Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 549: World war

What happened between Ulster and Hood is little known. As an alien among the E-star nations, Ulster has a lot of differences, and it is very frivolous in front of others. Neither the political arena nor the military treat him. How you like it, but such a person has an irreplaceable status. Under the cover of this image, others cannot see what he is buried in the heart, and it is impossible to guess that there are people he likes.

It is only partners and symbols that are put in the mouth. Never mention any personal emotions. The Prince of Wales who has been with him for a long time should have guessed something, but she lacks the female’s natural sensibility and always thought he was only depressed in his heart. Today, I suddenly thought of such a reasonable explanation.

  After lying on the ground to relax, Alster didn't sort out his image. After changing clothes, he still had a sweaty face on his face, and then ran back to the restaurant where the Prince of Wales was smiling.

The castle is slightly dark like candlelight, and there are oil paintings on the retro walls that ordinary people can't appreciate. There is also a self-portrait of the Prince of Wales wearing a general uniform. It can be seen that she is actually narcissistic. The solemn and solid smile came to life. There are fine swords and beast heads under the painting. Artefacts that Ulster can never remember the name are also mixed in the middle, but he may not be able to recognize the aesthetics of the Prince of Wales in his life.

The long table in mahogany is lined with white tablecloths, and the beautifully patterned ceramic vases are filled with blooming blood-white bicolor flowers. The farthest ends are up to five meters long. According to the Prince of Wales, this is already the acceptable limit. The narrow interior of the core cabin is completely insufficient for her to arrange a perfect living environment.

   "Brother, what about waiting for food?" Everything seemed like nothing had happened. Ulster could see that the dull Prince of Wales guessed something, but he was always joking with each other as always.

Red wine is everywhere in the core cabin of the Prince of Wales, but she does not cook for herself. She can use synthetic food as military food, swallowing it regardless of the taste, but never eat a bowl of simple but easy to make, taste Nice bibimbap.

Already accustomed to Ulster’s character, the Prince of Wales was not angry, put down his knife and gently tapped the table and said: "The fleet is about to enter the military base, and can come back to cook a big meal, don’t enjoy how to do it. . Admiral, what do you look like with your legs upright?"

   "I am not an aristocrat, so much attention." Ulster is still doing his own thing. Anyway, the Prince of Wales is just saying that, and he will not smile with prestige and use dangerous eyes to urge him to correct.

  The Prince of Wales, as he expected, sneered and didn't overdo it: "Come on without prestige."

Two people with zero self-care ability stayed in the castle-style restaurant for some time. The Prince of Wales sat down to take care of the meal and waited for the other maid costume enthusiasts in the fleet to fight back, but Ulster Some are bored and lie directly on the table, and one or the other talks with the Prince of Wales.

"The rebels in the Sicilian Star District nominally agreed to surrender, but they wanted to turn it into a governor's district independent of the I Star Zone. Before I sent this news to the country, now your brother relatives agree?" Ba propped on the table, his eyelids rolled.

   "She has no reason not to agree." The Prince of Wales replied indifferently, not wanting to talk more about that person. Her identity is extremely special. She should have been an E-star candidate, as long as she can officially inherit the name of the prince, but she chose to become the ship's mother, so she directly won this honorary title, but she also lost it. Right of succession.

   is a bit unhappy with the current queen, that is, her grandmother, the Prince of Wales. Even in the E-Star domain with the highest status of the ship's mother, the ruler still disagrees and sets up obstacles for the excellent heir to choose to become the ship's mother. After excluding all difficulties to become the ship's mother, the relationship between the two will be established. Some barriers.

Because of his identity, the Prince of Wales is always considered to have received special care in the Royal Navy. No matter how hard the new flagship is, he cannot reach the height of Hood. It is widely recognized and praised by the people, but it is more prestigious now. More than her.

As Ulster didn’t hear her discomfort, she continued to say nothing: “The rebels of Planet Aura have also begun to take shape, and a small scale of influence has occurred in the F star field and their colonial star zone. Rebellion, it is also a matter of time before a similar situation occurs in our E-Star domain.

   "You don't know her yet? Of course, whoever rebelliously cuts." The Prince of Wales rightfully said that her grandmother and she are almost a character, and she likes to cut people.

"Admiral, are you deliberate?" The Prince of Wales' eyebrows were raised, but the face with a black blindfold embroidered with rhododendron had a bit more pirate scorn, "No more questions about her. , You really want to know that you still need to pass me?"

   Ulster nodded weakly and said, "I know, I'm bored when I eat, I really can't chat."

"Maybe we can talk about oriental crafts. I used to collect some while performing missions in Asia. Will the Admiral look at it?" The Prince of Wales lifted his body from the posture to prepare for a meal to the most upright sitting posture Staring straight at Ulster.

   Ulster wants to refuse, but when it comes to topics he is interested in, the Prince of Wales will not give him a reason to refuse.

  E Starfield Royal Fleet's joint expedition came to an end, except for the remaining 7th Fleet I Starfield, the rest of the fleet returned.

  The impact caused by the vicious rebellion is generally brewing as expected. The first riot was the F Star Zone in the colonial star zone near Afrika, and Baturu was temporarily ordered to lead the fleet to suppress. The internal contradictions in the F-Star Zone have also become increasingly fierce. The navy fighting each other cannot form a unified force. The official Admiral is still pending, which is also the reason for the rebellion of the colonial star zone under the control of the Star Zone.

Affected by this, the E-star field must be prepared for a rainy day. After the newly reconstructed Royal Navy carried out the general battle of conquering the I-star field in a general trial, it had to redeploy troops for possible rebellion. After all places, it is the new journey of these general warship ladies.

The world is once again on the verge of turmoil, and I Starfield has to bear this charge. It seems that once they lose their admiral, this powerful star field of the Europa Galaxy has become the target of arbitrary arson, and now it is fully controlled by E Star Field. Recognizing the independence of the Sicilian Star Zone, and also facing the new rebellion of the Aura planet, has entered a stormy situation.

   The matter spread to the Shaxing Development Base. Veneto was a little unhappy. She summoned all the warships under Yue Zhong and discussed the plan in the humble lounge.

The Admiral had left two days ago and set off for the Seven-Star Admiral Association in E-Zone. Xiao Meiyan personally sent him to the trading space station as a stowaway in an illegal smuggling trade ship. The Africa colonial star zone of F-Zone The rebellion in Africa has become more and more turbulent, and even affected Shaxing Development Base to a certain extent. The environment for Yue Zhong’s trip is not very good, and Veneto is also worried privately.

The ship ladies were all here, including Indianapolis and the black-backed jackals, and Veneto, who was already familiar with them, was also polite, but the small man was quite strong, and directly opened in a flagship posture. Tao: "The Admiral has left, and now Homura has no time to manage the base in the laboratory all day, so today I am calling everyone to prepare for the deployment of Saturn's defense plan."

  The black-backed jackal did not have a strong sense of identification with the admiral Yue Zhong, who was like a boy, and she had a dark face: "Ming Zaki is still here, why not let him deploy defense?"

Before Veneto felt that the black-backed jackals were a little dissatisfied with their behavior of "dove in the magpie's nest". It was not easy for her to bear it until now. It was not easy for the advisor to dare to leave. It is trust in himself, Veneto also wants to weaken Ming Zaki’s influence, so that he will not threaten the status of the Admiral: "The Admiral has other work arrangements for him, and now we are only on standby."

After saying that Veneto did not say much about this matter, expand the imaging star map and slide the module pointing to the green star road marked in it: "The rebellion of the Afrika colonial star zone in the F star domain has been right. The Shaxing Development Base poses a threat. Now Batulu is leading some fleets to attack. In order to prevent rebel warships from discovering us here, we must expand the range of defense to more than ten times the normal. The near-star defense boats at the base are very It’s not enough, and it’s not enough to undertake long-distance patrol work.

"My ship is equipped with a new reconstruction and repair plan, and I cannot temporarily leave the port to fight, so I will always stay at the base to keep track of everyone's dynamics. Aviere, Camicia Nella, and black-backed jackals, each responsible for Europa The galaxy Xiang and the center of Africa turned to the two large-scale star zones. The supply was rotated according to this schedule. Indianapolis and Andrea Doria stayed behind as support and found that the hostile fleet immediately rushed to the incident area. Its annihilation."

Veneto’s hand-held pointer was deployed in an orderly manner before the star map was imaged. After assigning the general direction of work, he began to explain the normal defense tactics, with the main purpose of preventing foreign forces from discovering the sand star development base, as much as possible. The power in the hand.

Her fame and strength are recognized by the world. A well-deserved world-class ship, Indianapolis and Blackback Jackal have views on Yue Zhong, but have no confidence to refute Veneto. They are very simple about the tasks she has arranged. Accepted.

After finishing everything he wanted to say, Veneto scanned the reactions of the other warships and glanced at the view. This is a new fleet composition. Maybe they are not good enough with each other now, but the battle is to catalyze emotions. The best means of her, she is confident and must unite them.

   "Admiral, I will keep all threats out of this planet of hope." Veneto clenched his fists quietly and said in secret in his heart.

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