Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 932: Threat of war

As the few starships in the g star domain that can be easily handled today, Hindenburg and Zeppelin have indeed displayed a strong fighting power after being converted and converted, but they are not so happy in their hearts, whether it is right The war of the Abyssal Fleet is still a battle within humanity. Its initiative is no longer on the side of the g star field. It has lost the courage and ability to challenge the world. Today, all it can do is follow the trend. ranwenranen

Neither Reinhardt nor Baldrige is a visionary and tenacious leader. In the face of the fierce battle between Ulster and Yue Zhong, they continue to opt for speculative onlookers, and do not take the initiative to stand in the team or against the g star. In the future, with ambitious planning, the country is only a tool for achieving their own goals in their hands. The fierce battles that led the army and allies in the past and the demeanor of the f star domain are only a short-lived one. It turns out that it is just a show of compromise and tacit agreement between all parties, such as The virtual image of the phantom cloud platform.

Hindenburg's request to enter the Europa venue like Hood and Richelieu showed that the war navy's attitude was repeatedly rejected, and finally disappointed Hindenburg could only return to the second line of defense. She can only hope now. Xingyu will no longer be a victim of political struggle. If it is inevitable, it may only choose to leave like Senior Bismarck.

But she didn’t want to find an incompetent admiral like Sailon Schepper. The change of the times made them, the new generation of ship mothers, already have a lot of resistance to the admiral’s existence. Many things can be done by themselves. Well, there is no need for an admiral to press on his head.

After all, such admirals as Ulster and Yue Zhong who can protect their ship's mother are rare. If they are not happy, they may be like Bismarck and they will not be recognized by the mainstream human civilization and abandoned. In the abyss.

"You two fools, why should you follow that one waste admiral?" Hindenburg would always unconsciously think about Bismarck when cruising on the defense line. It is impossible for the Soviet Union to hide everything that happened in the n star domain for a long time and cooperate with the Victorian government. Neto’s actions were made public in due course, and that was the only thing she could do.

Whenever I think of Bismarck, Hindenburg hates her teeth more and more. She really sees that g-star domain has accumulated a lot of hardships, so she left, but why did you embark on another wrong path, waiting there to realize that you are wrong Then, it is not good to take yourself to fight independently for the glory of g-star domain like Richelieu, why do you have to follow the admiral until the death?

"Hindenburg, don't swear there. The political struggle is not something that our war navy can participate in. The abyssal fleet will launch attacks at any time, and it is the task now to do alert work." To calm down a lot, she knew very well that g star domain has lost its inherent characteristics from the day of the red transformation. Now s star domain has fallen almost all over the world, but they are already leaders of the red camp and a huge army With the strong spiritual cohesion of human resources, the overall situation is still governed, and the g star domain is only a **** in the hands of the commander-in-chief of Nongna.

As long as the spirit does not dissipate, then the loss of their homes is still a nation that stirs up the situation. G Starland is only forced to accept their thoughts. It is no wonder that they have not found a suitable direction for their development in the new era. Now it has become the stage of the game of all parties but has lost its own voice.

"But I'm so upset, why is Richelieu qualified to do her own thing, just because she took the stinky feet of outsiders?" Hindenburg showed no mercy, and she always looked down on f star Field, but now F star field has the signs of rejuvenation under Richelieu's packing, which makes her even more uncomfortable.

Zeppelin was the only warship in the war navy who dared to talk back to Hindenburg. When she heard that she not only did not converge but also cursed people on the public communication channel, she immediately twisted her eyebrows and preached: "You can go to Veneto after the sv star domain There, go to her to help you remove the marshal's authority and you will be free. If you don't want to stay here, hurry and go."

"What do you mean, I think I will betray g galaxy?" Hindenburg really had such an idea, but she would never admit it verbally, and her betrayal was not to sell g galaxy. Instead, they took the old road that Veneto and Richelieu had traveled to save their beloved country by their own methods.

Zeppelin didn't want to quarrel with her, flicking his head with a golden ponytail.

Hindenburg decided not to take care of Zeppelin today, and continued to complain that the cruise was on the line of defense, and it didn't take long to receive Zeppelin's emergency communication.

"I don't want to talk to you, just stop talking!" Hindenburg shouted at Zeppelin.

Zeppelin’s rare voice is louder than Hindenburg, and he screamed with full force: “What kind of idiot are you doing, the border found that the heavy flame fleet is approaching at high speed, quickly prepare for the alert and report to the Marshal, you can’t rely on the flagship Make a point!"

The recent international situation has been undergoing turbulent changes. It is not surprising that Veneto will appear here with the fleet~ It is not surprising that she declared war on the Human Alliance of the Europa Galaxy. Hindenburg is so simple I think that the work at hand does not stop.

Her question sounded on the battlefield public channel: "Veneto, what do you want to do with the fleet here?"

Veneto, who appeared on the border of the g star field, was holding a coffee cup steadily. Her naval gun had already locked Hindenburg and Zeppelin in advance and calculated all the circumvention dynamics. She responded coldly and said: "Flame Federation Due to the uncooperative cooperation of the coalition forces and even deliberate suppression, the abyssal fleet was about to cut off the passage between the Europa and Asia galaxies. The coalition forces also turned a blind eye, and we sent a letter asking for eleven times. All strategic resource-sharing channels and basic trade routes have been cut off. I came here only to discuss this with the coalition."

"I want to ask you if you have decided to kick the heavy flame federation out of the human coalition?" Veneto said coldly. "The heavy flame federation has not done anything contrary to human interests and launched military operations. It is also trying its best to regain the lost star zone of human beings. Instead, the current coalition forces have avoided fighting, allowing the sacrifices of countless front-line soldiers and ship mothers to be wasted at the same time. It also obstructs our army’s action to regain the occupied area. The refugees returned to their homeland to jointly resist the invasion of the abyssal fleet."

"I now seriously doubt whether the human coalition is still qualified to lead the people of the Europa Galaxy to fight. If you determine that the Flame Alliance is no longer needed, then..." Veneto suddenly raised his voice and said fiercely: "n star The Soviet fleet in the domain, the Richelieu fleet in the f-star domain and our army will jointly declare war on the human coalition. Since you cannot afford the important task of fighting against the abyss, the Chongyan Federation will replace it!" vote for the recommendation, monthly ticket, your support , Is my biggest motivation. . )

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