Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 858: Group evolution

The abyss warship who dragged a strand of golden fireworks to the far sky seemed to be full of fear for the sand star development base, just like the fear of the abyss warship who was fighting with Tirbitz in the N star field, facing the killing After the existence of void life, they also have the fear of natural enemies.

Maybe Xiao Meiyan had actually killed some weak void creatures while wandering in the void, but now the opponent of the abyss destroyer ship is not her. When it gradually moved away from the sand star development base, the biggest threat When coming farther and farther, Andrea Doria’s shelling flew over his body, pulling it back from the panic state of mind to reality, and seeing that a battleship ship mother appeared in front of her, The face was very humanized and showed a desperate expression.

"The evolution model of the Abyssal Fleet should be shared. The connection between the mother body and it has been re-established. Andrea Doria has carefully dealt with it. I want to see the degree of its final evolution." Xiao Meiyan's cold voice Continue to issue commands.

Andrea Doria is feeling a little humiliating when she missed a shot. After hearing Xiao Meiyan's words, she let go of her uneasy heart. She could not behave too badly in front of other companions, otherwise she would not be eligible to request They worked hard.

   Her sly figure was once again blocked in front of the enemy destroyer, and two golden ponytails lifted up confidently: "Take it to me with confidence."

Although the abyss ship mother in despair knows that she can't defeat a human battleship ship mother, her battleship is still constantly improving. The void from the distant star sea continues to ignore the distance of space. The ship's outfit was improved, and at the same time, memories from other abyssal ship mothers began to flow into her consciousness sea.

The experience learned from fighting with humans, the tactics adopted by the human warship, the effective results of individual response, etc. are constantly imprinted in its mind. When Andrea Doria’s shelling came again, the abyss The response of the destroyer ship's mother has changed completely.

   This bombardment took a further deviation, and the speed of the golden abyss warship made a rapid change, interspersed in the universe like a shadow of a comet, so fast that Andrea? Doria was in a hurry.

"How is it different from the imagination?" Andrea Doria's face was filled with surprise. The combat power displayed by the abyss ship's warship was completely different from the battle report from the S-star capital star. It is far beyond those of the human destroyer ships who just served.

"The speed calculation of the A-class III abyss destroyer is 28.57 percentage points higher than that of the A-class I. It is applicable without any gap performance. Andrea? Doria, are you okay? Do you need the support of other ship mothers." Xiao Mei Yan's voice followed.

  Andrea? Doria gritted her teeth: "Of course there is no problem."

  If other ship mothers are to support it, then it’s a shame to lose it. As a battleship, you can’t even beat a destroyer?

After putting away the idea of ​​playing with the enemy, Andrea Doria finally showed a level comparable to her strength, although the speed flaws made it difficult to catch up with the abyss destroyer in the high-speed maneuver, but it was fast It was also faster than the speed of light and high-energy shelling. In the face of the abyss destroyer who wanted to escape, Andrea Doria perfectly blocked all its escape routes with saturated shelling.

  According to Xiao Meiyan's request, Andrea Doria was very careful not to cause serious damage to the abyss destroyer. As the battle progressed, the values ​​collected by Xiao Meiyan became more and more complete.

"The A-class III destroyer's ship value has been comprehensively improved compared to the I and II types. With the I type as a reference, the energy shield and armor level have been strengthened to 4.8 times, the attack defense limit is nearly twice, and the artillery power is Estimated 6.4 times, lightning strike intensity 4..." Xiao Meiyan was sitting on the main console, her hands controlling the holographic screen were as fast as lightning, in contrast, her body was stable like a fixed-status statue, only the look in her eyes Against the light of data.

   "If the full level is 100 and the type A type I is level 1, what is the current level?" Yue Zhong asked behind Xiao Meiyan.

"The performance of the ship's equipment determines the combat effectiveness of the difference in models, but from the perspective of evasion, hit and other values, it is 53." Xiao Meiyan took the time to answer Yue Zhong's question and then ordered, "Andrea ?Doria, slowing down the frequency of attacks on land-based carrier-based aircraft, I need to calculate the air defense value."

   "Understood." It was difficult to perform the task of making Andrea Doria impossible to sink the enemy ship and ensure that it did not find it to escape. Now, Xiao Meiyan's order made her breath out.

There is no carrier carrier in the Veneto fleet. Naturally, land-based space fighters can only be driven by human soldiers. Their combat performance is naturally not comparable to those of the carrier aircraft controlled by the excellent carrier carriers, but they deal with a ship. There should be no problem with the abyss destroyer.

Xiao Meiyan ordered only hundreds of space fighters into battle. After besieging the abyss destroyer and fighting for half an hour, it also succeeded in causing damage to them. However, dozens of carrier-based aircraft were also lost in the fight of the other side. .

   "The performance of the air defense capability has increased by 4 is an acceptable value." Xiao Meiyan's hands finally stopped and placed firmly on the arms of the table and chairs.

"It's not too small. The destroyer alone has made such a big improvement. During this time, the silence of the abyssal fleet must have absorbed the fruits of the war. It is also a matter of time before all the defense lines are penetrated when it is attacked again." Yue I am a little worried about the qualitative changes produced by the abyss ship. If they can continue to grow stronger until the day when the human coalition cannot resist, all their plans will be in vain.

Xiao Meiyan shook his head and said: "How can it be so easy to break through the limit, the abyssal fleet is still in the stage of imitation, their evolutionary source and interpretation of the battle of the human warship, the value of the ship's equipment is also similar to that of the human warship In the physical world, fighting must follow the rules of the physical world. It is not impossible but difficult for students to surpass their teachers."

   "Originally, how to do it next, directly sink it?" Yue Zhong completely obeyed the command of Xiao Meiyan in this respect, knowing that she didn't understand and would not make decisions indiscriminately.

"You can't waste precious samples and prepare for recycling." Xiao Meiyan smiled with a playful smile: "The mecha manufactured for you has been debugged, and the recovery work will be done by Yue Zhong. I will let the carrier-based aircraft cooperate with you. of."

  Yue Zhong didn't even know Xiao Meiyan's arrangement in advance. Hearing that he was going to start the armor, he didn't feel confident: "I've never opened the armor."

"Don't worry, just use it as a part of your body. Although the workmanship of E-Star is good, the waste of pan-mesh is too serious. I firmly believe that the armor made by pan-mesh will not be better than them. Poor." Xiao Meiyan obviously trusted Yue Zhong's ability. "Just like Isabella, you shouldn't lose to your students now."

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