Spear Teacher

Chapter 100

Jiang Qiyu didn't take the company's nanny car, but got directly into Qi Yu's Maybach.

Zhao Jin and Yu Xiaoyu sat in the front, and the four of them rushed to the scene of the wrap-up party of "Understanding Love".

It must be said that the preparation work of the program group was very good this time. They entered the live broadcast site easily without any obstacles along the way.

As soon as the two appeared, Fang Xubai, who had been waiting at the scene, jumped over.

"Sister Qiyu! Brother Qi!"

Today, he didn't wear the white suit he wore on the confession night, but a glittering idol outfit, and even the makeup on his face was a little more gorgeous than before.

"Sister Qiyu, I haven't seen you for a week. Do you miss me? I'm still a little uncomfortable after being apart for a while!"

Fang Xubai stuck to Jiang Qiyu as soon as he came, ignoring Qi Yu's pretending to be indifferent and cold eyes.

Seeing this, Jiang Qiyu smiled and curled her lips and replied:

"You send me silly jokes every day, and you don't leave me time to miss you."

Although she and Fang Xubai have not met this week, this guy harassed her online frequently.

He was so enthusiastic that she sometimes wondered if he came with a system to capture her.

"Hehe... Sister Qiyu, don't you often reply to my messages immediately? I know you miss me, but you are just embarrassed to say it. I understand."

"Replying immediately doesn't mean I like you, but I really like playing with my phone."


Now that the live broadcast has not started yet, Jiang Qiyu is not in a hurry to play screen lovers with Qi Yu, and instead leaves the man beside her and chats with Fang Xubai casually.


Qi Yu, who entered the venue with her but was ignored at this time, was not annoyed. He just stood calmly not far away and watched the two people who were chatting enthusiastically, with no emotion on his face.

Even if he didn't say anything, there would naturally be people who could read the expressions and see this scene.

Song Yan, who was originally standing with Zhou Shun, raised her eyebrows and approached the man next to her and said something.

Then she walked towards Qi Yu with a wine glass in her hand.

Standing silently beside this imposing man, Song Yan followed his line of sight, and her tone quietly carried a hint of playfulness:

"The two of them have a really good relationship..."


Faced with this man who was fanning the flames and watching the fun, Qi Yu had no reaction, and replied indifferently:

"It's really good."

Song Yan turned her head to look at him in surprise, and only after finding that there was indeed no trace of forbearance on his face did she put away her mentality of watching the fun.

She spoke again with a hint of meaning:

"What about you guys?"

Gossip is human nature, and international supermodels are no exception.


Qi Yu still stared at the figure not far away, and said calmly:

"She wants to see legs."


"I refused."

"You refused..."

The man's tone and expression were obviously the same as before, but Song Yan could hear a strange boasting in it.

At the same time, she was shocked beyond words.

What to see?


Whose legs?

A week ago, Jiang Qiyu was still unmoved, and a week later, he made such an excessive request to Qi Yu?

He refused? !

These two people...

Extraordinary, really extraordinary.


Just as Song Yan shook her head and sighed, behind the few people not far away, a pair of deep eyes were also staring at Jiang Qiyu's every move.

Jiang Qiyu has become popular these days, but Jiang Mian feels great pressure.

It's not that she didn't benefit from this program, but in the discussion about her, someone would always mention the rising star Jiang Qiyu.

People compared the two of them.

The praises that she used to have for being beautiful and kind-hearted were now mixed with contemptuous slanders such as being a scumbag and hypocritical.

The exquisitely rounded nails left deep semicircular marks on her palms, and Jiang Mian felt that the suffocating oppression of her previous life was sweeping back again.

Looking at the wanton smile not far away, she opened her red lips slightly and spoke silently:

'Jiang, Qi, Yu...'


"Okay, all eight of our guests are here!"

Director Zhang, who hadn't seen him for a week, picked up his long-lost trumpet with joy:

"All departments are in place. Now, I announce that the live broadcast of the final wrap-up banquet of the first season of "You Know Love" has officially begun!"

The moment he finished speaking, several cameras were turned on at the same time, and the director also cut the live broadcast room camera to the front panoramic view.

"Now, please say hello to our audience friends who have always supported us!"


This live broadcast is said to be a wrap-up party.In fact, it was to let the eight people get together to review some wonderful moments in the past.

At the same time, they also gave a formal response and answer to the audience's curious questions.

The eight people played a simple game of passing the flower with drums together, and the punishment to liven up the atmosphere made everyone laugh.

In the middle, Zhou Shun sang a short part of his new song that had not yet been released, which made the CP fans who liked him in the live broadcast room shout Chinese New Year.

Afterwards, everyone looked back at the CP photo blockbuster taken at the beginning.

Jiang Qiyu and Jiang Ling's popularity among men and women, and Fang Xubai's androgynousness were widely praised by the public.

They looked back at everyone cooking together, playing games together, and surviving on a deserted island together in the end "no one survived".

There was also Qi Yu's highlight moment in the mutual gift-giving segment, and Jiang Qiyu's explosive date in the confession invitation...

They had a thrilling month, going up mountains and down seas.

It was obviously not long ago, but now that everything is over and looking back again, it makes people feel as if they were in another world.

The live broadcast slowly moved to the last item, which was the familiar "Understanding Love Night Talk" at the beginning.

However, this time, it was not the program team who asked questions, but the guests who asked each other questions.

Everyone sat together, and in a trance, it seemed as if they had returned to the bonfire dinner at the ranch.

Song Yan, who always took the lead, did not let down this time. When the eight people looked at each other, she was the first to raise her hand:

"Let me ask first."

As she said, she looked meaningfully at Qi Yu and Jiang Qiyu beside him, and asked the question that fans love to hear the most:

"What is your relationship now?"

As soon as this was said, countless long-eared CP fans instantly became excited:

[Teacher Song Yan, you deserve to be enshrined in the imperial temple! ]

[Song sister! Sister! You are my only sister! (Yelling) (Screaming) (Scratching the door crazily) (Yelling too loudly) (Retching) (Continue to yell)]

[Song Yan - my CP mouth substitute. ]

[When the long-eared get married, Song sister must be on the main table for me! 】

Jiang Qiyu was caught off guard by her overly straightforward question. Just as she was trying to think about how to respond.

She heard the calm and mellow voice of the man beside her:

"Nothing, just looking at T——"

"Oh my God!"

In a flash, Jiang Qiyu guessed what he was going to say and didn't care about anything else. Her body was faster than her brain and she directly covered his mouth that was leaking air.

At the same time, her little brain was spinning wildly, and she laughed dryly to round it off:

"Just look at the sky, appreciate the earth, and talk about everything."


Song Yan almost laughed out loud, holding back her emotions and looking at the two people entangled together:


Qi Yu's original intention was to tease her. Feeling the soft palm covering his lips, he nodded with curved eyebrows to show his agreement.

Jiang Qiyu breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this.


She must not let anyone know that she shamelessly asked a man to take off his pants at night. Female stars can have their reputations ruined, but Jiang Qiyu must keep her innocence in the world!

And she didn't see it either. Wouldn't it be a loss to be accused of a crime for nothing?


Thinking of this, she turned her head to look at the live camera and explained seriously:

"We who are engaged in pure love all emphasize a soul fit and gradual progress."

After speaking, the man with a smile in his eyes immediately agreed:

"Yes, fit, gradual progress."

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