Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 565: Star

Hundreds of warships were gathered in the military port of the London Star and its satellites, each of which was a magnificent military force, galloping in every corner of the battlefield of the seven galaxies. It was defeated, but in the end it will bring the final glory back to E-Starland.

Under the disaster of the Abyssal Fleet, almost all of them were sinking into the Xinghai. E Xingyu used all their power to recover most of them. It was this group of warship-hardened warships that was chased by the latter. Still holding on to the reputation of the First Navy.

   Today, London Star is providing them with pre-deployment supplies, and they will continue to fulfill their new missions after the Ulster Admiral meeting. At this critical juncture, in addition to the prestige of the Seventh Fleet staying in the I star field, the defense force of the London Star must be said to be extremely powerful, even in the face of the endless abyssal fleet can carry out a long battle.

It can be said that it is an impeccable defense, but the problem has appeared on the London star. The powerful battleship of the Royal Navy, facing a reliance on outdated martial arts and unknown supernatural abilities, has no way to do it. This is unacceptable to the Prince of Wales anyway. situation.

"There must be a way, even if he knows what I need to avoid, I also know what he needs to avoid." If there is a head-to-head confrontation on the interstellar, the Prince of Wales can instantly think of many strategies, but he can change the environment on the battlefield. , Everything has become a little strange.

   The Admiral meeting will not end at one and a half. Those admirers are afraid to stay in it for more than one day. Before they come out, Baturu’s accidental death must have an answer.

Time is urgent but sufficient. The more irritable, the more you will be led by Yue Zhong. No matter whether it is really forced or regressed by force, it is as he expected. Tang's sudden display of momentum and hesitation are both Unwise actions, if there is still a chance to win, must exist in calmness.

   Yue Zhong has been mentioned several times by the Admiral. Anyone who can be mentioned by the Admiral can be regarded as a character. If he can defeat Augustus Caesar, then he has this qualification.

He was mentioned by the Admiral because of his unusual supernatural ability that even Augustus Caesar could not accurately infer. In addition to the detours and attacks on the battlefield, his military power Too little to be a threat. Veneto, who had beaten the I-Star fleet fleet, and Andrea Doria, who had succeeded in temporarily holding the Buddha's feet, relied solely on the advantages of equipment. It was not as unbeatable as imagined, but it was because I-Star The domain fleet lacked soul characters, and the remaining guys could not take the shot before they were defeated by Bismarck and others, and replaced by any general in the Royal Navy. It would definitely not be so embarrassing to lose the admiral.

Once encountering something that makes you angry but temporarily helpless, the Prince of Wales will always force herself to recall some related things, and find out the loopholes in it to prove that the opponent is not so powerful, but also to calm down his mood, otherwise in It has long been unclear how many times the deeds of Parkfield Xinghai were sunk by the J Starfield Fleet.

The Prince of Wales is back on the comfortable brown-red sofa, and the exclusive lounge is as luxurious and beautiful as her core cabin. The thick plush curtains shade the outside sunlight, making the room glowing red under the rendering of orange lights. Slightly gloomy.

She lifted her left leg to rest on her right leg, and the white and tight thighs rubbed lightly like pearls, without looking at the fragments of the glass next to it, and poured the red wine into the new glass again, looking at her painting directly in front Like hesitating for two seconds, the brown eyes reflected the painting, and the more and more calm.

   The soft, silky-like gin has a dull red color, which flows into the bright red mouth and wets the lips with extra sensuality. The Prince of Wales has another characteristic of noble women. Compared to Hood’s gentle and elegant, the blood from the royal family makes her more like a thorny rose that is difficult to conquer. She likes all the red, whether it is deep, dim or bright, But her hull is dark, just like the most delicate and proud rose eroded by darkness. Lifelike, the blooming rhododendron made her know how to restrain herself, so she calmed down in the end and was not irritated by Yue Zhong's rampage.

   "The Royal Navy is a group. I can't solve it by myself, so let everyone come over. There is still time. The day of the London Star is enough to do a lot of things."

In the eyes of the Prince of Wales, in the eyes of everyone in E-Zone, each Royal Navy’s main ship warship is a true general. They are brave, wise and fearless, and they can make people form such beliefs, which is enough to explain their Powerful. As the governor who controls them, he undoubtedly has to bear a lot of pressure. Ulster has done and exerted their abilities to the extreme, so he is the legendary admiral, the most legendary one, even if the number of fleets in control now exceeds him. Chester William still needs to admit that he is not as good as him.

   Such a combination forms the brightest nebula in Xinghai. No one conceals the light of others, and when gathered together, it is so bright that people cannot look directly at it.

   When these ship ladies gather together, even if there is no admiral, the stars are still shining brightly, not only the star on their chest, but also everyone's vigorous vitality and calm temperament.

   Elizabeth, war exhaustion, warriors...revenge, royal oak, monarchy...Nelson, Rodney...

   There is also the Prince of Wales himself, as well as the Duke of York and Anson of the same ship size.

As well as the only battle patrol counterattack here, as well as anger, competitive gods and other aircraft carrier mothers, more than 20 generals of the Royal Navy gathered in the central activity room of the shipyard, a huge floating siege, without losing its color. The admirers gathered in the conference room of the Ark of the Admiral.

They may have just rested or were busy with other things just now, but the Prince of Wales gathered at the earliest time with a call, and everyone was in their military uniforms, even if they were different, they did not appear to be cluttered, but they were different. .

As a caller and also the flagship of the Royal Navy’s First Fleet, the Prince of Wales was reluctant to walk in front of them and excitedly explained Yue Zhong’s mischief. Nelson, Rodney and other old-fashioned ship mothers are still relatively stable, but they have become the pillar of the Royal Navy. Some of the ship's mothers who were still early had the same anger.

   The long-standing pride of E-Starland has always been established in an invincible sense of honor, so that they will not try to understand a mouse under the destruction of their eyes. The London star, which guarded like an iron tube, still had problems, but their powerful navy did not play a role at this time.

   Driven by this emotion, although there was no shouting to kill Yue Zhong, the dignified atmosphere and the actual killing intention were everywhere. It seems that the eldest brother is going to take his elite brothers to do big things. No one will advertise it, but his strength is completely concentrated in his heart.

   If at this time, Ulster called here, "Big Brother, you cut whoever you cut," it would be more appropriate.

"The Admiral is working with the seven galaxy counterparts to formulate future policy plans. Although the Admiral Association does not belong to our E-star domain, but here is the London Star. I think we must find out the enemy's loopholes before the meeting ends. "The Prince of Wales has an extra stick of civilization on his hand, holding it in the palm of his hand, and after stirring up the emotions of her companions and enemies, she said rationally, "We have more restrictions on this battle than the other. You don’t have enough combat experience, and the opponent is a cunning and vicious guy, so we must be careful. The Admiral handed him over to me. I can’t handle it well, so I need you to help me.”

   Directly facing the eyes of the Prince of Wales, handsome and handsome Nelson with short orange-red hair, this description of her is enough to show that she has a strong neutral character. The not-so-soft facial lines and short hair can not be described as beautiful. There are more medals on her red and black uniform than other warships, proving her long history in the Royal Navy and her status as the most terrifying interstellar overlord of the BIG7.

   Back then, the No. 1 ship's mother had faded from the flashy world and endless generations of descendants. More people were mentioning the names of new people, and no one thought she was as invincible as before.

In fact, it’s just not in dispute, she sees the glory more sacred and great, and puts all the glory above her personal brilliance, because there will always be people who will not forget her and what she represents An era.

  Interestingly, it was a battle of prestige. She behaved in an all-out way, and was regarded as Nelson by her opponent. This is enough to show that as long as it is the Navy, no one can forget Nelson.

Nelson, like the Prince of Wales, has only one eye open, and the closed left eye is not covered with any props. A visible tear mole can be seen. There is a man in the history of E Star Zone. The mole symbolizes a huge temptation for women. Although Nelson looks very handsome, she is indeed a ship maiden, but even so, many ship maidens will like her.

"Yue Zhong's existence is not necessarily the best option for the Admiral to completely obliterate or turn him into a public enemy. And Hood is still with him, it is not good to be anxious, so if you make a mistake, The consequences may not be what we want to see." Nelson responded calmly to the eyes of the Prince of Wales, such as the smooth Wanliping Lake, and tranquility was not bottomed out, "Prince of Wales, you are still in a hurry, not only before Threatening him with a prosecutor, and calling us now, maybe he wants to see it."

   "He can know the Admiral's Association, and also know the pride of the E-Stars, and the tradition of the Royal Navy. We can't compete with such people for conspiracy and lowliness, that is not the field we are good at."

The Prince of Wales nodded and admitted her mistake without hesitation. Although she was called the eldest brother, she still respected her predecessors, even if they were just ordinary companions, as long as she could point out her mistakes, she would also admit: "Then how should we do?"

   "He does what he wants, and he asks for his actions. As long as he does not exceed the bottom line, E-Star does not give him anything." Nelson said in her unique low voice, "It also comes at a price."

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