Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 813: Takenaka Yuki's reaction

Yingwu's A starship ship ladies used their lives to block the final counterattack of S star field, and the legend of Pakfi Xinghai was not burdened with cutting off the mech army of S star field raid, and the endless fleet of shipborne aircraft After stabilizing the front and opening the gap in S Star's defense, victory is only a matter of time.

The final death knell for S Starland was Sukhbaatar’s sudden loss of control and blast, and the squirrel fish lurking around him successfully escaped the search of all **** warships and launched a second lightning strike. Going through the gap that was made before, and thoroughly penetrating the enclosed energy reaction chamber, it triggered the most terrifying warship martyrdom in the history of the seven galaxies.

The power of that moment was as strong as the fusion of the stars. Engels and trust around Sukhbaatar were swallowed by the aftermath of the terrible energy explosion. The close-up lightning strikes also did not escape the scope of the explosion. While losing contact, Chester William did not find any information left by the water-shot fish when he comprehensively checked the war damage report.

"Stupid stupid! Clearly said to escape together, why do you have no faith!" The big blue mackerel, who is most closely related to the squirting fish, understood everything when he saw the Sukhbaatar martyrdom. Yelling and crying, venting his emotions towards the battlefield, the far-flung pike fish hugged her in her arms with tears to calm her.

The greatest credit for the Battle of Parkfield was taken away by a submarine. Iowa and other battleship maidens felt deeply glazed, but they were also freed from the containment of the Sukhbaatar. They joined together. In the battle to clear the S-Star Army, the fate of the S-Star Army's demise is accelerated.

  After three days and three nights, the battlefield finally returned to tranquility. There was no time to lick the wounds and the sad A Starland Navy once again marched towards the J Starfield, preparing to occupy here as a frontline pivot to completely subvert the rule of S Starfield.

The war at the PACFI Xinghai took several months from the beginning of the transformation of the J Star Zone to the end of the Midway Star Zone. Compared with the last four-year war with the United Fleet, this battle was larger and more terrible. In the new era, there must be many changes that need to be adapted. The ship's mother will sacrifice but only one of them.

Although he will be free, although he can have a normal life span like human beings, he was once deprived of his immortality, and he has never obtained nothing for nothing. If he gets something, he will definitely lose something. Perhaps he can understand the horror of life and death to truly possess humanity. I believe that the ship ladies will not be overwhelmed by the difficulties and sorrows in front of them. Once they stand up again, they will truly dominate the world. They have always fought on the front line. They are more eager to glory and understand the value of life than anyone else. People must be strong, and power falls into the hands of these lucid girls. They also need to fight and sacrifice for people's trust.

The frontline base of P Star Zone, originally a naval base that was vigorously constructed to resist A Star Zone Navy, has now become a base for the wandering joint fleet. Although it has suffered a lot of deaths and injuries after a war, there is no A star that really hurts the vitality. Domain once again launched an attack on the current J Star Domain, and Zhu Zhongxue did not have any intention of participating in the war.

Sitting in the office of the headquarters, Zhu Zhongxue carefully arranged the daily affairs of the fleet and carefully read the PACIFIC Xinghai battle report. As a result, there was no doubt that his old opponent once again won the victory and looked at it from the perspective of a bystander. It made people feel a little bit emotional.

   The secretary ship on duty today is Yamato, and the sakura girl who is holding an umbrella at all times stands beside the bamboo snow as beautiful as the white snow on which the petals fall.

"Yamato, you said that this command of Chester William is the same style as mine." Takenaka gently put down the display board in his hand, and said blankly to Yamato, "He will attack J Starland again. , I promised Ulster to stop him."

  Daiwa’s black eyes turned a little worried: “Are we going to retake J Starland?”

A-Zone now has more momentum than when it defeated the United Fleet. It stepped on the S-Squadron at the foot and completely laid the name of its first navy in the world. In contrast, the Royal Navy still has a decisive battle with the G-Zone in the Europa Galaxy. , The success or failure has not been clear.

The United Fleet failed to defeat the opponent before, but now it is only a dead end to fight against it, not to mention that Yamato also saw the terror that filled the Xinghai with hundreds of millions, even if the collapsing ship itself is against them, they may also support it. However, within a quarter of an hour, the carrier fleet of other aircraft carrier women in the combined fleet will be submerged.

   This is a war that is impossible to win, but as long as the character of the Admiral thinks that doing so will have more advantages than disadvantages, he may still issue an order to levy.

Zhu Zhongxue's white eyebrows wrinkled slightly: "You don't have to worry, I won't let you go to the battle of death. This time is different from the past. The new era has inevitably arrived. You must be the fire of J Star Territory Navy. Only with the preservation of the soul can we strive for a better future for the people of J Xingyu and J Xingyu."

   "Admiral, if you can say that, I'm relieved, although it's not quite clear what you mean." Yamato gently smiled and bowed to Zhu Zhongxue sincerely.

"J Starland is too small, if the war cannot win, it must show its jade broken momentum. It will not be Now Chester William has also begun to use the life of the ship's mother to pave its own glory I’m happy to see this in a conflict of interest between countries, but it’s not the right time, for this world A star field can’t have too many casualties.” Takenaka Snow said, “He is now attacking J star field. Although the super-large and plan there have not been completed, the existing fleet and the remaining units of the S Star domain can still cause significant losses to the A star fleet. I want him to wait."

Yamato nodded thoughtfully. She always knew that the Admiral had an unspeakable conspiracy, even co-planned with Ulster and Chester William. Now what he wants to do must be related to this matter. .

   "I will order the ship patrols who are patrolling outside to send a signal wave to the direction of J star field, but whether Chester William will respond or not can not guarantee me."

While the two were negotiating, the door of the office was violently pushed open, and Xuexue ran into the room from the outside, glanced at Yamato and nodded embarrassedly. When her eyes found Zhu Zhongxue, she was anxious. Also excitedly said: "Admiral, the patrolling Xiao Hexiang found the signals of Sister Xianghe and Sister Dafeng. They seem to have a new ship outfit and are coming towards us."

Zhu Zhongxue raised his eyebrows unexpectedly. He always thought that Xianghe and Dafeng would never come back after being taken away by Bai Shi firmly: "Are there any traces of other ship mothers around them, why didn't they get in touch immediately?" "

   "No other ship mothers were found. Hasn't our communication frequency changed? Sister Xianghe shouldn't know it." After blowing snow, he asked quietly, "Admiral, are we going to meet you?"

   Takenaka Nakazu narrowed his eyes and thought for a while, then said: "Yamato, go for a trip in person and put on the ship's mother who stays in the base."

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