Spear Teacher

Chapter 131

As soon as she said this, not only Lu Heng, who was lying on the ground, but also the entire shooting scene froze.

Assistant Director Luo gently took off one of his headphones and leaned over to Director Yuan:

"Director Yuan, this line... is OK!"

There was a hint of arrogance in his contempt, and a hint of humor in his arrogance, which matched the actor's unique middle school temperament...

It completely fits the character of Shangguan Yunshao, a neurotic rich second generation!

Thinking of this, he looked at Director Yuan with more admiration.

At the beginning, Director Yuan insisted on adding such a nonsensical character and insisted on using Jiang Qiyu, a famous vase in the industry. He had argued for it, but now it seems...

As expected of a director who has written four scripts himself, he is far-sighted, far-sighted!

Director Yuan didn't know that he had become a legend in the assistant director's mind who was able to plan and use troops like a god.

He still stared at the viewfinder, waiting expectantly for the next performance of Ye Luzi.


Lu Heng, who was still pressed on the floor, obviously heard the source of this line, and his face changed slightly.

Originally, it was just the hatred between characters, but now he was also angry at Qi Yu and Jiang Qiyu.

By chance, the character of Leng Feihang instantly became more three-dimensional.

Jiang Qiyu didn't dare to turn her head after saying this. She didn't hear the director's "cut", and she couldn't remember the specific lines.

So she continued to make up stories:

"Hmph, have you read too many online novels? Do you think that you, a weakling, can become powerful as long as you turn evil?"

As she said this, she smiled and raised her foot to step on Lu Heng's shoulder, saying arrogantly:

"No, my friend, you will probably just become a..."

As she said this, she exerted a little force on her foot, and Lu Heng could only follow her and bend down.

As soon as he struggled to lie back on the ground, he heard a woman's arrogant voice from above:

"A weakling who is not very kind, that's all."



"Good! Good!! Good!!!"

The director gave three good comments in a row, stood up and praised the two of them to the sky.

In this rivalry, not only did Jiang Qiyu give him a surprise, but Lu Heng also performed exceptionally well.

He acted the hatred and contempt between the two characters vividly and vividly.

Lu Heng, who was hurriedly helped up from the ground by his assistant, seemed to be still immersed in the storyline, and his expression was almost freezing.

However, the director did not notice his abnormality, but instead pulled the two of them to talk about the next action scene.

This scene has two parts, one of which is the verbal humiliation of the male lead by the villain just now.

Another part is that the villain Shangguan Yunshao instructs his men to beat the male lead as a warning and then throw him out of Shangguan's house.

Regarding this plot, Jiang Qiyu and Director Yuan had a fierce debate before filming.

In the end, the two took a step back and merged their ideas.

After giving a speech to the group of people who played the bodyguards, Director Yuan returned to the monitor and, after the actors, lighting and other departments were ready, he picked up the loudspeaker and shouted:

"All departments are ready! The first scene of the second scene of the thirty-two scenes, action!"

After the order fell, Lu Heng, who was crawling on the ground, struggled unyieldingly and raised his head again, looking at the arrogant woman above with eyes full of resentment:

"Shangguan Yunshao, what do you want?!"

"What do I want?"

Jiang Qiyu changed her leg and lifted it up, Qi Yu put on the extremely arrogant expression he had in the bar:

"A lowly bastard dares to question me? Who do you think you are!"

After saying that, he gently waved to the bodyguard beside him, saying indifferently:

"Teach him a lesson, let him know what respect for the young and the old is..."

After the words fell, the two black-clad bodyguards at the double-doors stepped forward and nodded coldly:


But just as they grabbed Lu Heng's collar and lifted him up, ready to punch him.


Jiang Qiyu, who had been sitting there calmly, suddenly stopped them:

"I'll beat you, I'm afraid you won't hit me hard enough."

After she finished speaking, one of the double-door actors who played the bodyguards happily said his only line:

"But Miss..."

As soon as the four-word line was finished, Jiang Qiyu stood up with his sleeves rolled up, frowned and said seriously:

"What if I hit you too hard?"


Just like that, the original order of the bodyguards to beat the male protagonist turned into rolling up her sleeves and beating the male protagonist herself.

Jiang Qiyu's face was full of anger towards the illegitimate child.She was filled with resentment and disdain, but she wanted to sing a song right away.

Following the thirteen moves taught by the action director, she mercilessly killed Lu Heng.

Although it was just a show, she felt that it was worthwhile to beat up this idiot who had a grudge against her in the play.

If she had known that filming was so fun, Director Yuan would not have to pay any labor fees, and Sister Chen would not have to take any vacation.

As long as she was told in advance that she could beat Lu Heng on the set.

Even if Director Yuan said, "Fifty thousand a day."

She would definitely take out her mobile phone with a smile and ask, "Where can I scan the code?"

Because the last scene was more complicated, they NGed several times, and the director finally nodded with satisfaction before the sun set:

"Okay, call it a day!"

The first day of filming ended smoothly. Jiang Qiyu shook her tired shoulders and waved to Lu Heng, who had a sullen face all day.

At the moment when the two passed by, Lu Heng's gloomy voice came into her ears:

"Don't think I don't know what you are thinking."

As if to avoid being noticed, Lu Heng said this and left without waiting for Jiang Qiyu to respond.


Standing in place and watching the back of the man walking away, Jiang Qiyu couldn't help but frowned fiercely.

Suddenly, she seemed to think of something, and muttered thoughtfully:

"Could it be that the Yin-Yang Master... is also from this way?"

Yin-Yang Master, Gu Xunjian.

In the original book, she is a female star who has just entered the industry and has a crush on the male protagonist.

But after contacting her today, Jiang Qiyu found that it was not the case.

And the original owner with the same name as her is also a disgusting and entangled female supporting role in the book.

But is it really the case?

Looking at Lu Heng, who still firmly believes that he is entangled with him, Jiang Qiyu can't help but doubt the world view of the original work.

The world view shown in the original work = the subjective consciousness of the male and female protagonists, but ≠ the real situation?


Oops, I need to grow my brain.

After some thinking, Jiang Qiyu came to the conclusion:

It's too far for her to think about such a profound question...

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