Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 529: Deadly Distance

The core compartment of Julio Caesar is different. Its self-rescue method is not the traditional high-speed catapult. When the hull is sunk, the body of the Holy Girl who has a certain degree of **** blessing will be completely blurred. In the independent Kingdom of God, this is to protect her from all kinds of accidental falls, but it also allows her to directly witness the life of Bismarck after the I Star Fleet is in chaos.

Bismarck, who was once sung and sunk by Hood, who was once hailed as the strongest ship's mother ship, besides being a battleship, has the cunning unique to this pirate. If there is a flagship of Augustus Caesar, I may not give her The chance to copy the miracle, but the facts have already happened, and there is no such thing as if it exists.

In order to cooperate with the Admiral’s attack, the I Starship Fleet called on the strongest three warships to snipe Veneto, but failed to completely destroy Bismarck’s fleet before he found a killing opportunity. Seizing the chaotic timing of the I-Star fleet, he desperately tried to break through in the direction of Julio Caesar's battle, and the I-Star fleet could not be stopped because he lost the unified and coordinated command.

Everyone wants to work hard to do something, they don’t want to really become a shame that has a huge advantage but is eventually successful in counter-killing, but it is not the individual bravery on the battlefield that can decide the victory or defeat, otherwise the admiral will lose The value, listed on the astrolabe but a sand-like front, just looks scary.

  Can't build threatening volleys and pinch attacks. The release of firepower is not planned and will be carried out according to your own ideas. Eventually, you will inevitably lose threats. There are many new members of the ship's mother in the I Star Fleet, and there is still not enough tacit understanding between them. The panic of losing the command has further reduced their ability and threatened the Sailon Fleet fleet for a while. It is also much smaller.

"Is the victory right in front of me..." Syllan Scheep didn't feel relieved after seeing Julio Caesar explode. According to the tradition of each star field, the command will be transferred to another ship after the flagship is sunk. On the battleship previously determined, in theory, the admiral of the fleet will be transferred in advance before the flagship is seriously injured, so the time of appearance will not last too long, but the fleet in front has no admiral at all, and Litorio has the ability I'm afraid it's better than Giulio Caesar.

   just let them easily stand a long distance away, only a line away from the final blockade barrier, and even Sylon Scheep could not help raising infinite hope.

  So, what is Litorio hesitating?

"Don't make up your mind, do you want to give up the showdown with your sister, or let Sailon Schepper's fleet escape to life, you want to balance both, but no one can win, just like I had despised Bismarck It's the same as the greed of Julio Caesar just now."

Deposited in the I Starship Fleet, protected by Litorio on the initiative to protect, there is an elegant female voice slowly, that is also the defeat of Bismarck's old men, she is not qualified to satiate anything, so it should not be sarcasm I The strength of the Star Fleet: "Do you want to help me?"

"Although you are very confident, your experience as a flagship is still lacking. The Admiral has come to pick me up. I don't want to fall into that pirate's hands at this time." In the other core cabin in the hull, dignified Elegant like a girl with long blond hair portrayed in blue and white sea-and-white military uniforms, with an uncluttered ribbon on her chest to hang the Star Medallion, she pushed the red-framed glasses in front of her and expressed herself without hesitation. Will to return to the Royal Navy.

Compared to Hood’s pure blonde hair, Litorio’s hair is darker and more brown, and they have some similarities in character, but they are also strong: "If you go back, you are not afraid of being regarded as fallen into the glory of the Royal Navy. Is it a shame? Selene Sheep obviously wants to hand you over to Yue Zhong, and you won't return to the pirate."

"This is exactly what you have to consider, is you afraid to become a shame, or to prove your value again?" Hood drank his own black tea, just like Veneto's coffee, "I am not I understand very clearly that my mind is clear. Why did the star-like admiral want to take me away."

  Litorio responded to Hood's gentle smile, decisively refused: "Since it is to prove yourself, why should you be asked to help?"

   "And you think you can win Sister Veneto?"

  The Royal Navy has its own arrogant side, so Hood will not accept the rule of any advisor outside the E-Zone, but the I-Zone Navy does not have its own attachment, but their attachment is not a spirit but a name.

  If she will lose, we should also defeat her together, and will not give this opportunity to outsiders.

  Hood nodded slightly and stopped talking. With a bit of anticipation, he wanted to see how I Star Wars Naval, with outsiders involved but a bit like a civil war, would end.

   may also want to see, what kind of skill does the admiral who wants to take away?

Between the stars, the silver glow shone brightly, and Litorio was able to briefly capture the shadow of Veneto at intermittent and irregular moments, and the gunfire of the sister ship brought some threats to her, but she was very clear in her heart. If the battleships are the same, the three of them may win the elder sister, but the technical gap makes them too far apart. She doesn’t have to keep her eyes on when she tries to prove her strength. Put it on yourself.

The Bismarck’s lore was attributed to the efforts of the Sailon Fleet desperate escort, and because Veneto disturbed all the deployment of the I Star Fleet one person and one ship, she did not completely suppress each other. She and Rome and the Empire worked hard to Now, still unable to tell Veneto how powerful he is.

Because everything is in Hood’s eyes, she is worried about whether I can win. This belongs to the strongest group of battleships among the seven galaxies, but there is no such thing on her own. People.

"What your elder sister wants to do, what you want to achieve, in the end, you can all see one by one, whether you can cast off the shackles and follow her pace, to become truly powerful, only you can decide." That was The Admiral believes that a girl who is not good at speaking and has a lonely personality can often say such direct words at a critical time. She has not given any promises to try to betray herself and others, even if there is no difference between Admirals, this is useless. of.

   She just wants to wait for us to choose to betray, because I Xingyu has no spirit and only one soul. What the elder sister does will guide us to learn, even if she is an enemy.

  Why should we protect those who treat themselves indifferently, but should they live for themselves or for mission? In fact, no matter how you choose, you can't escape the strange circle of struggle in fate.

"The entire fleet annihilated Veneto and other ships, and gave up chasing Selene Shepp, he would not run back to die." Litorio faithfully executed Augustus Caesar's intention, even if he destroyed himself so far. The glory of China still has no choice to take that step. In the final analysis, the devil's confusion has been unfavorable to itself throughout the ages.

Taking over the command of the fleet, Litorio soon stopped the chaos of the I-Star Fleet, and the front line surrounding Veneto was further concentrated. Through the internavigation of the carrier aircraft and the interweaving fire blockade, she was forced to step by step. Go in front of yourself and others.

When the distance is close to a certain level, the naval guns of each other will definitely be able to hit. Even if it is reduced to the size of a person, it cannot escape, because the time from the start of the engine to the complete transfer is not enough, she becomes smaller, but The speed is still the same, even if it is full of holes, it is necessary to defeat her, and let her open the distance to the fire control advantage of the front line, then if her energy is exhausted, it will not be defeated. If you can’t win, you won’t win in a lifetime, and the big sister will always stand in front of me.

   The ship is outside the enemy, not seeking stability for the circle, the angles are equivalent, the array is equivalent, and the cube is besieging!

   "If I can tell her, this is my answer. Regardless of the future, I am still fighting for the I-star field. To this end, I must surpass my sister, the high mountain."

"Twenty-one percent of the energy reserve is left, and the defense is not expensive, but it has always been in a state of full will inevitably fall into a shortage...Litorio what you want to do, let go Syllen Scheep wanted to sink me. Instead of draining my energy, I compressed the formation to this extent. As long as I broke through you, you would lose." Veneto did not understand Litori. At the moment, what she thinks is far less complicated. On the battlefield, as long as she can win, it is everything. Is she giving up the way to win? Is she releasing water?

Thinking of this, Veneto frowned angrily, and had been entangled with Litorio and other three people. At this moment, when they went out of the three battleships in that direction, there was nothing else. If they could not stop themselves, it was true. Can't stop it.

   Close death, Veneto had never been afraid, since she wanted to fight like this, she had no choice.

Countless lights and steel wings follow the back of Veneto, dotted like a rising star chart, they can’t hit Veneto, and they don’t have the luxury of hitting, just use this degree of saturation coverage The thick compression with the front pushed her in one direction.

In the close-up scene, with Elitorio as the front, Rome and the Empire receded a little, and the triangle arrow pointed directly at the Veneto, who knew that they could be clear even with the naked eye. Seeing each other's appearance.

  Sister, she still did not forget to bring her coffee cup, and it was stable above the naval gun. The half-full of coffee changed a few cups from the beginning of the war to now. It is more calm and easy.

   is so petite, but has assumed the strength and responsibility that everyone yearns for. Such a big sister, for her new pursuit, decisively gave up everything and abandoned them.

   The snow-colored short temples shook slightly. That was because the naval gun was weakened by the recoil of countless times. At the distance of the decisive death, it was a deadly contest between sister ships with different ideas.

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