(Chapter 458: Invitation from the Speaker) Mester started investigating after getting information from Cobra that the other party wanted to use the secret weapon of the Magic Council, 'Fez'.

After all, Mester is the intelligence chief of the Intelligence Department of the Magic Council, and now he has the greatest power in the Magic Council, so even if some things are kept secret, there will still be clues after the huge machine of the Magic Council is running. Can be found.

However, Mester also felt the powerlessness of the Magic Council. Without the most cutting-edge combat power, the Magic Council could not even destroy the weapons it made. It was easily defeated by a demon from the Book of Zeref at the Gate of Hades. Breaking into the Magic Council.

How ridiculous it is to kill all the members of the Magic Council. The Magic Council has become a joke to the entire continent of Ishgar, no, to the entire world.

"Mr. Ye Xin, I have one more thing to do here. I want to invite you to serve as the president of the Magic Council."


Everyone in Fairy Tail was dumbfounded when they heard Mester's words. Chairman of the Magic Council? What is this? This is in the Mage, no, this is in the Ishgar continent. This is the top of power.

All formal Almost all magicians, or things related to magicians, are under the jurisdiction of Ye Xin.

It feels like a friend around him is suddenly going to become an emperor.

"Ye Xin wants to become the chairman of the jury?!!"Lucy covered her mouth in surprise.

The same goes for everyone else. Although the relationship between regular guild magicians and the Magic Council is that of subordinates and superiors, in fact it is just the regular guild of magicians that is supervised by the Magic Council. , Mages are a group of freedom-loving guys, who would like to be controlled by these guys, especially Fairy Tail, many of which are prone to trouble.

Ye Xin is also a bit confused, he was a village bully when he was on Earth , but he was just a village hegemon, and he couldn’t even enter the village committee system. When he came to the world of Fairy Tail, he became the guild leader in the Fairy Tail guild, but he didn’t even want to be the guild president.

He used to He has never considered power, and he is not very interested in power, but to suddenly become the boss of the Ishgar continent seems a bit too big.

President Makarov winked wildly at Ye Xin. He is the chairman of the Magic Council. What a great power he has. He will never have to go to the Magic Council to be scolded in the future.

Ye Xin's mouth twitched at Mei Ste said:"Are you kidding?"

Mester said with a serious expression:"I am serious. I have seen Mr. Ye Xin's strength with my own eyes. It is not an exaggeration to say that you are the strongest person in the world. What happened to the Magic Council this time It also made me understand that it is a mistake for a powerful organization not to have truly powerful people in charge."

"That's why after losing all the members in the Magic Council, he was like a headless fly, unable to do anything. The Magic Council is such a fragile organization."

"So now the Magic Council needs a powerful and prestigious person to step forward and lead the Magic Council out of difficulties, and at the same time, he can stabilize the hearts and minds of everyone in the entire Ishgar continent."

"Mr. Ye Xin is one of the top ten magicians in the Holy Saints. He also has the name of 'Legendary Magician'. As well as your guild Fairy Tail's record of successively defeating the three major dark guilds of the Baram Alliance in Ishgar Continent, no one More qualified than you to be the Speaker of the Magic Council."

Ye Xin couldn't help but touch his chin when he heard what Mester said about him. Well, it seems that he is really that good. It seems natural that he should become the speaker of the Magic Senate for such an excellent person.

Gray looked at Mester Asked:"You are not even a member of the Magic Council, are you able to make decisions?"

"It is true that I am not even a member of the Magic Council, but I am now the one with the highest official position in the Magic Council, so it is pretty much me who has the final say. And this does not mean that you are no longer a member of the Fairy Tail Guild. member……"

When Mester was still trying to persuade him, Ye Xin interrupted Mester and said,"Let's talk about this later. The problem now is how to deal with 'Feth' without getting rid of all Fess. The entire Ixiu The magic power of Gal Continent has disappeared. Where is the Magic Council?"


Mester heard what Ye Xin said and immediately said:"Our Magic Council itself has branches all over the continent. Through the magic crystal, we have obtained all the information about the specific location of 'Fez', and the Magic Council's The Knights also evacuated surrounding citizens there."

Ye Xin nodded after hearing this. Although he didn't like to see the Magic Council very much, the Magic Council still represents the justice of the Ishgar continent. In response to emergencies every year, the Magic Council often takes the lead. Yes, without the existence of this organization, this continent might have been in dire straits long ago.

Although the 'Fez' thing created by the Magic Council caused a lot of trouble, it still made some efforts to protect this continent. He has made considerable contributions, and he has no way of judging the merits or demerits.

"But what the Magic Council lacks now is enough weapons to destroy those 'Fez'. The magic elf power cannot be activated because all the members have sacrificed."Although the weapon Fez is very scary, since the Magic Council created 'Fez', there is naturally a counter-weapon, and that is the Magical Elf Power. The Magical Elf Power can hit everyone on the Ishgar continent at a fixed point. In this place, a weapon like Fez that can't move is like a torrent in front of the magical elf power.The target, but no one thought that all the council members who had the authority to activate the Magic Elf Power would be dead. Without authority, the Magic Elf Power could not be launched. Even if he is now the highest officer of the Magic Council, he can only watch helplessly. looking at

"Destruction stuff I can offer."

When Ye Xin said this, he clasped his hands together, and the light particles in his hands condensed. In the blink of an eye, a golden cube appeared in Ye Xin's hands.

"this is?"


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