(Chapter 303, seven years later)

Zeref was very angry and unwilling. He was probably the most angry and unwilling person in the world. He finally saw hope, but the result made him despair. Just because of those few people, the world may be destroyed.

Zeref glanced fiercely at the members of Devil's Heart who were still trembling on the spaceship.

"It's all your fault! If you hadn't attracted Akunololia to this place, this wouldn't have happened. It's your fault that this world was destroyed! All the scum of this world, go to hell!"


On the Magic Council battleship


Mester said in disbelief:"Sirius Island has disappeared?! how come?! Just now it was clear......"

"Calm down, Doranbart! If I'm not mistaken, it should be that the giant transformation just now consumed a lot of magic power, which caused the magic power to not be restored for a while, and the use of magic was affected. Let's go back and report it to the Council! What happened today was so unexpected and important"

"Tenrou Island......Disappeared?"Urutia and Melty, the only two people who escaped from the spaceship in the heart of the devil, also saw this scene.

Urrutia shook his head and said:"I don't know, but I don't think that man is that easy. die."

Although Melty can no longer feel the magic power of any Fairy Tail person, she also feels that the man who is as strong as a monster will not die so easily.

【X784, December 16, Tenrou Island was wiped out by the black dragon Akunololia! 】

Akunololia also seemed to have disappeared without a trace again due to injuries or other reasons. Afterwards, although a survey of the nearby sea area was conducted for half a year, no survivors were found.

Seven years have passed by in the blink of an eye.

X791, Harugion Port. Macao

's son, Romeo, has grown from a slug to a boy. He is currently looking at the sea level in the direction of Sirius Island at the port, as if expecting someone to appear in front of him again.

"When do you want to see the sea?"

"The work is over, let's go back!"

The speakers were Bisca and Alzac. Seven years later, the two have already married and gave birth to a lovely daughter. Originally, the two were among the top in the Fairy Tail guild, but now they are even stronger. It should not be underestimated

"call~!"Seeing Romeo's unresponsiveness, Alzac shook his head helplessly and sighed, but there was a look of relief on his face.

"Oh My God!"Bisca also knows what Romeo is looking at, because she always stops here to watch every time she goes on a mission.

"If you go back too late, your father will be worried"

"Macho has entrusted you to us, Romeo.

Still not seeing the figure he wanted to see, Romeo responded with a somewhat depressed expression:"Yeah!""

"romeo......I understand your mood......"

"Bisca!"Alzak whispered Bisca's name, and then shook his head. The once big house of the Fairy Tail Guild in

Magnolia Town has turned into a small house in a very remote location.

"Bang! Macao knocked his glass on the table and shouted,"Isn't Romeo back yet?"! Those two guys, Alzac and Bisca, shouldn't just leave Romeo alone and live in a world of two!"

Seven years have passed, Makao took over Makarov's position and became the fourth generation president of Fairy Tail. He is only 43 years old, but he looks more than 53 years old. In seven years, Makao seems to be... Twenty years older

"It’s so noisy! How old are you? Calm down a little, Macao!"Makao's friend Wakaba said. Wakaba has also aged a lot. Over the years, he has been helping Makao do his best to maintain the operation of the guild.

"Didn't I say that? Call me president!"

"I have never seen a president with such no prestige! Marcus completely ignored the two noisy old men, scratched his hair and said,"Speaking of which, there are fewer people there again.""

In the past, in a place as big as the guild, Fairy Tail was almost full. Now that it has moved to a small place, there are only three or two kittens in the guild.

"There is no way! Such a weak guild can't get any good jobs at all. Valen said.

Nobu pointed to the task authorization board with only a few letters and said,"Look, there are only a few letters of authorization!""Nobu likes to linger in front of the commission board the most, just like those who like to read comments. Now there are only a few small tasks on the commission board, and they can all be read at a glance. The greatest fun for Nobu is gone.

"That has nothing to do with you! You're not going to work!"

Pidgeeta twisted her body and said:"Look, my new dance is completed. It's called 'Dance of the Weak'.’"

Marcus complained:"It's really annoying, who drove him away."

Lucky said to Dorel:"I said Dorel, have you increased the pressure on the earth again?"

Lucky is a fairy. The only girl in the Tails Guild besides Bisca, she was too young at first and looked like a schoolgirl. However, over the past seven years, she has become more mature and beautiful, and her figure has become better.

"Are you trying to say I'm fat? hateful!"Durel said with a grilled sausage in his left hand and a chicken leg in his right hand. The good figure he once had no longer exists, and now he has become a super fat man.

"Didn't you notice?"Sarusuk complained about Dorel, both of them are from the lane engine team. What used to be three people is now two.

"Look at Lidas, he has become so thin.

Lidas said:"This is my real figure!""In the past, I maintained my chubby figure for the convenience of casting magic. Now, Lidas casts spells and paints without being limited to his own body.

"I'm exercising! Can't you see my muscles?"Doraier said bravely.

Salusuk said:"I really don't know what Lebby would say if she saw you now."

"Rebbie is not coming back......ah!"Dolaire spoke out the words he had been suppressing in his heart.

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