Spear Teacher

Chapter 117

The main reason why Tian Lu chose to call Qi Yu was to test him.

He didn't know what happened in the bar at that time.

He didn't know whether Qi Yu really beat Tian Hao like this for this little star, or whether it was purely because his brother was so mean that he offended him.

If it was the former, the woman couldn't move for the time being, so she could only swallow her anger.

If it was the latter...

Thinking of this, when the phone was connected, his expression was still sinister, but his tone was changed to the slickness he had learned in the business world:

"Mr. Qi, I heard that you came back from City A. Why didn't you tell the brothers? I'd like to welcome you."

Qi Yu, who was anxious to find someone on the other side, didn't have so much free time to flatter him. He frowned slightly and said directly:

"I beat Tian Hao. What's wrong?"


Tian Lu didn't expect him to be so direct. The words he had prepared were held back all of a sudden, and he was silent. After a long time, he sighed:

"Alas... Qi Yu, I know my brother best. He is just a bad mouth, but he is not a bad person. You..."

"Yes, he is not bad."

Qi Yu did not have any intense reaction after hearing this. He just curled his lips slightly and said faintly:

"I am bad, Tian Lu, you should know what kind of person I am."

"Qi Yu you..."

"Tell Tian Hao to avoid me in the future, otherwise you will have to come to this hospital."

Not wanting to listen to Tian Lu's nonsense anymore, Qi Yu wanted to hang up after saying the last sentence.

"Qi Yu!"

Hearing the angry roar on the phone, he slowly put the phone back from his ear.


Qi Yu looked at the man with shifty eyes coming out of the elevator with a relaxed look, and responded to the receiver in a good mood:

"Anything else?"

Tian Lu on the other side was a little uncomfortable with his suddenly gentle tone, and paused before continuing:

"Mr. Qi, Tian Hao has already lost all his face and dignity in front of you tonight. As a brother, you should not be so rude to a child, okay?"

Looking at the figure sneaking along the wall with a smile on his face.


Qi Yu seemed to have thought of something, pursed his lips and smiled, and then said lightly:

"His face, my insole."


Tian Lu was almost choked to death by this sentence, and the phone creaked in his hand. He took a few deep breaths to endure the arrogance of this crazy Qi.

He took another step back, gnashing his teeth and lowering his posture:

"Qi Yu, just give me a favor, don't touch Tian Hao again."

And Qi Yu just lowered his eyes with a gentle expression, looked at the person who walked up to him with a sullen smile, and left the last words to Tian Lu:

"Your face, my other insole."

After saying that, he didn't care whether the person on the other side would be angry to death, and hung up the phone directly.


Seeing that he hung up the phone, Jiang Qiyu grinned with his hands behind his back:

"I just went to the toilet."


Qi Yu didn't say anything, lowered his eyes to look at the high heels she had been wearing on her feet, took a step forward and said calmly:

"Grandpa took the medicine and went to sleep, I'll take you to see him another day."

"It's not necessary..."

"Let's go, I'll take you back."



In the car on the way back, the two were silent all the way.

Until the eye-catching white Pamei slowly stopped downstairs of the hotel where she was staying.

After taking off the seat belt, Jiang Qiyu looked sideways at the man's clear and smooth jawline, as well as the suit and tie he usually only wore in work occasions.

He hadn't changed his clothes yet, and it seemed that he really flew back from City A as he said.

And he went straight to S·LINX after landing, and even his tie was only slightly loosened when he kicked someone.

After listening to Qiao Jingshen's words, she was even more confused.

Why did such a super rich third-generation who had been unruly since childhood participate in a love variety show and fall in love with a female star who was good at nothing and ate everything?


She pondered for a long time in her heart, and finally, in Qi Yu's expression of "Are you okay?", she lowered her eyes and spoke lightly:

"Qi Yu, did you come back from City A today just to pick me up?"


Qi Yu was not a weird person, and nodded generously:

"Are you okay? If you are, get off the car quickly. I have a meeting in City A tomorrow morning."

The new project in City A is in the trial operation stage these two days, so naturally there are meetings and communications of all sizes every day.


Looking at his slightly impatient expression,Jiang Qiyu rolled her eyes quietly.

She was a person who could not hide things, so she simply lay back on the backrest and said straight to the point:

"I just don't understand why you do this?"

"Why what?"

Qi Yu raised his eyebrows slightly, and instantly understood what she meant. He shrugged indifferently and looked at her sideways:

"Why so many whys? I said I like you."


Jiang Qiyu still couldn't figure it out, so she turned sideways and asked him seriously:

"We haven't known each other for many years, and I haven't done anything for you. Why do you like me?"


As soon as she finished speaking, she was hit on the forehead.

Subconsciously covering her head, she heard the man's magnetic voice, with a slightly casual tone:

"Liking is not a negotiation of cooperation. I like whoever offers the best conditions."

"What is that?" She asked.


Qi Yu looked at her ignorant and clear eyes, sighed and said:

"I don't know, maybe... I'm moved."

After that, he coughed twice, turned his head and looked forward, urging impatiently:

"Why do you have so many questions? Is there anything else? If not, hurry up..."

But before he finished speaking, Jiang Qiyu, who caught the key words instantly, blinked her bright eyes and leaned forward.

Smiling, she asked:

"Have you ever been moved by me? When?"


Qi Yu was also stunned when she asked this.

Then, those glimmering moments began to flash involuntarily in his mind:

"Am I cute?"

"How much is Elsa?"

"I'm just a mouse, 300 grams is all I have!"

"I can serve the powerful, I can."

"I don't believe it."

"Then do you want chocolate?"

"Master, it's the old slave who is late!"

"I don't mind."

"How can this be called running away? This is an emergency escape."

"Don't be rough, use a gentle one."


I don't know when it started, maybe only for a moment, maybe countless moments.

But Qi Yu knew clearly that he had been heartbeating for her and his soul was turbulent.

He lowered his eyes and looked at the smiling and slightly curious face again, with a gentleness flowing in his eyes:

"At this moment."

Every moment.

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