, I am not kidding!]

[Are Jiang Ling and Jiang Qiyu really sisters? Why do they look so different? 】

There was a lot of joy on the barrage, but Jiang Ling wanted to eat her alive in her heart.

In front of the camera, she could only squeeze out a very reluctant smile and said to Jiang Qiyu:

"Qiyu... you have posted a lot in your circle of friends..."

Song Yan was also stunned and said: "Qiyu, your desire to talk... is quite strong."

Zhou Shun and Fang Xubai nodded.

They said it tactfully, and the Chinese translation actually means:

Why do you talk so much nonsense every day?"Do you think I criticize too much?"

This sentence revealed everyone's thoughts. Jiang Qiyu didn't think there was any problem at all, and said calmly:

"Friends, to you, what I post is just a circle of friends, but to me, I am crazy. If I go a little crazy every day, I will gain a little more peace in my heart."


Everyone was speechless, only Qi Yu shook his head slightly, and rarely gave a serious advice:

"Posting everything will hurt you."

Jiang Qiyu grinned at him heartlessly:

"Scared to death!"


Everyone's circle of friends was displayed, and then the program team announced:

The guests will like each other, and whoever gets the most likes will get a privilege in tomorrow's session.

There is no doubt that this rule is extremely unfriendly to Qi Yu, but it is undoubtedly a stroke of genius for Jiang Qiyu who posts circle of friends like a memo.

Soon, the result came out.

Jiang Qiyu's quality is not enough, but she has quantity. Even if she likes every post, she is almost certain to win.

At first, she didn't know this rule. Everyone posted one post like a Weibo business. No one expected that this person who talks too much would be lucky.

Facing the sincere or fake congratulations from everyone, Jiang Qiyu smiled:



At night, after returning to the room to wash up, Jiang Qiyu, who was still parachuting, shooting, looting, and hiding from poison, received a pop-up window of the heart value from the Donglian APP.

The second forced pop-up window was stuck, and she was much calmer. She clicked on everyone's avatar to score seriously:

Lu Heng?

Born, 0 points.

Jiang Mian?

The heroine, can't afford to offend but can afford to avoid, 0 points.

Jiang Ling?

She has intensive phobia and is afraid of people with too many tricks, 0 points.

Zhou Shun?

Not familiar, 0 points.

Song Yan?

Fairly white, 10 points.

Fang Xubai?

Nice guy, but a little bit of a problem with his brain, 20 points.

Qi Yu?


When it came to this guest who was more than yesterday, Jiang Qiyu paused, and then thought of his exquisite cooking skills.

Hmm... this is worth 50 points.

Then he thought of his verbal attack on his taste during the day, so he had to deduct points for this.

Under the gaze of the audience in the live broadcast room, Jiang Qiyu pondered for a while, and then slowly deducted a 6 from Qi Yu's score sheet.

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