Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 474: Gold Coast

Augustus Caesar, who always stays in the Church of the Most High, seems to be blocked. In fact, through the continuous integration and spreading of the I-star network, with the wisp of ethereal expression, it has contributed to its almost nothing. Unknown ability.

Yue Zhong’s actions and popular reactions will be transferred to his mind through military channels and beliefs in the first time. As a governor, he is also the acting pope of the church, even if he is not in wartime, the entire I star The status of the domain is also like the status of a fleet. The difference is only in the amount. As long as the brain can handle it properly, then he can intervene in any detail.

Can be reborn from the dead, then the miracle that appeared on Augustus Caesar is no longer strange. As an expressor of divine will, as the most loyal and highest believer of God, when his power has fully exploded, I Star I am afraid that unprecedented changes will take place. The president of the I-Star domain has been aware of this, and the power involved, no matter how good their previous friendships, can't play a role in alleviating it.

People who are closer to God are more ruthless. On the planet of Rome, this divine planet, no one will feel deeper than the residents here, so after President I Starfield began his action in Augustus Caesar , Secretly also has its own layout.

  Whether it is an era of stability or chaos, the one who can stand to the end is the strongest one.

"Then continue to increase publicity efforts, make sure everyone in I Star Realm realizes the significance of Veneto's powerful battle with that battle. After all, she is the ship's mother from I Star Territory, holding her up to the sky. , It’s not so easy for her to come down.” Augustus Caesar showed his indifference and ruthlessness in front of his sister. The indulgence of Veneto is not generous. The reason why it is not difficult is naturally to ensure that it can After squeezing out all the values, the blow was fatal. "Dorya, they may not have made up their minds so quickly. The selection and training of the I-star ship mother is a surrender to the soul. It is not easy to get rid of it. It is also safe to add a layer of shackles point."

Julio Caesar understood the meaning of Augustus, and was a little bit happy and palpitated. Fortunately, this person was his brother, so he didn’t have to worry about being the same to himself, and he couldn’t leave the I star field, so Opposite propositions naturally disappear.

   "Admiral, if she and his admirer fought against the extraterritorial forces, to what extent shall we do?" Julio Caesar could not wait to ask.

"There is a great possibility that they will not be able to fight. Instead of thinking about this, it is better to think about how to intensify their contradictions... Veneto may think that he can replace me, then rely on him before the construction of the navy of the I Star Territory is completed. "" Augustus Caesar quickly conveyed a series of orders through Julio.

He is not a pure admiral, and his sister is not a pure ship maiden. God's favor and gifts make them have power that others do not have. As a **** ship maiden, complete the belief through the popularization of I star domain Xingyu's precise commands can bypass a series of chains of command and directly transmit the commands to the executors when they avoid the review of the I-Star Office.

  The cooperation of the two people can even put the entire I star field into a unified whole, so no ship mother is more qualified to be the flagship, except for Veneto who successfully achieved this.

"So, according to the situation, provide appropriate assistance? Admiral, will this be a tiger." Julio Caesar's brows hidden under the black cloak slightly frowned, how could she be assured that Veneto would be safe. The environment, because no one knows more about her strength than the ship's mother in the I-Star field.

"Like the shadow that broke into the Roman planet, he does not necessarily become an enemy. As long as the external pressure is enough, he can always block other forces for the I star field." Augustus Caesar said calmly, "That’s it Do it."

Even though the 13th stellar belt, which is still nominally under the jurisdiction of the I constellation, has been distracted, after the Veneto cruise started, all of them were silently silenced, and the aid order from the Roman planet was quickly implemented, at least in the truth In the face of the water, most people would not think that the Veneto has stubbornly chose to leave the combat system of the I star field.

So in the face of absolutely powerful force, even those who want to split up will weigh their strengths, not to mention that every planet has a dark chess similar to Lieutenant Colonel Ruff who controls a certain military power, under double protection On the 13th, the star will not return to the co-ordination of I Star Zone without any accident.

The information that Veneto was able to break free of the core cabin and move freely did not need to be concealed. On the contrary, Yue Zhong and Augustus Caesar were willing to let her appear with great fanfare in the sight of the people of I star area in this posture. In terms of Starfield of Belief, I believe that this is due to miracles, and I am the most advanced technological development of Starfield, which can raise the national cohesion to a very high level.

Following the cruise of the Empire, the Veneto has traveled nearly 100 military planets all the way. Everywhere, it has received a high degree of attention for complete supply. I Starland has never had great achievements in the navy, even active activities. The range is all suppressed by the Europa Galaxy. As a force with the strength and ambition to hegemony, this is undoubtedly unacceptable.

Now that other Star Zones are still rebuilding step-by-step, I Star Zone has been able to carry out forceful demonstration cruises and undoubtedly has greatly improved the confidence of the people. When the situation in the entire world returns to the same starting line, they believe this is I Opportunity for the rise of Starland

  The end of the Imperial Parade is Veneto’s hometown of Sicily, this is the closest planet to the Afrikaans, and Yue Zhong and Veneto will also be here to welcome Xiao Meiyan’s return.

  After receiving limited support from the I star field, Veneto does not need to worry about energy for the time being, and she can be fully supplied everywhere, so she does not need to hesitate to pack the ship.

"VV, have you changed your clothes?" Yue Zhong, wearing a gaudy shirt and beach shorts, was sitting in front of the warship lounge in the military port. He and Veneto decided to prepare a special seafood barbecue on the coast of her hometown. Come and catch the wind for Xiao Meiyan who has been away for a long time.

  If this is not the reason, Yue Zhong could not find an excuse to deceive Veneto from the military port to relax. After all, this planet has a very special meaning for her. Here are her most carefree childhood memories, as well as the darkest and unbearable history of growth. Yue Zhong can feel her cowardice and nostalgia for this place, so as a friend, Li Yin accompanied her to face this place.

   Sicily is a trading star. The planet has only one continent. There are countless islands surrounding the sea. Most of the planets distributed around the main planet have been developed for storage, but the main planet still retains the style of nature.

   There are the golden beaches and blue seas of the I-star region. Even if the value of the trade transit point is lost, the development of a tourist planet can support the economy of the entire planet.

"All right……"

  Veneto's voice came from behind the lounge, then she opened the door, and the girl in a swimsuit appeared in front of Yue Zhong.

A large piece of white skin like Jingxue's skin is shining, a short black hair is tied with a black yarn head flower, and a bold cross-style swimsuit can only cover the chest and lower body of the girl's micro drum, wrapped around the waist. The circle of soft and transparent black gauze dress, this dress Veneto is not like a short girl at all, but full of mature charm, elegant black dignified and mysterious, and the snow is particularly distinct.

Yue Zhong didn't think that Veneto's swimsuit would be so open and bold, so he stunned him after seeing it, and then embarrassedly said: "It's the big sister's head, and the little guys who wear one-piece swimsuits are not at all same."

"Does the Admiral feel inappropriate?" Veneto also blushed a little, and she almost never expected to wear this swimsuit one day, always preparing to just keep memories of the sea, after all, she grew up in this sea-ring On the planet, when I was young, I often went to the beach with my parents.

   "Although there are some accidents, but there is no sense of disobedience, the feeling of VV has always been very mature and stable." Yue Zhong said heartily, "very suitable, but VV is a little bit cautious."

  Veneto raised his head slightly, to see that Yue Zhong was not deliberately making fun of himself, and a smile appeared: "Um..."

   The military port of Sicily is a training place specially developed for the ship's mother reserve. is an informal military port. A golden beach is connected outside the ship's lounge. The fine and smooth sand is like soft satin.

At the moment, the beach is very quiet, and the idlers have been kicked out by Yue Zhong using their authority, and without outsiders, Veneto, who has slightly let go, stepped on this film once again and could only watch through the window. On the beach, the tiny grains of sand infiltrated from the petite white net toes. The unique touch of the beach made Veneto couldn't help but recall the scene of her childhood. At this moment, she finally temporarily let go of the identity of the ship's mother, really like a girl Run as fast as possible.

   Slowly followed behind Veneto. When the petite girl re-entered the embrace of the beach, Yue Zhong wanted to hold a gentle smile, but the smile just started, but he couldn't help but feel a pain.

In the bright sunshine, the black gauze skirt showed white light, and Yue Zhong seemed to see another person. She used to run on the beach with the same joy, running in front of her own eyes, just like Veneto now, when she was back then She also has incomparable trust in herself, but she didn't give her anything. Instead, she let her sacrifice her life for herself, and she couldn't save her life after trying everything she could.

"Admiral, Veneto’s life is short, so don’t hesitate when I need to die. Whether it’s fighting the Abyssal Fleet, fighting the enemy I used to fight once again, the battleship’s home is the best. It is in the endless sea of ​​stars, please don't let me die in the core cabin silently."

   was already used to holding the long axis of history in his hands, and now even it has disappeared, and Yue Zhong can't find anything to remember.

  If one's own happiness must be sacrificed by others, it will be too heavy and too heavy to bear. Like confession in waste soil, like success in flames...

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