Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 757: Veneto's fourfold existence

The place named Heart of Darkness is naturally the heartland of Africa, which is an area that has not been truly controlled by all the star domains. The long-term mutual restraint and unintentional technological output between the powers have made it impossible for any star domain to develop here. The point of picking up the situation independently.

The humans of the seven galaxies were originally foreigners who traveled to various planets in large quantities for unknown reasons. They are generally not highly civilized, but they are huge and distributed in various places. They are all established on the land of the seven galaxies. Country and civilization.

The Afrikaans is also the place where the first humans traveled in large numbers, not less than the Europa, Asia, and North and South America Merika galaxies. It was just that the Europa Galaxy Civilization Group first awakened and entered the interstellar era, making other places into colonial galaxies After a long period of development, it constitutes the current situation. Afrikaans existed as the final pure land because the development cost exceeded the plateau. However, when the star regions can successfully extend their sphere of influence here, the fate they encounter is also the most tragic.

  The major stars ate up the outer areas, and finally, after the power circles contacted each other and caused the friction to escalate, which triggered a series of wars, the dark heart, a large blank area, was retained by tacit understanding.

The criminals and dangerous political advocates who were exiled here in various stars originally intended to let these people spontaneously die in this unexplored wild land, but they ignored the huge impact of higher civilizations on lower civilizations. In addition, Xingyu began to respect human rights and abolish capital punishment, and the cost of exile Xinghai was too high, so the population to be treated was unrestricted, forming a large scale of high-civilized visitors to finally use their cultural and technological advantages. Turn this vast star field into his own private empire.

Whether it is a criminal or a political prisoner, there is very little true kindness and simplicity. As marginal figures rejected by mainstream civilization, they find that they have become omniscient prophets in the new world, and they will basically not restrain themselves. His negative emotions and desires, in turn, produced irrepressible sins that were imposed on the ignorant aborigines, and the battles and killings between them finally made this star field a dark heart.

When the outside world does not ask them, they will kill each other. If there is a strong star field that wants to conquer here, all forces can unite against the invaders. They all know what basis they have. So the dark heart is the sinful place with both chaos and underground order.

A ray of dawn came from the star-free vast sea of ​​stars, passing through the dead light zone that once blocked the pace of the conquerors, Veneto's fleet was ready to create a miracle again, to conquer the darkness that no one had ever conquered heart.

Veneto lost in the confrontation with Bismarck and Tilbitz, at least in the eyes of others, so many people speculated that her previous amazing record was based on the technology of gathering ships, which prompted When everyone accepted the technology of the ship and selectively forgotten its possible consequences, Veneto’s mysterious color also dissipated a lot. In order to protect the reputation from not easy, she was not meaningless to fight the dark heart. .

   The short silence is just for a more brilliant explosion. Veneto will launch all the layouts at the right time, but it cannot be silent for too long, because humans are very forgetful.

Before crossing the Black Light Zone, the Indianapolis had successfully merged with the fleet, and Veneto gathered all the warships in the fleet for pre-war deployment: "The forces of the Dark Heart are intricate and only known to the outside world. There are more than two hundred, with an average of three warships. In this way, our enemy this time will be more than 600 warships."

"The number of enemies is huge, but they are scattered to various planets, asteroid belts, and even deep in the nebula. Enemies that cannot form a group battle cannot pose a threat to our army. The calculations are gathered in a local area. With the poor combat effectiveness of those warships, only you Don’t be careless, there won’t be any problems.” Veneto paused and said seriously, “But the place where the heart of darkness is really scary is never how strong their fleet is, but you never know that in a stellar belt How many hidden wandering fleets are hidden, and those who are unknown but huge in number are difficult to calculate. They are usually pirates, and after occupying the planet, they are an independent small force. This frequent power exchange is in the heart of darkness. It is already the norm. Unless the Royal Navy or the A-Star Parkfield Navy is fully deployed here for nearly a hundred years of eradication and repression, it will not be possible to completely eradicate the chaos of the dark heart, even if it defeats the fleet they gathered together. If you relax your guard, you will be attacked from all sides, which is why the star regions have never conquered the dark heart."

  Andrea Doria slurped: "I didn't expect the situation here to be so complicated. The number of our fleet is naturally inferior to that of the Royal Navy and Parker Navy, so can I only think of other ways?"

   "Doria, what do you think?" Veneto said, looking at Andrea Doria encouraged.

"The idea of ​​the system is gone. If you openly invade the Dark Heart, you will definitely be resisted by all forces. Is it possible to become one of them and continue to attack the planet as a pirate force until you become the overlord of the Dark Heart? Then come to integrate the situation here." Andrea Doria's idea was conceived by her for a long time, so the hope full of anticipation was recognized by Veneto.

  Veneto avoided Andrea Doria's earnest look, but praised her: "The idea is very good, if we have enough time to do it, there is no problem."

   "Hey, wouldn't that work?" Andrea Doria instantly turned pale, "I thought I could help the big sister."

   "What do other people think." Knowing that Andrea Doria's heartless character would not be lost because of this, so Veneto ignored her and asked other people directly.

Indianapolis, another battleship mother ship in the fleet, has calmed down after knowing that the name Zach is safe and sound, but she has no good ideas and asks with doubt: "The major stars There is no way to solve the heart of darkness, is it really okay with our power alone?"

Veneto took another look at the reactions of Camicia Nella and Aviere, who also looked blank and shook their heads, saying: "The popularity of the ship-loading technology means the arrival of a new era, although you They haven’t finished the transformation yet, but it’s imperative to change our mindset. Besides, we have more cards than other star domains that have completed the transformation of the ship’s equipment, so what they couldn’t do before doesn’t mean we can’t To."

   "Big sister, you know that I'm a fool, just tell me what the task is, don't test us again." Camicia Nella smirked.

Veneto nodded, put down the coffee cup in his hand, and gathered the ship directly in the starry sky. The huge battleship Veneto collapsed into a ray of purple and black light under the traction of the black mass point, and finally gathered to Veneto's eyebrows. The point is that Veneto, the ship's mother, appeared in the white one-shoulder outfit that Rome gave her, and appeared in the starry sea of ​​four battleships such as Andrea Doria.

"Imitate the choice of Frandollo Scarlett, the fourfold existence of taboos." The scarlet blood bathed Veneto's body, along with her figure, atomized into a shadow, gradually divided into flames like flames The four regiments gradually formed, and the petite Veneto, who was originally in the Xinghai, appeared in the eyes of other warships with four identical figures.

Andrea Doria dumbfounded: "Four or four big sister heads, did I dream of heaven... Isn't that, if there are four big sister heads, that's not to give the Persian cat and her sister heads Flying!"

Others are equally surprised. The supernatural phenomenon exhibited by Veneto is more shocking than the previous anti-vector maneuver and the light of destiny, the Bizhong naval gun, etc. If you don’t know that the replica fleet does not have the technology to gather the ship’s equipment , I am afraid that Veneto's engraved type is mixed in.

"Andrea Doria, Indianapolis, Camicia Nella, and four of you attacked in different directions in the heart of darkness, destroying those occupied The power of the planet, my four avatars will attack with all four of you." Veneto said calmly.

"Everyone keeps in touch with me. The four fleets must not attack at the same time and disperse and reorganize at any time according to my orders, so that these fools of the Dark Heart can't figure out whether we have battleships, or how many of me. "The high-headed Veneto II looked down on the four ship maidens.

"After completing the whole suppression of the Dark Heart, everyone still needs to be vigilant and cooperate with our new allies to eliminate those pirate forces that are about to move. Until all the armed forces of the Dark Heart start to dormant after they are afraid, we have temporarily controlled it. Situation," Veneto III said with a low voice, his head down.

   "Finally, let the forces of the Li family come in." Veneto summed up on the 4th with words like gold.

  Andrea Doria widened her eyes and listened to the four different characters of Veneto, and whispered to the other three in a strange atmosphere: "Big sister head, seems to be schizophrenic?"

   "It seems like this." All three nodded tacitly.

   "Less nonsense, let me act!" Veneto No. 2 dissatisfied snapped the four people's whispers.

Andrea Doria took the lead in responding, and after gathering the ship, he ran to the Veneto III, who seemed to be the best bully, at the fastest speed, hugged the other and declared his sovereignty loudly: "This The head of the weak older sister is mine!"

   "Doria, don't do this, hurry up and act." Veneto III twisted his body and tried to break free of Andrea Doria's hands and protested in a soft voice.

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