Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 515: Old meter

No matter how you look at it, Ulster does not look like an admiral. Whether it is the orthodox legendary Admiral Zhu Zhongxue or Caesar, although they all have their own distinctive characteristics, they all have the same appearance as a professional soldier, such as Other newly-rising figures may not put the national interest first in the same way as they do, and the status of the ship's mother is also very high. However, the majesty of the admiral is still there, and the behavior is resolute.

  In contrast, Ulster is more like a spoiled child, and the ship's mother under her control is not like a nanny, and usually turns around him every day. He was bullied and he was brought up by his elder brother. In his daily life, he was prestigious and counterattacked by two maids. The entire Royal Navy Fleet did not seem to have a relationship between superiors and subordinates, even if the combat command and strategic deployment were common. Discuss the decision.

  This management structure has tempered every ship's mother. The E-Star Navy is also the only one with multiple fleets to control the vast colonial area and the mainland, but there is only one strange mode of admiral.

Augustus Caesar once tried to use the scattered weaknesses of the E-Star fleet to attack the fleet without Ulster, but the result was not as he imagined, he was always able to establish an advantage, but was encountered at the last minute. In countermeasures, Ulster seemed to be able to dominate the general existence and macro control of each fleet, making them seem to be scattered, but the strength did not weaken.

   The flagship of each fleet has the ability to command operations independently. The fighting style is exactly the same as the shadow of Ulster. Even if he is not there, he can still be invincible like commanding himself.

  If Augustus Caesar still has people who do not understand, Ulster must be one.

   "Just like him, there seem to be many weaknesses, and the character of S2 is also full of loopholes, but when I really want to attack, I only understand what is called invulnerability."

   Ulster is the first barrier that Augustus Caesar must overcome in order to completely deconstruct the world. If he has never been able to understand his details, then his dream will never succeed.

   Therefore, he must believe that true invincibility does not exist, even if it does exist, it must be destroyed by using the power of God.

   Until the war, it is no longer as simple as suppressing the rebellion.

   "The situation has changed, and it is really not the time for the utopian to appear. I am afraid that Homura's previous plan cannot be carried out. Forcibly follow the previous plan. I am afraid that there will be others who will benefit."

The designated military planet is not only a way to provide the way for Sylon Scheep to leave, Yue Zhong and Veneto want to retreat all over the body, but they must also pass there on the bright side, but Caesar will not let them go. It is completely certain.

   A person full of danger and no **** like himself, once turning his face, he can't keep his mouth alive. Yue Zhong himself has such consciousness, not to mention Augustus Caesar.

The only thing that must be revealed by the actual confrontation is that they know it for the time being. They had a bond of interest before, but now if they let go of themselves, just exposing their ambitions is enough to cause him great trouble, even if it is unbelievable. However, the fact that you survived from the black hole bomb is enough to prove many things.

   "The location of the trap will either exist outside, he will start when Homura comes to pick us up, or it will be on that military planet. He Caesar left it to us deliberately."

"Since the F Fleet First Fleet survived fortunately with the sacrifice of fantasy, all the previous deployments were overthrown." Yue Zhong looked at Veneto with some disappointment, "Xiaoyan is afraid of the ship of I Star Territory The ladies did some work. When Augustus Caesar gave up the suppression of the rebels under the pretext of the first fleet of the F star domain, with your accusation and perseverance in national interests and glory, Homura may be able to rebel part I Star Field Ship Mother, but I am afraid there is no hope now."

There was no mood swing on Veneto’s face. She was as calm as ever and looked at Yue Zhongdao: "How can he escape Augustus Caesar even if he counterattacked? He is the Admiral and has the power to disarm all ship mothers. Caesar is sure Understand this, so it will be unscrupulous against Admiral and Homura, maybe this is the flaw he deliberately sold."

"I and Homura are not together, he will not move, as long as he can give him a wrong understanding and make him think that we are together, then Caesar with all his divine power can no longer take into account the jurisdiction of the I Star Fleet, then If I Star Zone is attacked, it will surely fall into chaos. If Xiaoyan is there, this plan will be 70% likely to succeed."

"How to convince him, who else will attack the I-Star fleet now, admonish yourself as a decoy, or Sellen Scheep?" Veneto had many questions, many times more than when he served in I-Star. , But because Yue Zhong likes to give her answers, Veneto, who is satisfied with her curiosity, is also looking forward to it.

"Not only me, but you, now you are still the most shining star of the navy of the I star field, as long as we suddenly appear to capture the Sicilian star, then your reputation will unintentionally reach a peak. If you are still alive, you can use the main battle Let’s accuse Augustus Caesar of avoiding the war and point his spear at his admiral’s position.” Yue Zhong also explained patiently as always, “VV, you may not understand your appeal now, but The position of Admiral is not a lifelong system, and there have been precedents for substitutions before. The president of I Starfield may have already had an intention to start Augustus Caesar. He has such a military power and religious power. People already have the ability to put it aloft. With your recommendation, I seem to be a suitable candidate. There is no foundation but the VV light has also achieved a record."

"This is a visible action on the surface. When I tried to seize power, I was in danger. In the face of Augustus Caesar, only Homura can protect me fully under the dignity of God, so we will be together. He must also respond to this, even if he really does not care about the stay and life and death of the ship mother who has some opinions about him because of you, he will not give up the power struggle so easily. In this case, he can guard against the secret The ability to fight back will also be reduced."

  Veneto's eyes were fixed on Yue Zhong, and he looked very serious: "We have been in his plan, and Caesar is also in the advisor's calculations, so who is more behind?"

"Not exactly, he can also give up, so that no more of my backhand will be able to show it, and to the Roman planet, the kingdom of God, it is not yet for him to rub it round and round." Yue Zhong laughed, "So This is gambling. No one can really control everything. The self-righteous person will inevitably despise his opponent. It is not far from death, so I often gamble."

"Caesar may choose to eliminate us when we appear, which will undoubtedly add new chips to Homura's countermeasures. Even if it is not the case, we have captured the Sicilian Star before, regardless of whether he has been collected or rebelled. The army has collusion and can be treated as a treat. This is not only to increase his determination, but also the key to staying in check and balance in the future." Yue Zhongdao said, "To be honest, I really want to be an admiral of the I-star domain. I thought about it when I was a planet."

   "What's next?" Veneto is undoubtedly a good listener. No matter how much Yue Zhong said, she can listen in quietly and seriously.

Yue Zhong said after a moment of hesitation: "I can only design a part. I came here to let Caesar's plan continue to be exposed to our eyes. It is already the limit. Although Xiaoyan's movements can also be seen, her real thoughts are still I don’t know. After all, the struggle between the local supreme **** and the alien demon, I have a lot of things that I don’t know. I have planned the strategic part. I deal with the admiral, and she deals with the pope."

   "Always have you only kept in touch with Homura for a minimum degree, because you are afraid to expose our position?" It is also because you do not want to control her behavior. The Admiral emphasized this respect many times, "Advisor?"

   "What's the matter?" Yue Zhong asked when he saw Veneto's appearance.

"Homura's target, it should be Litorio and them, the ship mothers who have the best relationship with me." Veneto hesitated a moment and said , So is it in my name? "

   "...sorry." Yue Zhong was a bit unbearable to let Veneto take the biggest crime. After all, she had done enough for herself, but who let this be Homura's idea?

   "Admiral, you don't always have to force Xiaoyan's things on yourself, then I'm embarrassed too." Veneto said suddenly.

It seems that after saying that before the excitement, Veneto has made a subtle change. It looks the same as before. Whether it is character or habit, but her inner restraint has actually begun to open a little, In particular, Yue Zhong had the greatest influence on Xiao Meiyan's extreme tolerance and protection.

   Yue Zhong has a very rich experience. It is no problem to see through such a thoughtless girl as Veneto. She really does not know how to answer this sentence.

"Don't be nervous, Admiral. I don't mean anything else. You and Xiaoyan are also the people I want to see together the most." Veneto uncommonly exclaimed, and then said: "Admiral, you said all these things. , Is it impossible to proceed anymore?"

"Well, Homura and I used to deal with Augustus Caesar. If the fleet of F Star Territory is completely destroyed, then the situation will continue in the direction we think, but now comes a person who can't afford to offend. He is not as sloppy as Sailon Schep. It was originally a time difference, but now it is not good." Yue Zhong is referring to Ulster, although he has never confronted it, but his name is famous. The shadows of Augustus Caesar's deflated people cannot be dealt with well.

   "Augustus Caesar is afraid that we will delay, but Homura's plan can't be tolerated. At least we have to take a look at Augustus Caesar's hole cards and then make a quick decision."

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