Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 967: Crazy Sara

"No problem, we will fully cooperate with Saratoga's actions. Huoranwen ranen" Chicheng agreed to Saratoga's request on behalf of all the joint fleet aircraft carriers. She also wanted to see and know that at first, the joint fleet was controlled by a single person. Has Saratoga made progress for more than a month?

Saratoga also did not know what kindness was, and gathered all the joint fleet aircraft carrier motherships and assigned the task: "Akagi did the intelligence support for the raid planning, just like when you first raid the Hawaiian Star District."

Chicheng smiled softly: "Understand."

"Kaga cooperated with the suppression of anti-aircraft firepower, Canglong Feilong Xianghe Ruihe assembled all the carrier aircraft to alternately cover and attack my abyss Bismarck."

"Understood!" the mother aircraft carriers responded at the same time.

"Yunlong Tiancheng, tear open the air defense barrier for me, my combat formation is about to break into the attack!"

Saratoga’s golden ship maiden field bloomed at the moment and cast a light shimmer on all carrier-based aircraft. Her tactical purpose is very clear, that is, to concentrate all aircraft carrier forces to blow the abyss Bismarck into gray.

Although the abyss Bismarck took the battleship formation and attacked Yamato's formation, it was difficult for the aircraft carrier to replace the battleships to accomplish this goal. After all, the aircraft carrier of the joint fleet had been in a semi-disabled state after more than ten days of breakout. The only help that Saratoga can provide is the delicate cooperation of operating the carrier aircraft carefully, but it cannot form a covering carrier aircraft suppression in an instant.

"It's enough to have these help, but I am the predecessors of the aircraft carriers, teaching them how to cooperate with me in attacking. But for each additional aircraft carrier ship mother, the upper limit of the limit operation is one more quota." Saratoga's confidence shined Liaoning's face, Liaoning had already seen the super aggressiveness of the enterprise before, and now Saratoga is ready to show some performance, which should allow him to have enough expectations.

The battle formation between Liaoning and the enterprise is still entangled with the abyss fleet carrier group, so it is not difficult for Yunlong and Tiancheng to partially open the blockade and put Saratoga’s large number of carrier aircraft into it, but they must now compete for every second. Time, because the abyss Bismarck has rushed to the limit of Yamato's range, the huge battleship assault formation has begun artillery to suppress Yamato.

Both sides are in a chaotic situation until the battle progresses. The abyssal fleet and the human coalition are each taking the lead to realize their own tactical intentions. The formation is not as complete as when they first engaged in the battle. The battle line is intricate and the carrier aircraft is full. In the starry sky, the frigates are fighting fires at the same time, and the formation of raids is carried out.

"Close at low altitude, bombarded by the ground, pulled high..." Saratoga rarely experienced a commander's addiction, but her commanding ability was not bad at all, especially for the command of various aircraft carriers to let Liaoning and Chicheng All have a refreshing feeling.

All the aircraft carrier ship mothers operated the carrier aircraft only to cooperate with Saratoga. After strictly implementing her requirements, Saratoga's carrier aircraft entered the central battlefield and immediately showed full dominance.

With the air defense fire suppression that Chicheng is good at, Saratoga’s carrier aircraft are greatly threatened by the air defense fire line. It is impossible for the abyss Bismarck to know that so many carrier carriers attacked her at the same time, but only to cover Saratoga. Therefore, the distribution of air defense firepower is difficult to be perfect, and she is not good at dealing with aircraft carriers. At this moment, facing the group of aircraft carriers at the top level of the seven galaxies, it seems to be difficult to support.

"I've reached the offensive position, I feel good, and the bombing begins!" Saratoga shouted excitedly, and the carrier-based aircraft that poured into the abyss Bismarck like a long dragon immediately launched a saturation strike on it because of the previous strategic deployment. Let the aircraft carrier of the joint fleet completely disrupt the air defense rhythm of the formation of the abyss Bismarck and its battleships. When Saratoga’s carrier aircraft launched an attack, each carrier aircraft exerted more than 200% efficiency. Even if she was alone, the intensity of the blow was far more than the abyss Bismarck expected.

Dealing with aircraft carriers is not as good as fighting battleships. Bismarck's carrier-based aircraft flying around herself with flies and teeth like flies is completely powerless. Saratoga's control at almost extreme distances makes her position far from Bismarck's range. Outside the scope, even if you want to launch a blow, there is nothing you can do.

"The abyss fleet lacks some aircraft carrier mothers who can stand up to the scene. This is no more complicated than the battleships can use superior firepower to cover up the defects. The operational upper limit of aviation is more complicated." Liaoning saw the problem of the abyss fleet from a strategic perspective.

"As long as the aircraft carrier gets enough deployment, the ability to play is always expected. It is a bit unwise to stick to Vladivostok, but the advantages we have achieved before have made our opponents realize this, so they will want Capturing the joint fleet, there are many excellent ship mothers, and once abyssed, we are our most terrible opponents." Bismarck and Tilbitz were not human warships in the Europa Galaxy and could not make much waves~www However, after they fell into the abyss, the combat strength was indeed terrible. The enterprise hoped that there were strong enough opponents to defeat themselves, but from the human standpoint, she also did not want to see such as the abyss Chicheng abyss plus Congratulations on such a horrible existence.

Under Saratoga’s bombing without gaps, the abyss Bismarck’s heavily damaged ship was difficult to sustain. She was forced to start maneuvering and let the surrounding abyss battleships close to the side to share the damage, but the effect of doing so Not so obvious, Saratoga’s bombardment at close points is not inferior to her fire control skills for hitting the flagship in thousands of miles. The high-energy bombs of the carrier aircraft quickly blew through the armor layer and left on the gray body of the Bismarck Biscayne. There were fiery burn marks.

"Bombing and bombing, get this achievement!" Saratoga was very excited and terrified when she devoted herself to the battle. The playful look had a strange smile.

Seeing that her sister was being bullied by the aircraft carrier, Tilbitz couldn't stand it anymore. She stood up completely from the ship's outfit, with the expression of anger and bloodthirsty in her eyes: "My are actually Dare to call my sister like this!"

"So what, you come to bite me!" Saratoga mocked far.

"I'm going to kill you!" The abyss Tilbitz raised the naval gun high in the direction of Saratoga. At that impossible distance, the abyss Tilbitz's killing intentions and gas engine were prosperous It's unbeatable.

It's like being able to beat...

"Are you hilarious?" Saratoga didn't know why she was a little flustered, but she hid this emotion in her heart. "Your sister is over and still posing."

The extremely rugged golden artillery light was shining on the black stardust, and the range was more than three times across, and actually launched a shelling at Saratoga.

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