In the era of Fantasy Township under the name of Shenhuo, the core cabin of Veneto collected the supernatural ability data of monsters with special abilities under the auspices of Xiao Meiyan and Asakura Rikako, and obtained a large number of sample applications. In the hull, but Veneto has always deliberately concealed his other abilities. In addition to the most applicable ability of ghosts and evils and the battle mode of gathering ships, Veneto is basically a Fight as the shipowner can have.

She tried to keep her cards in the most critical time, such as when she once again confronted the Abyssal Fleet, but now Veneto changed her mind. Before her was a once-in-a-lifetime event that could never be seen. Opportunity is also the most important layout her advisor planned in the Europa galaxy, so she decided to use this power from Fantasy Township to remove all obstacles that may affect her overriding the starry sky of the E-star capital.

The hull of the Veneto’s core cabin was stained with a dim red under the mind of the owner. Those red lines of light and shimmer spread from a closed cabin and converge to Veneto’s white face and silver snow. The hair is strange and disturbing.

  Litorio had never seen such a scene, and he was terrified in a flash, shouting Veneto nervously.

"Don't worry, just use some power that doesn't belong to me, and the rejection is generated." Veneto smiled, but his voice was covered with a bleak haze. "I have been to the world of admiring them. With the help of Homura, these forces are brought back, and it is time to use them."

  Littorio still looked at Veneto uncomfortably. The red lines that kept spreading on her, like a thin and sharp wire, might cut her body into countless pieces at any time.

  Veneto frowned and took off the gloves. The red thread converged to her white fingertips and penetrated into the boundless sea of ​​stars.

That is the fate after her, where the wisdom of man cannot be seen, there will still be a guide of fate, but the master of this ability itself is still incomplete in its use of it, and it appears that it appears in Veneto's hands Unstable.

Destiny has always manipulated the trajectory of all life. When life tries to control it in reverse, even if it is a rule without thought, it will not easily follow. In the process of using this ability, Veneto will be punished to some extent. It's just that this intensity was suppressed by Xiao Meiyan and Asakura Rikako within a tolerable range, otherwise, as Litorio feared, turned Veneto's petite figure into countless fragments.

The star zone of the capital of the E Star Zone has never been invaded by enemies since the birth and prosperity of the Royal Navy. The powerful Royal Navy has blocked all enemies in the narrow and dangerous English Star Zone. Now Veneto The identity of the enemy can break through the English Star Zone and appear in the territory of the E Star Zone, which itself created a history.

But this alone is not enough. Veneto saw her fate through that thread. In the star zone of the E-star capital, countless hidden strategic weapons of the starry sky revealed the fierce 獞 when she appeared. Tooth, the curve-guided destruction attack through the universe makes people unavoidable, and Veneto’s fleet has no unexpected ending.

"The background of the E-Star is really deep, and there is no loophole in Ulster's calculations. These asteroids hidden in the stars are uninteresting. Under the artificial combination, they can become a strategic cannon that surpasses the power of battleship guns. If this kind of thing is not my presence here, I'm afraid it will stay quiet for a while."

In fact, the first to capture the Royal Navy’s defense line was the Abyssal Fleet, but that special presence is not a normal enemy category, so it will not be counted and affects the significance of Veneto’s operation, which is slightly worrying. However, when the Abyss Fleet invaded, E Starfield did not use these strategic artillery to counterattack.

   "Is it because I can't fight, so I keep hiding?" Veneto thought of a possibility.

Marvel at the background of E-Star and the calculation of Ulster. Even if the Admiral has calculated this step, he still holds the card that can reverse the situation. No wonder he dares to send all the Prince of Wales fleet to attack himself, even if E-Star The Capital Star District has no fleets stationed, and the strategic artillery cluster that spends huge amounts of money and is highly maintained every year is still the most powerful defensive counter-attack weapon. No matter which fleet is attacked, without taking precautions, None can escape the devastating ending.

   Even Ulster just deliberately exposed this flaw, and then waited for himself to get caught?

  Veneto shook his head to deny this statement. Ulster was not a omnipotent god, and even the apostle of the gods also lost to Yue Zhong.

"Layout and calculation are only part of the struggle. There are always some special coincidences in the world that will make up for some loopholes that people did not think of, making lucky layout designers seem to have no way out, but the real no-brainer plan does not exist, just thinking Not enough, not far enough."

   "People in the feudal era cannot see the universe beyond heaven and earth; people in the industrial era cannot see the void beyond the universe; and have we not tasted what we can't see?"

In Veneto’s mind, there has always been a quotation from Yue Zhong, whether he taught it to Veneto deliberately, bragging in his spare time, or inadvertently commenting on something, all rely on and trust him. The silver-haired girl remembered it as a guiding motto in life.

Now that he has seen his own destiny, Veneto will naturally not repeat the same mistakes. The small stars with the components of the strategic defense cannon are not threatened when they are scattered. As long as the fleet passes and destroys some of the power, those powers The amazing defensive weapon is still a pile of scrap metal that nobody cares about.

   That's what Ulster can't see, from the fate preview held in the hands of Miss Vampire in the fantasy town era.

   Relying on this advantage, Veneto is already in an invincible position, but unfortunately it is more difficult to control fate than time, and Veneto’s strong actions are also very damaging to his body. Naturally, it is impossible to use this power often.

   found the right direction of the fate of the Veneto fleet to continue the journey of her long drive, blocking the Royal Navy’s Tierbitz for her, but still fighting hard.

As a world-famous pirate admiral, Sailon Scheep understands the importance of high-speed maneuver better than anyone. His fleet composition is also based on this as the first indicator. Tilbitz itself is a high-speed battleship. One member, the original air defense capability of the weak subject has also been greatly enhanced in the new ship design, able to cope with the Royal Navy’s aircraft carrier with ease, while ensuring that it does not fall into heavy encirclement.

But this still cannot change the status of the Tilbitz fleet’s weakness. She has played her best, but she cannot build any advantage in front of the more powerful and eager to break through her defense line, only on the side. During the running, he continued to delay the opponent's pace.

If the Royal Navy insists on destroying the Tierbitz fleet, it is very likely to be achieved, but it will take a long time to conduct battle lineup and pursuit, and completely lose the opportunity to catch up with Veneto. Sailon Scheep knew this very well and had to grasp the bottom line of the Royal Navy. If they really didn’t have a chance to return to the capital star, it was when their fleet was destroyed.

   is in a fierce battle, but Tierbitz's eyes are still so blank but chaotic, like a mouthless girl staring blankly at the sky, her mind blank.

  If the ship she controlled was still fighting at full strength, Syllan Scheep even thought that the pink-haired natural girl was sleeping with her eyes open.

"Tilbitz." Sylene Sheep called her, calculating that Veneto had almost entered the territory of the E Star Realm, and their mission was successfully completed by this time, and the battle continued, maybe the Prince of Wales Association Change tactics and seek to eliminate them to vent anger.

   But Tirbitz ignored or did not hear it.

   "Tilbitz!" Sylon? Sharp increased his voice helplessly, this time the other party finally responded.

"What's the matter, Admiral, I'm fighting." Tierbitz looked at him with a bit of displeasure, just like the girl who was addicted to the game was suddenly called by her parents to eat out, she seemed to regard fighting as a special kind game.

  Sellen? Sheep had already heard of her housewoman before she had contacted Tierbitz, but thinking of her as Bismarck's sister, it was really difficult to say that the two would think of going together.

   One is a brave, handsome and handsome female man, and the other is a sullen and procrastinating young girl. The combination of these two sisters was once the most special composition of the G star domain navy.

   "It's time to retreat, wait for the Royal Navy to boom, we can't accept that kind of loss." Salen Scheep's slightly rugged appearance persuaded with a patient and meticulous voice.

"Is it possible to go back to Hong Kong to sleep, which is great." For Tierbitz, sleeping seemed more attractive than playing "games", and she increased the frequency of shelling to suppress the firepower of the Royal Navy. , While conveying the Admiral's order to the other ship mothers: "Everyone, ready to retreat home!"

  Sellon? Sheep rubbed her temples frantically, correcting: "It's going to meet your sister at the Shaxing Development Base, not back to the port area."

  Tilbits tilted his head and thought for a moment, then widened his eyes and suddenly realized: "Oh."

"...Ready to break away from the battle." Sairen Schepper felt that it would take some time to adapt to Tilbitz's style. Fortunately, now he can reunite with Bismarck. The capable girl is here. It will not be contagious by Tilbitz's lazy habit.

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