(Chapter 418: Four Hundred Years of Flame)

"The body is connected with the magic power of ice!"


When several people saw Gray reaching out and releasing the magic light, they felt that Gray actually communicated with the ice. This is indeed very powerful. After all, this is not his own magic, and it is no less difficult than fusion magic.

"Everyone, go away!"

"Oh oh oh oh oh~!!"Gray exerted all his magic power to change the shape of the ice.

"The ice is evaporating!"


"Success! This will lift the ice on those giants."

"The ice is melting!"

Suddenly, the iceberg in front of me suddenly disappeared.


"what happened?"

"Why is this happening?"

"flame......Disappeared?"Freya couldn't believe it when she saw this scene. The villagers

"Could it be that the eternal flame was extinguished when it was frozen?"

Gray's body was trembling a little, he lowered his head and said with a remorseful expression:"No.......I'm afraid I failed, and then there's no way to melt the ice on the giant."

"Snapped! Ye Xin patted Gray on the shoulder and said,"You didn't fail, you succeeded.""

As he spoke, Ye Xin pointed to a tiny flame in the middle of the altar and said,"The eternal flame has not disappeared yet."

Natsu was stunned at this time, and then he said with an expression of surprise on his face:"This flame......You can’t go wrong! That's it!"

"Natsu, what are you talking about?

Ye Xin said:"Natsu, put your flame into it and make it burn brighter!""

"good! give it to me!"

Natsu's body ignited with flames, and then he jumped up high. He kept spraying flames at the eternal flames below. The eternal flames also burned stronger and stronger from the small flames.

"Oh oh oh~!!"

"The brilliant flames of the fire dragon!!"The flames on Natsu's left and right hands merged together to form a huge fireball, which was then thrown downwards.


The flames suddenly burned up, forming a mountain of flames.

"flame......patron saint......was ignited again......"

"Within this flame lies the soul."

Wendy sensed something and began to use her dragon-slaying secret, Galaxy. After Wendy cast the spell, the image of the flame began to change.

"well? Is the eternal flame......"When Gray and others saw the figure in the flames, they all recognized who the patron saint of this giant village was.

I saw an image of a giant flame dragon appearing on the Flame Mountain. It was Atlas Flame, the hell flame dragon who had come to Crokas across 400 years of time and space just after the end of the Great Demon Fight.

"I haven’t seen you in four hundred years, everyone from Fairy Tail. Atlas Frame said.

"That guy is......"

"A dragon that passed through the Eclipse Gate"

"Shouldn't he go back four hundred years ago? Atlas Flame said:"

Four hundred years, four hundred years I have been burning."

Natsu looked at Atlas Frame with some joy and said,"Uncle, you are still alive!""

"alive? No, that's not the case."

Wendy said:"This is the scene that I used magic to materialize the soul.

Xia Lulu was surprised:"That means......"

"I'm dead, and it was a long, long time ago"

"It seems that his consciousness is not very clear! Atlas

Flame said with some hesitation:"It's not so much the consciousness, but the memory is in chaos. I still remember the son of Iguniru, and I still remember Ye Xin, the human wizard of the Fairy Tail Guild. , well, here is......"

Xia Lulu asked Wendy:"What's going on? When you summoned Kilconis, his memory was very clear."

"It may be related to the ice. The original remaining will is contrary to the strong will. It is a very weak magic power. Under the influence of ice magic, it is in a frozen state, causing some memory damage."

When Atlas Frame heard Bing, he seemed to remember something and said:"Bing......Well, that's right, it's ice, the world is covered in ice"

"Uncle, are you talking about this village?"

"A man mistook me for a demon, froze the entire village in order to destroy me, and then turned the world into ice by himself. Well, I can't remember the rest. Freya knelt on the ground and begged Atlas Flame sincerely:"You are the patron saint of this village!" Giant's Flame! Please give this village light again, please save this village, Lord Patron Saint"

"I remembered it! I am Atlas Flame, the creator of this village. The misfortune of my village is my pain, and the sorrow of my village is my tears. I will use the last remaining light of my soul to save this village."

"I am Atlas Flame, the Hell Flame Dragon, the guardian dragon of this village!"

Atlas Frame's body bloomed with high temperatures.

"I remembered, Iguniru, Dragon King Festival, Acunololia, the most ferocious and evil demon END in the Book of Zeref, in the battle against Acunololia, our dragon clan failed in the end, He is too powerful, humans, I hope you can win!"

As soon as Atlas Flame finished speaking, the flames had disappeared, and all the ice in the village had been evaporated under the warm flames.

Wendy said with a somewhat depressed expression:"Atlas Freim Mu's will completely disappeared."

Ye Xin touched Wendy's little head and said,"This is actually a relief for him."

As for the battle against Akunololia that Atlas Frame said, it may be a result for Atlas Frame. This has long been an established fact on their side. Ye Xin knows the power of Akunololia better than anyone else

"What is the most ferocious and evil demon END in the Book of Zeref? Gray asked with a frown. He was very sensitive to any demon in the Book of Zeref, because his teachers in his hometown were all killed by the demons in the Book of Zeref. He was very concerned about the Book of Zeref. The demons are hated more than anyone else, and in Gray's eyes, any demon in the Book of Zeref deserves to die.

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