(Chapter 163: You are going the wrong way)

"Ye Xin, you bastard!"Hearing this sentence when you are happy is particularly easy to make people angry, not to mention that Laxus himself has a bad temper. His happy mood disappeared all of a sudden.

Ye Xin said while pouting at Laxus unceremoniously. :"I really don’t know what’s so funny, letting your guildmates attack each other gives you a sense of accomplishment?"

"Are you really that happy to make your own grandfather suffer?"

"Or do you really think your laughing sound sounds good?!"

"I don’t know where you got the courage to laugh, but I just want to cry, feeling sad that the Fairy Tail guild has such an alien like you."

"I feel pity for the old man to have such an ignorant grandson like you."


"Shut up you bastard!!!" Laxus yelled at Ye Xin angrily.

Seeing Ye Xin's face that didn't deserve a beating, Laxus really wanted to come over and beat this annoying face into a pig's head.

But soon he Forcing himself to calm down, he let these people fight with each other just to show the president and Ye Xin that the harmony of the guild that these two people care about is a joke. Don't you allow guild members to fight with each other? Then let everyone They all fought with each other.

Makarov's mouth twitched. He knew that Ye Xin was good at fighting people, but he didn't expect that he was so powerful.

At this moment, the latest battle report jumped a few more times, and there were several places. The winner was decided.

President Makarov shouted angrily:"Stop! These brats won’t stop! Ye Xin, you brat, why are you still staying here so calmly? Why don't you hurry up and stop these guys from doing stupid things, and then find Laxus and kill him!"

"I see."Ye Xin originally wanted Laxus to take the initiative to come to him, so he provoked Laxus. In fact, he was already very angry in his heart.

Just to get revenge on himself, he actually involved everyone in the guild and returned the favor. Threatening the lives of guild members, whether it is genuine or false, this kind of behavior has exceeded the bottom line of any guild.


As soon as Ye Xin walked to the door, the green magical barrier suddenly rose.

Then another rule appeared in the air: Ye Xin was not allowed to pass within a limited time, and a timer appeared behind it, indicating that it was not allowed. There are still two hours and thirty minutes left for Ye Xin to pass.

Doing the math, it ends exactly ten minutes before the three hours given by Laxus. This time gives people hope and despair.

"Ye Xin, you should just sit here and enjoy the battle between guild members!"

"asshole!"Makarov was immediately furious when he saw this. Ye Xin was the only one who could stop Laxus, and he was trapped here.

Ye Xin looked at Laxus and said,"Do you think this thing can stop him? Live with me?"

"No! I don’t think, after all, for spell magic, the higher the requirements of the rules, the more fragile the barrier will be, but it can still be done to let you enjoy the sideshows of the festival for a while."

"Buzz~!"Ye Xin flicked his finger, and the golden laser finger sword appeared on Ye Xin's finger.

"I am not interested."

After Ye Xin finished speaking, he quickly moved his fingers in front of him.

"Boom! click~!"The magic barrier that trapped Ye Xin was shattered.


"How can it be?!"

Makarov and Laxus' expressions changed slightly when they saw this scene. Although Laxus had known for a long time that he could not stop Ye Xin with Felide's magic, he did not expect that he could not stop it for even a second. Unable to stop himself, his face turned slightly gloomy. The same goes for Makarov, but he knows more about Ye Xin than Laxus. Although he was a little surprised at first, he soon realized that Ye Xin, a brat like him, can Even the magic elves can withstand the little monster. Although Philide's magic barrier is very strong, it is obviously not enough to stop Ye Xin. At the same time,

Makarov breathed a sigh of relief. Although Laxus has made great progress in strength over the years, there is still a big gap compared to Ye Xin. As long as Ye Xin takes action, this farce should be able to end quickly. After

Ye Xin walked out of the guild, Laxus' tone was low He said:"Grandpa, do you really believe that Ye Xin can defeat me?"

Makarov looked at Laxus and said:"Laxus, this is not a question of whether you believe it or not, but that you are going the wrong way."

"Why?! Why do you trust him more than you trust me! I am your grandson! Am I on the wrong track? I haven't taken the road yet, you say I'm on the wrong track?! Don't even give me the chance to go the wrong way!"

"Where did I go the wrong way! My way is the right way! Only I can make the Fairy Tail guild stronger! Become the strongest magician guild in the world!"

"well!"Makarov sighed. He really regretted not paying more attention to Laxus' changes. He always thought that when Laxus grew up and matured, he would naturally understand his painstaking efforts, but he waited for a year. Another year later, Laxus couldn't help but not become more mature, but instead became more extreme, and even evolved into the situation he is in today.

"It's not too late to stop now. After this incident is over, you apologize to everyone in the guild, and I will also apologize along with you......."

Laxus's face turned ferocious again:"Apologise?! I'm not wrong. Why should I apologize?! Grandpa, why do you have to apologize when you haven't done anything?! Those who should apologize are those who do nothing and only enjoy the benefits of the guild." Worms!"

"Laxus, the guild is not what you imagined."

"Do I need to imagine? I'm tired of seeing it every day! Do you know how those guys outside look down on our Fairy Tail! What did you say about our Fairy Tail again! I don’t want to hear that anymore. I want no one to underestimate Fairy Tail. Since you don’t plan to change, then I will do it again!"

"give up! Ye Xin will stop you, you are no match for Ye Xin"

"Ye Xin! Ye Xin! You always talk about Ye Xin! Am I your grandson or is he? I've lost twice! I will never lose again this time! I am the strongest mage in the guild!"

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