(Chapter 196 It’s time to show off)

The leader Brian cut off the connection, and then glanced at Dark Night, who had been sitting on the magic flying carpet and sleeping next to him.

"Dark night!"

Sitting on the magic flying carpet, An Ye slowly opened his eyes.

"Kill them all for me!"

"Yes, father!"

Dark Night turned to leave, and Brian thought to himself: Dark Night's magic can restrain Ye Xin from Fairy Tail, so he will have no problem resisting it.

Jiula walked alone in the sea of ​​trees, and also encountered attacks from many dark guilds, but these people For him, the 'Holy Ten' Great Magician, it can't cause much harm at all, and at most it only consumes some magic power.

Jula suddenly stopped and said:"Come out! I know you are there!"

"Blah blah blah!!"

The ground under Jula's feet suddenly softened, the terrain changed, and the surrounding trees also tilted, making people unstable.

"He is worthy of being a great mage of the 'Holy Ten'." He Te'ai, one of the six demon generals, looked at Jiula and said

"ha!"Jiula shouted softly and pointed forward.

"Swish!"Several rock pillars suddenly appeared on the softened ground, striking directly at Hete Ai.

Hete Ai also stretched out his finger and pointed in front, and Jula's rock pillars suddenly melted like candles when exposed to high temperatures.

"My magic can make the soil soft, and your magic can make the soil hard. So whose magic is stronger?"

"There are no advantages or disadvantages in magic, those with strong faith will win!"

"That’s not right! It has always been the rich who always win, right?"

Jiula did not answer Heteai's words but pointed at the beam of light and asked:"What on earth is that thing?"

"That is 'Nirvana', but the real 'Nirvana' has not yet been completely unblocked, and once 'Nirvana' is unblocked we will immediately become rich people! money! Only money is everything!"

"Is your belief just a meaningless reek of copper? Then you will be the one who ultimately fails."

"Why, aren't you going to stop 'Nirvana' from being unblocked?"

"My mission is to destroy the Six Demon Generals, and someone will stop you."

"Rock iron tip!"

Jiula waved his finger,"Bang bang bang!"A large number of spikes appeared around Hetai

"I saw!"

"Swish~!"The ground thorns released by Jura melted away

"Your magic cannot escape my eyes, my eyes see through everything."

After two consecutive attacks to no avail, Jiula's face became serious:"It really shouldn't be underestimated. Let's see who among us can stand at the end!""


"Xia Lulu, you can fly, right?"At this moment, Ye Xin suddenly remembered that Xia Lulu is a cat of the same breed as Habi, and both have wing magic. Now that they already know where the target is, it is too slow to just run there. The best way is to fly from above. In the past, although Ye Xin couldn't fly, it didn't mean that he couldn't achieve similar effects. At most, it would just consume some physical strength.

Xia Lulu nodded and said,"That's true, but I can only fly with one person. If It's better to run fast than to take two people with you."

"No, you can just fly with Wendy, I can use another method to move quickly"

"I see!"Xia Lulu spread her white angel-like wings, then hooked Wendy's arm from behind and flew up.

"call out——!"Ye Xin used Flash to instantly appear on the top of the tree

"The target is over the light pillar, just follow me.

Xia Lulu said unconvinced:"You should follow me!""She has wings with wing magic. It would be too embarrassing if she loses to her opponent in terms of flight speed."

"call out——!"

Xia Lulu flew out quickly with Wendy as if she was angry. Ye Xin smiled when he saw it, his body emitted golden light, and then turned into golden light groups and decomposed.

Wendy said:"Xia Lulu, why don't you slow down a little and wait for Brother Ye Xin?""

"snort! Didn't he tell me to follow him? I'll let him know......"

"Boo hoo hoo——!"

Before Xia Lulu finished speaking, a group of golden light points condensed in the mid-air not far ahead, and in the blink of an eye they turned into Ye Xin's appearance.

"What?!"Xia Lulu was surprised. She had deliberately increased her speed just now, and Ye Xin actually ran in front of her. How could this be possible?

"Don't fly too fast, in case you get attacked......"

"call out——!"Ye Xin spoke like a crow's mouth. Just after he finished speaking, a laser suddenly attacked from below and shot towards Ye Xin and Wendy who were in mid-air.

"Oops!"This sneak attack was too sudden and the attack speed was too fast. Xia Lulu couldn't help but change her face when she saw the laser coming towards her and had no time to dodge.


Ye Xin's expression remained unchanged and he snorted coldly. The moment the laser shot in front of Ye Xin, Ye Xin quickly waved his palm.


The laser suddenly changed its direction and landed on the ground not far away.

"boom!!"There was a powerful explosion in the laser

"Is it over there?"Ye Xin raised his right index finger and pointed it at the place where the laser was fired.

"Buzz~! call out——!"The golden cross star on his finger lit up, and then shot out in an instant


The laser fell on the ground, and immediately there was a large-scale explosion that was far more terrifying than the laser beam that had just attacked.

Ye Xin said:"Let's go! Let's go down first and see who's attacking us."

"What about 'Nirvana'?"Xia Lulu asked

"‘Nirvana' is right there and can't escape. We'll deal with it after we deal with this guy."

At this time, near the explosion, Angele looked quite frightened:"The laser light from the sculpture base was bounced away by him. How powerful is the magic power to do this? That kind of situation! Also, the explosion range of the laser beam emitted by this monster is too large!"

Her sneak attack just now was perfect. She didn't expect it to be bounced away by Ye Xin. When she saw the golden light on Ye Xin's fingers, she felt something bad. Then she put away the sculpture base and started running as fast as she could. Although he ran far away, he was still disgraced by the explosion.

"It seems that there is no chance for a frontal attack. Fortunately, two transformations have been collected and stored before. It is time to show off the real skills."

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