Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 511: Rebellion and suppression (11)

The interstellar serenity is like nothing has happened. The army of the rebel group has not gathered in the core area after detonating the black hole bomb and no longer roams and guards outside, but no one will think that they are showing weakness. Because the entire starry sky has been smeared into a horrible darkness, no one knows when they will detonate the black hole bomb next time.

The last black hole has been completely formed. Although it is impossible to observe the entity of the black hole through the existing detection equipment, the approximate area can be determined from the calculation of the scale of the explosion and the impact. The material and stars around it are surrounded by a huge gravitational force. As the body of the black hole operates, except for the non-physical world, the void energy storm still runs normally, but this storm has become weaker and weaker than it was at the beginning.

The erosion of the void to reality is achieved through a long penetration. The sudden energy storm is not enough to exist for a long time to repel the material world. The existence time is determined according to the intensity generated. The self-purification of the material The expulsion speed will increase geometrically, and will not dissipate for a long time because the energy storm is too strong.

The positions of the military bases and administrative planets of the Sicilian Rebel Group are fixed in a certain area, and they will not change their direction greatly because they have rebelled. Augustus Caesar provides the star map on behalf of the I star field, Baturu Able to move along the broken line between administrative planets.

On this trajectory, if the rebel group rashly uses black hole bombs, it will inevitably involve the surrounding administrative planets and affect hundreds of millions of people. Compared with Veneto’s pseudo-straight line without a little concealment, Baturu has not The meaning of aggressiveness is that although this also depends on whether the rebel group will strictly adhere to the bottom line, this marching route will undoubtedly be safer than a long-term alert.

The black hole bomb was not formed in an instant from the detonation to the complete generation of the black hole, otherwise Yue Zhong and Veneto would have no time to complete the collection of the ship and hide in the tributary of time with the cover of the energy storm, because Yue Zhong had guessed before the explosion The rebel group will use a black hole bomb to deal with him. According to Veneto’s instantaneous calculation, their refuge point is far away from the center of the black hole. After the energy storm dissipates, it will not be pulled by the irresistible black hole.

Because of the time delay of the black hole bomb effect, it also has the possibility of inference and avoidance, as well as the possibility of suppressed reactions. A fully formed black hole is difficult to govern even if it is a pan-plane organization, but it is in the process of generation There are many methods that can be restrained in the case. If there is enough equipment and time to study, Xiao Meiyan is confident to realize the theory of this technology in reality and further master the right to speak of this piece of Xinghai.

The forward course of the F-Star navy cannot be completely protected by administrative planets. After all, the number of administrative planets in the seven galaxies is extremely limited, and military planets cannot play a deterrent role, so they will also pass through the danger zone, which requires The overall cooperation and reconnaissance of the fleet is against black hole bombs.

"The fleet is spread out to the maximum extent. The Richelieu and Jean Barr serve as the front and rear cores. When passing through the dangerous area, the **** fleet explores with the center of motion as the origin." The black hole bomb is not a mine, and its deployment is also quite complicated. The remote control explodes at the press of a button, and its use must be released by a special unmanned missile boat. Although this special ship is extremely fast, it can still be detected.

Baturu’s order has been issued, and the rest needs to rely on the flagship Richelieu to execute it. This long-haired blonde girl not only has a high reputation, but also can Julio Caesar in terms of piety and ability. This true saint has left a level, and she has no need to worry that the implementation of the order will be in place if she is the flagship.

"The information is communicated normally, the warning network is fully operational, the true deviation value is controlled below 0.001, and the current situation is maintained. If you continue to sail for ten minutes, you will enter the next safe area." Richelieu communicates very frequently with her ship's ship's flagship. The ship's mother can always collect the data of her ship's hull into her own data, and ensure that the delay time is within 1 millisecond.

  Although human network technology has far exceeded this time, the network information in the universe cannot naturally be as stable as theory. It can maintain this data, and Richelieu's ability is also outstanding.

"There is still no news of any rebel warships. The military base along the way has been abandoned, perhaps because of the transfer when intercepting the Veneto. The only remaining navies on the military planet are logistic soldiers who have no resistance. The fleet has passed. They surrendered decisively."

When Baturu came here, he still did not relax his vigilance. After all, the longer the calm, the more terrible the outbreak, which made him dissatisfied, even if he discovered the threat along the way and sent it to Augustus Caesar. Security signal, the Pope Admiral still did not mean to enter the rebel group control area.

   Is he thinking about who to lead? No action until now.

The negative actions of Augustus Caesar have different meanings in the eyes of many people. Although the last war has dealt a heavy blow to him, most people do not believe that he will perish, and he is not too arrogant. Underestimating the hero of the world, although the legendary Admiral of F Star Territory has been killed, the one of E Star Territory is still alive. A guy who stands at the top of the Admiral's skill is unmanned in any respect. Able to match.

"The danger zone has passed, and it is now close to the administrative planet of Messina. This is already in the core of the rebel group's control zone. The highest level of alert in the entire fleet. We are likely to encounter the enemy of the rebel army." Baturu is the first command In this kind of war, the light of the bridge is reflected on the smooth forehead. The sweat from the above means that he is not as indifferent as it seems on the surface, and he has reached a step in the sky, defeated the dead, and has not been able to reach The position of the admiral, so I have never had that kind of calm mind.

"Admiral... I hope you can calm down, and now the fleet needs you." Richey prayed intently, she would not say this to the truth, Baturu did have a big gap with her predecessor, but The growth of every admiral is not accomplished overnight, and talents also require actual combat.

   "The Naval Command has heard that the third fleet headed by the Dunkirk is approaching here. They will be responsible for covering the rear of our army, and will also raid support if necessary."

   "From Bismarck, they hope to cooperate with our offensive, in order to ease the tension caused by the incident in Brittany and the core module of the F star domain ship mother."


News came one after another, with a clear aim pointing directly at the first fleet of F Star Territory led by Baturu. The rebel group control area not only has the most lethal super weapons, but also wants a magical quagmire. It attracts bad intentions from all directions.

   And the first fleet of the F Star domain that broke into it first, although occupying the first opportunity, also inevitably became the focus of attention and utilization of all forces. The early bird does not seem to be so good.

The Messina star is the closest point to the I star field of the rebel group today. The first fleet of the F star field that directly reached the star field through the headspace star gate and went to the suppression means that their biggest challenge will come. Now they are not too far from the location where the Veneto was hit by a black hole bomb. The fleet's detection system alone can also find out the black hole outside and the energy storm that is dissipating.

It is actually not a good thing for Sailon Scheep to arrive here smoothly, because the first fleet of F Star Territory has not been attacked, so the deeper it is, the deeper the hinterland is, and his fleet has almost gathered after coming over from around. The huge fleet with a large number of transport ships made his current fleet lose the ability to maneuver at high speed. Once the battle in front started, he was easily implicated.

The military planet designated by Xiao Meiyan is outside the black hole's range of influence. At this point, Syllen Scheep has confirmed the The rebel group is worried about being affected by the artificial black hole. Military planets cannot operate efficiently, and in the future the military planet is also an abandoned object. They eager to gather troops have now abandoned them, and all troops left after emergency evacuation.

As for how Xiao Meiyan started the headspace star gate there alone, this question does not need to be considered by Syllen Scheep at the moment. A large number of facts are enough to prove that this beautiful girl with dark hair has the ability to surpass ordinary people. Naturally, she cannot use conventional thinking to think about her actions.

Until now, Xiao Meiyan did not have time to meet Yue Zhong and Veneto. She agreed that the matter of Sailon Schep was not a fake. The line to the star gate in the Afrika Development Base was indeed set up. Here, and the previous game she had placed in the I Star Fleet also needed one thing to intensify. At the same time, she knew that the eyes of God of Augustus Caesar would also be watching closely. Her movements, so she must draw all her power from the fleet itself.

This is the cemetery set by Augustus Caesar for her and Yue Zhong, but with the super weapons on the technology side alone, it cannot stop the power of time. Static time is nothing more than a stage of use. Deadly, Augustus Caesar must play all his cards, including himself.

In the battle to determine the order of the new world, the battle between God and Demon also exists here, and several forces are gathering here, perhaps with their own plans and attempts, but this does not prevent them from choosing the first Showdowns.

   Even Yue Zhong is difficult to get involved. Everything he sees and calculates is aimed at the admiral, not the pope. The power of the gods can only be dealt with by the devil alone.

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