(Chapter 451: Just do it)

"Who gave you the courage to provoke Fairy Tail?"

Ye Xin glanced at Kuanghua and Keith coldly, and said lightly. Kuanghua and Keith saw Ye Xin's eyes and immediately felt their bodies trembling. The demonic strength of the Gate of Hades. Although he is not weak, he is not good enough in front of Ye Xin, but enemies of this level bring him great trouble.

All the members of the Magic Council are dead. Although Ye Xin Unexpected, but Ye Xin was just a little surprised. Ye Xin learned from the guild that although the Magic Council has not been too targeted at Fairy Tail in the past seven years, it has no intention of helping at all.

Even if Fairy Tail is for Yi The regular guild of Shugar mainland has made such a great contribution to the magic world.

Therefore, Ye Xin hates this year's magic council members. They dare to point fingers even though they have no ability. They all deserve to die.

But Mr. Yakima is There is no doubt that he takes great care of the Fairy Tail Guild. If he touches Mr. Yakima, he is making their Fairy Tail enemies.

Laxus easily killed the demons in the Book of Zeref at the Gate of Hades. However, their lives were in danger because of the virus infected by the magic barrier particles, and so were the three Thors. The former Speaker of the Magic Council betrayed humanity and defected to the Gate of Hades, resulting in the arrest of Mira and Erza, as well as Elfman and Lisanna. Being manipulated to blow up Fairy Tail, one of them was arrested again.

Each of these things made Ye Xin feel like he couldn't use his strength. This feeling was very uncomfortable, so as soon as he found the Gate of Hades Ye Xin would wreak havoc on the headquarters, but he still had to prevent himself from accidentally using too much force to kill the former Speaker who could release the control, or putting Mira, Erza and others in danger. Now the boss of the Gate of Hades , and trapped everyone in Fairy Tail, Ye Xin became more and more impatient. If Zeref dares to attack Fairy Tail, even if Zeref is a demon from the Book of Zeref, Ye Xin will make Zeref pay the price. These guys are causing trouble, not only putting Fairy Tail in danger, but also putting the magicians in the entire continent into danger.

So when I saw these three guys, I didn't even bother to say anything, just do it.

"Uh-huh!"Pluto Maldo Gil appeared in front of Ye Xin again. His body had changed and he transformed into the form of a demon.

"this is……"

"Lord Hades turned into a demon so quickly?!"

Kuai Hua and Keith were both a little surprised. Normally Pluto's human form actually has very strong fighting power, and his demonization is a gesture in which the Zeref Book demons unlock their own strength seals and show their full strength. Of course, this The posture spell consumes a lot of power, so the demons in the Book of Zeref usually move in human form.

The two of them just didn't expect that they just faced Ye Xin, and Hades Maldo Gil was such a fast demon. transformation, it can be seen that the strength of the enemy is such that even Pluto has to treat it with caution

"Humanity! You really pissed me off."Pluto Maldo looked at Ye Xin and said


Pluto Maldor Gil waved his hand, and thorns and vines quickly appeared on the ground around Ye Xin, and then quickly trapped Ye Xin. Then Pluto Maldor Gil held his hand, and these chaotic thorns The vines seemed to shrink quickly like hydrangeas.

Then they formed a huge ball of thorns, trapping Ye Xin inside.


Golden light bloomed in the thorn ball, and the entire thorn ball's vines were cut. Ye Xin's intact figure appeared in front of Pluto Maldo Gil and others.

"Make you angry? You just made me angry. A few demons from the Book of Zeref dare to provoke me and Fairy Tail."


The Dark Monk Zheng Keith turned on the demon transformation, and his whole person turned into a skeleton form, and his body seemed to be burning with black flames. The pressure Ye Xin put on them was too great. Even if he showed all his power, he had no power. Confidence can compete with Ye Xin


Kuaihua also activated his devil posture,

"Strengthen yourself!"

Kuai Hua used a spell on himself at the same time. Kuang Hua's power increased sharply and became stronger every second.


Another figure appeared near the three demons.


This person is Sera who just fought with Mira. Although Mira is not weak, because she happened to be in the center, she could not escape the attack of Pluto Maldo Gil's 'Joy' spell and was trapped. , Sera discovered Ye Xin’s terrifying magic power fluctuations that made even all demons tremble, and quickly rushed over.

"Mr. Kuanghua! I am coming!"

Then in front of Kuanghua, the space fluctuated, and the eldest lady Minieba of the Sword-Bite Tiger appeared. Although Minieba didn't want to face Ye Xin now, she had to because she was still controlled by Kuanghua. Come.

Of course, she also feels that this is the best opportunity to kill Ye Xin. The top forces of the Gate of Hades are gathered here, and there are no other people from Fairy Tail to make trouble. As long as the operation is done well, not only can she be killed Ye Xin, who has always been regarded as the biggest enemy, can also take the opportunity to eliminate some guys from the Gate of Hades.

The best result is that Ye Xin and the Gate of Hades and the demons from the Book of Zeref will die together, and then he can Justifiably take charge of the entire dark world and become the queen of the dark world


The ground was broken open, and another burly guy appeared in front of Hades Maldo Gil.

After seeing it, Minerba opened her eyes in disbelief and said,"Father!"

This man is none other than Germain, the former president of the Sword-biting Tiger. He did not die after being punched through the abdomen by the angry Sting. Instead, he took the initiative to seek refuge at the Gate of Hades and was transformed into a powerful demon.

No way. Not to mention, this is really a twist of fate. The two most powerful people in the Sword-biting Tiger both joined the Gate of Hades and were transformed into demons. They also appeared at the same time, forcing them to lose the title of the strongest guild in the Kingdom of Fiore. Fairy Tail in front of Ye Xin.

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