Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 811: Lightning strike interception

  An accidental death on the battlefield, this matter even the stupid Quincy understands that she just does not want to believe her sister went so easily.

  If you believe that you will not have the courage to fight, will you cry like a child? The elder sister is gone, and who will come to comfort herself, so it is still considered that the elder sister has not appeared, continue to fight...

Sukhbaatar didn't expect that the other party would have a ship mother who saved her target so desperately. If she had a great determination, she would not only save Quincy, but also put herself in. Sukhbaatar did not know the name of the other party, but suddenly felt that war was not a game, it was cruel and ruthless, and it would easily devour a fresh life and cut off a tight bondage.

Sukhbaatar's shelling in confusion appeared to be stagnation, but the war would not stop because of her lack of attention. The mecha soldiers who had been entangled and fought to the point of sight were rushed to New Orleans under the command of Nonna The empty space left after death, even if there is a battle line of death blockage that has been continuously suppressing their attack, the fire that burns in my heart is so selfless, unless all the life is burned stop.

Chester William’s large-scale war command is very powerful, and Nonna can’t get a trace of cheap in his hand. The New Orleans is sunk is a rare opportunity. If you can use this to disrupt the other carrier’s front, then S star There is still a possibility of breaking through the field, so she devoted all her strength to achieve this goal.

But this is also an opportunity for A star field, taking advantage of the large-scale mobilization of S star field and Suharbato's fascinating gap, successfully sneaked into the armored zone below the hull of the water jet fish and big blue fish decisively launched The torpedo attacked.

"How did they get here when they found the enemy submarine?" The light cruiser Kirov, who was guarding around Sukhbaatar, first discovered the two submarine warships who appeared, but the other party's torpedoes were dense at the moment. The formation has passed through the shield of the Sukhbaatar and aimed at the energy compartment behind the armored zone. The swollen and huge hull of the Sukhbaatar is difficult to avoid at such a short distance. Damage is inevitable.

"Daqing Huayu, run!" The waterfish that released the torpedo attack hurriedly greeted, facing the idea that there was no battle for the natural enemy of the submarine who came violently due to negligence and was about to sink them. The bottom of the ship began to flee.

In the S star field that advocates the supremacy of firepower, even light cruisers must have strong firepower equipment, but this does not mean that Kirov will not conduct anti-submarine warfare. While launching a pursuit, Kirov also began to greet Those ships who are also responsible for the **** work of the Sukhbaatar.

"Kuogan, Tashkent, Engels, intercepting enemy submarines in front of them and fleeing them. It is dereliction of duty. They must be sunk to make up for our mistakes." Kirov naturally assumed the command of the same formation as the light cruiser ship mother. The missions of the destroyers, and she has not forgotten that the most important task is to protect the safety of Sukhbaatar. "Trust and protect and bless you!"

"Please rest assured that the task of protection will be left to me." Trust was once the destroyer of the squadron of the six-drive formation of the United Fleet. He has a wealth of experience in combating the A-star navy and is also a ship that is very good at **** missions. mother.

Facing the special torpedo that penetrated the shield and struck the Sukhbaatar, I trusted that he immediately obtained a lightning strike joint evasion contact with the Sukhbaatar. While the two ships began to maneuver together, the torpedo interceptor began to stick to the Sukh. Erbato's bottom armor face flew away.

The torpedo array released by the water-spearing fish and the big mackerel finally stabbed into the hull of Sukhbaatar, and was trusted to successfully intercept dozens of torpedoes to detonate outside the armored zone in advance. A large number of ejected shrapnel and explosions The fire blocked the impact area for a while and it was difficult to determine the loss.

Sukhbaatar, which was struck by lightning at close range, experienced a large-scale blackout, and the super battleship that was originally shining like a star lost its color in an instant. Thick smoke and black fire were dying. It burned, but its core cabin was not ejected, and it did not usher in a large-scale martyrdom.

   Sukhbaatar was attacked by a submarine naturally, which caused Nonna to attach great importance to it: "Sukhbaatar, report the loss!"

After a moment of silence in the newsletter, Sukhbaatar appeared on the screen of Nuna’s command room. The innocent and lovely girl did not know where to get a small grass in her mouth, and her eyes were blue 'S flames embraced with both hands: "No problem, the fire has been extinguished, the damaged area is closed, and the submarine can't help me."

Looking at Sukhbaatar who suddenly became handsome second, Nunna knew that she had appeared in such a state during training. When she thought that Sukhbaatar had exploded its potential, trust broke her words. : "...Comrade Nongah, almost exploded to the center of energy response, as long as there are more torpedoes attacked, the Sukhbaatar will definitely be killed."

   "Humph!" Sukhbaatar's face is Comrades' efforts are also indispensable. Let me defeat the enemy completely. "

It seemed to understand what was going on in the battlefield, and Sukhbaatar, who had been hit hard and was almost killed, was no longer confused by mercy and kindness. What she could threaten herself in her simple and direct thinking was terrifying. If it is just a little girl who has no resistance, it may shrink and tremble, but the long-term strength has caused Suherbato to produce another emotion that is diametrically opposite to fear, and it is very urgent. Sink all the enemies in front of you.

  After a moment of silence, the super battleship Sukhbaatar shined again, more accurately and densely shelled realigned with the advancing enemy battle lines, and the artillery fire was once again woven into the vortex of death.

   Innumerable mechas and carrier-based aircrafts are madly shocked and killed in this vortex, in order to find the first line of life for the irrevocable motherland, and the glory of ascending the world to the top of the world.

  Different nations and different national spirits made this decisive battle mortal and forgetful. If it was a place to go, it would not have such an awe-inspiring war intention.

"Shooting fish, the action failed, Sukhbaatar was not so easy to sink." The big mackerel, who was still being pursued by Kirov and others, slowly slowed down, facing the shooter fish around him Said, "We can't run away like this, let's scatter and sneak, and see who has the ability to hide and seek!"

  Looking at the army of mecha armies that are also starting to intercept, a small number of cosmic fighters that can penetrate into the hinterland seem to be weak. The test they face is undoubtedly quite serious, but the big mackerel said so lightly.

   She Shuiyu smiled confidently and nodded, "Come on, see you there, Sister Tailfish."

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