Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 521: Preface

  The calm military planetary surface is as deserted and decaying as Yue Zhong's first arrival in this world. The rebels did not leave here for long, but the rush and confusion before leaving left a run-down scene. Xiao Meiyan had been here before, but there was no effort to clean up the mess outside, only set the road to Afrika development The coordinates of the base left again, so what caught Yue Zhong's eyes was just like she first saw.

The Veneto was slowly parked on the ship deck. The ecological cabin here is still in operation. Yue Zhong can move freely even if he walks out of the bridge, but he will not run out and sway, without Veneto’s ship protection. His personal flesh is quite fragile in the interstellar, and it is not the same as Xiao Meiyan, who walks freely.

   "Andrea Doria is in place and Caesar did not embarrass her as much as I thought."

  Right-hand tapping on the command chair with his right hand, Yue Zhong can watch the desolation in front with his naked eyes, but there is no effort to remember when he first came. There is no expression on the face, only the eyes of the eyes are slightly closer than normal, so the information is quickly filtered in the brain, no text records are needed, and only your own brainpower is enough to complete the deduction of the overall layout. No complicated calculations are involved, only calculations.

"Ulster is approaching step by step, and the invasion of the territory controlled by the rebel army is intended to obtain the maximum benefit at the minimum cost. Caesar and I cannot interfere with his actions. It is very difficult to deal with each other, but there is one thing It must be ensured that the rebel army must exist. Even if the headquarters is gone, their army must also exist. Whatever the territory they can hold, it must exist... right?"

   This is the tacit agreement we share. Although it is impossible to cooperate with it, we must guarantee this foundation.

What I destroyed was a high-level rebel army, perhaps with pieces from Augustus Caesar, but by no means all of them. As an admiral, he should have a better understanding of the importance of mastering the army, so the rebels who lost their original ambitions and He didn't lose much, but he was more in control.

"Self-directed and self-directed, watching fire from the other side, is not a very complicated strategy, but it is not so easy to do well, especially to let others not doubt, at least not in a short period of time, as a factor of doubt, this is what Caesar wants Exclude me from the most important reason, that is, the motive of crime. Homura went to the Roman planet to cause the after-effects. Caesar did not care on the surface. In fact, he should be quite concerned. After all, the promise of the devil is not reliable, especially for God. ."

"The gentle treatment and support are all for the instantaneous turning of the face to achieve the miracle effect. At the beginning, I also underestimated Caesar's determination. For this goal, he could not tolerate a little change." Yue Zhong smiled for no reason, then Shaking his head, "I don't really understand the ideas of religious people, but I still have to do what I should do, Homura is not here, you can guess from Doria, then naturally I can think of what I want you to know, You can only reach your limits if you continue to suspect."

As for the final showdown, the tone was laid very early. When Sairon Schepper arrived, it was when we divided the victory and defeat that we had to calculate too much and finally had to speak by force. Although I was a little worried about Homura, More confidence.

   Prepared for the final battle, Yue Zhong closed his eyes and planned to recuperate his spirit. He could do what he could. The rest of the results depend on the choice and strength of the opponent.

   All the lights on the shipyard went out at once, together with all the light from the periphery, the whole planet returned to silence, and the hull of Veneto was shrouded in darkness. Since she was officially equipped with a new type of warship, every operation has undoubtedly been targeted. The extremely high efficiency makes the warship in standby most of the time. Even the activities of cruising the I star area did not take too much time.

Sometimes Veneto has the illusion, as if he is still with the Admiral in the Earth of the Fantasy Township era, without having to do too much, he can continue to increase his chances of winning, even if the last enemy cannot compete, eventually There was no loss to achieve a staged victory.

   I accidentally heard Xiaoyan say about Yue Zhong’s previous events, but at that time she felt different, so she also has her own curiosity about Yue Zhong’s experience in history and time, but Yue Zhong never took the initiative to mention...

There is nothing to do in Veneto thinking about things that are not related to the situation here. If you always wait, there will always be a lot of time to think, even if the result is useless, it is regarded as self-entertainment and no need to bear the fleet. The flagship command mission, Veneto is indeed very idle.

   time has passed for a long time, only to know that the only radar that the military planet is operating to detect the information coming from far away, then pulled Veneto's thinking back.

It was an incomparably huge fleet, and battleships with a lot of identity information were mixed with countless transport ships. Just like carrying out large-scale transport missions, Veneto used to perform such missions in the past, but it is strange that they are traveling. The formation is not a uniform speed line used for conventional transportation, but like wartime transportation, all warships are protected on the periphery, and the formation of transport ships is protected in the middle of the prismatic shape.

  Because the distance is a little far away, even the radars of military planets can only receive rough outline figures, but the experienced Veneto clearly felt something was wrong, and immediately woke up Yue Zhong, who closed his eyes and raised his nerves.

   "Admiral, found a large-scale unit suspected of the Sailon Schipper fleet, they are in a state of preparation, and the armament system is fully charged."

  Yue Zhong, who heard Veneto's voice, immediately opened his eyes, and his eyes full of energy were cold and cold. He sat on the chair and raised his eyebrows slightly, saying: "The rebel army and him are all right, why are they in a state of readiness?"

"Will he suddenly turn to the enemy and decide to attack us?" Veneto was very vigilant and had 12 points of suspicion about this so-called ally. If there is enough interest to drive, Sairon Schep may not necessarily turn the gun to deal with it. he.

   But this interest is unlikely to appear.

"VV, don’t be nervous. Selene Sheppe has no reason to attack us with a group of transport ships. Especially if you have the battle to gather the ships, those transport ships are not only useless, but will become a huge obstacle for them to play the fleet. "Covered firepower." Yue Zhong said calmly, "Rather than guessing that he came to attack us, it is better to say that he is guarding who... and this place can only have rebels."

Just as Yue Zhong’s conjecture was confirmed, Veneto quickly intercepted the figures of several small high-speed warships from the complex feedback information. The bright unmarked or non-generalized signal means that they are temporarily not affiliated with Any regular star field, there is only one possibility here, the fleet comes from the rebel army.

In interstellar operations, high-speed small warships harassing and transporting troops are effective tactics. Even if the size of the **** force exceeds them, it is often difficult to concentrate on the harassing forces because of the bloated and long front. If the harassing forces seize the opportunity, they will still The transport ship was attacked.

  By judging the course of the operations of two different troops, Veneto quickly determined that this was a standard attack operation. Even if the Sailon Fleet continued to fight back, one or two transport ships still disappeared on the star map from time to time.

"It seems that he is under attack. Do we want to rescue him?" We are very experienced in dealing with harassing troops. Veneto has a very strong fire control capability in the longest range of the naval gun. It is also from countless **** battles. After sharpening, in contrast, the flagship Bismarck of Sailon Schepper is better at looting than escorting, and is somewhat overwhelmed by the harassment of the rebels.

Yue Zhong thought for a moment and said: "The loss of one or two transport ships is not a big problem for Sailon Schep. There is a distance from the line of defense of the rebels. If he has been under attack, he will also be under attack. Many times, there is no need to assist at this time, even if the victory is limited, is it now to reach the contact distance, send a contact signal."

  Some things need to be made clear in person. Although Veneto's guess is extremely low, it does not mean that it does not exist.

   "...admiral, no response."

   is just an anti-harassment operation, and Syllen Scheep hasn't even been able to respond to the newsletter. Either there is something wrong, or the problem is here.

Yue Zhong suddenly stood up, and he wanted to wait for the arrival of Sailon Schepper’s fleet, and then under his cover, he launched the top star gate to uncover the hidden cards of Augustus Caesar, but this move It is also at because Augustus Caesar has already figured out where to set the trap.

   Therefore, it is not necessarily true that everything explored now is true, or perhaps this is itself a space of information isolation, and it is understandably excusable that Selen Scheep cannot receive his own communication signal.

Either way, it only shows that Augustus Caesar has begun to act, and it will only become more and more passive to continue to wait: "Since Syllen Scheep can’t hear it, let him see, VV, prepare In battle, the semi-storage of the naval gun fired in the direction of the Sailon Schipper fleet."

  Veneto didn't quite understand the meaning of Yue Zhong's order, but she didn't have to ask about it when the situation was urgent. She began to execute Yue Zhong's order directly.

Since it is a barrier of isolation, a certain degree of abnormality will occur when launching an attack, which will ensure that it can be discovered by Sylon Scheep and can also play a tentative effect. The only drawback is that it may be received by Veneto The information is misleading. If you attack at will, it is very likely that you will really hit Syllen Scheep.

Aiming at Syllen Scheper's attack, if it is in the right direction, Veneto's precise fire control ability will not hit anything, and this attack direction is also the best choice, unless Augustus Caesar even Celan Snow This direction can also be misleading.

In fact, Yue Zhong thought he could do this, and prove that the trap is true, and Celan Schep received technical assistance from Homura, and Veneto’s unique range of naval gun attacks, he could not read, Bismarck can also read it.

At the same time when the Veneto quickly lifted off, the naval gun sounded again. The silent starry sky was pierced by the light. A smooth twist was visible to the naked eye. The iridescent color was formed by the hot beam of light. The naval gun shot from a long distance, and finally produced a little Deflected straight to Sailon Scheep's fleet.

   The prelude to the final battle, the artillery fireworks.

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