Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 949: Let's make history

"Treat the submarine as an enemy that can be discovered at the moment of its attack, and the navy who serves as a decoy is naturally very dangerous, but if you can anticipate the arrival of the danger and prepare in advance, it is also an opportunity to launch a counterattack. The fastest update"

The abyss fleet was once again in front of the rescue fleet. It was a mixed formation consisting of thunder patrol and a small number of heavy patrols. Not only did it not have any advantages in number, but the strength comparison of the main battleships was even different. The only significance of their appearance was to tell Liaoning blatantly. They still have submarines ambushing here.

Encountered this situation more than once along the way, Liaoning could not tell whether the abyssal fleet really sent submarines to ambush, Saratoga’s battlefield instincts were not always effective, and they still did not destroy a submarine.

After hearing the words of Liaoning, the company said: "With this tactic contradicting the tradition, it is more like there is no way to do it, but if you don't want to be kept by the abyssal fleet, you can only try it."

"I don't want to be a bait." Saratoga quickly shook her head. She wasn't the ship's mother who would obey the death order of the combined fleet. Furthermore, it would be unreasonable to let the aircraft carrier face the ambush submarine cluster alone.

Liaoning knew that the Astral Fleet would not cooperate with her dangerous command, and the corner of his mouth raised slightly: "I will do the decoy, as long as you are prepared for anti-submarine operations."

"You are the flagship, but also the commander of the fleet, so do you really understand what you are doing now?" The enterprise pulled the black brim of the white navy hat in one hand, and the smiles on its face also converged.

"Maybe saving the combined fleet doesn't make much sense to you. J Starland is now under your control. Maybe you want them to disappear forever, but I have to do it." Liaoning also thought Chester William only because of Lexington The paragraph suddenly became generous and it was a little foolish to send the elite ship mother of a star domain navy to form the main rescue. Now it seems that the foolishness is that I am empty of a commander title, but I can really decide this. It wasn't her who acted on the fleet, and there was no malicious speculation. It was in their best interest to sit back and watch the collapse of the joint fleet.

In the final analysis, the newly-launched C-Starry Liberation Navy is too weak, otherwise why would he need to use the power of the A-Starry Navy, not under his own command, must not be handy under command.

Unrestricted air warfare once again showed the destructive power of the destruction of the earth. Those abyss warships who declared the presence of the abyssal fleet quickly vanished under the blow of the overwhelming carrier aircraft, just as Liaoning was preparing to break into the dangerous darkness. At that time, her hand was suddenly caught by the enterprise.

"I have, you are the commander, you have no idea."

Liaoning looked back. She thought she knew the company well, but she didn't know what her purpose was: "What do you mean?"

"You should have no experience in fighting submarines?" The company's smile was full of deep meaning, "The submarine navy of the United Fleet is just a group of guys who are not successful enough. It's not that they are weak, but Zhu Zhongxue will not use the submarine at all, so The war experience with them cannot be counted."

Liaoning was not very happy to look at the enterprise. The other party's most brilliant results were also achieved by the United Fleet: "Don't you only have the experience of fighting them?"

"That's not the same. At least there are many excellent submarine warships in a star field who often practice with us. They are the best submarines of the seven galaxies. I can cope with them and naturally can also deal with abyss submarines." The enterprise finally came out of itself The purpose, "As a bait, your flagship is indeed enough, but sinking I must be the dream of all fleets outside the a star domain. This time I will go with you."

The words of the enterprise were completely beyond Liaoning's expectations. She thought she would wait silently for her to lure the abyss submarine before attacking, but now she is willing to take risks with herself.

In the face of Liaoning's startled look, the company tilted its head and said: "It seems that you have misinterpreted my words, mine is serious, even if you let Saratoga be a bait and she does not want to go, I will Would beat her willingly."

"Why?" Liaoning asked sincerely, she didn't think the company would joke with her at this time.

The enterprise reached out and wiped the black shawl on his shoulders with pity, his eyes showing a longing look: "It is indeed the meaning of the admiral not to rescue the joint fleet, but this time you are the commander, so I will do it."

"You still have differences?" Liaoning said thoughtfully.

"It's not a big problem. It's just that after Niang Niang is allowed to think, her thinking angle is destined to be different from that of the Admiral." The blue eyes of the company glowed like stars in the night sky. "I envy your freedom now. I hope that we will be like you in the future, and we will compete with each other by then, but there should be a bottom line."

"Think about it. If you and I are surrounded by the combined fleet, and the other ships who come to rescue us are still interested in fighting for various reasons, how can such a coalition have combat power? So I want to You set a precedent together." The enterprise gently took Liaoning's slender palm.

"Regardless of any contradictions and opinions, when the comrades are in danger, all warships should ignore the loss and the past, without any conditions to do their best to rescue, even if they pay greater losses for this. Because this is not The gains and losses on the surface are a kind of spiritual cohesion."

"Not to mention that our ship maiden should be a pure and flawless warrior with only glory in mind. Perhaps you and the Veneto will be different in the high but most ship maidens should do this Only a clear mind without distractions is the root of our ability to replace the admirals to dominate the world. This is not only a slogan, but a fact that a symbol like you and me should prove by example." There are no grudges in the enemy's current life. The glory of this companion who goes deep into the enemy's rescue team cannot be enjoyed exclusively by you. I have to create this history with you."

The words of the enterprise made Liaoning feel more and more flavorful, so she ignored her kneading her hand and said decisively: "Thank you for your teaching. My previous ideas were somewhat one-sided and narrow. This time we will go together as a temptation enemy. aims."

Liaoning left and planned to move forward, but the company also caught her: "Wait."

"What's the matter?" Liaoning turned a little unhappy, suspiciously thinking that the company was playing with itself.

"Why are you so reckless, we are aircraft carriers, it is common sense to start with the frigate mother, do you think that the abyss submarine will not appear when we see us with the frigate mother?" The company said helplessly, "You young The ship's mother is easy to be impulsive. Although fighting is a good thing, keep a clear head at all times and use the most suitable tactics to complete the task to be an excellent commander." (To be continued...)


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