Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 305: No longer young

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   Awakened the talent of acting, and the sister Hong turned around slowly. Although the emperor Shun appeared from the car, she was hard to conceal her age. Only 28 years after the reign of Emperor Shun, the official life was officially closed. In ancient times, the average life expectancy was generally less than 30 years old. Even when Emperor Shun was called emperor, he was already an old man. Ferocious beasts are now in their destiny.

   has long been acquainted with the familiar humans and slowly grows old until death, Mei Hong heart did not touch much, still faithfully playing his role as a worldly expert.

Then Mei Hong guided Di Shun’s entourage to take the bamboo rolls he threw down from the dry well, claiming that this was the wisdom of Tianjun Renjun, in fact, Yue Zhongxian had nothing to do with the ambiguous memory and his own brain. Fortunately, Yue Zhong studied philosophical majors when he was in university. With thousands of years of cultural knowledge, Di Shun was surprised after reading it.

Realizing that he really met an expert from the world, Emperor Shun quickly invited Meihong to share a car with him. Meihong was slightly moved as Yue Zhong said, and then rejected him. Di Shun, who had returned to his court, put down the shelf and walked down his carriage with the help of his entourage. He walked back and forth to take the rope from the driver in his hand and asked the sister to board the car again. open circuit.

   "I was taught Ru Huijuan by God's will, and you should never be greedy." Meihong said with a straight face.

  Emperor Shun still did not give up: "I wonder where this goddess is going?"

"People who look at the Yellow River's floods to find a virtue, if Ru can act according to the will of the heavens, there must be something else." After saying this, Meihong turned into a flaming phoenix flying straight into the sky, shocking visual effects Di Shun and everyone present were stunned.

"This is the true God. I'll wait for the embankment." Emperor Shun, who first passed the gods, immediately ordered. Since even the angels of God's will have appeared, then it must be explained that there is a big problem in Gun's water control project. Emperor Shun is the monarch of virtue, but he has to make up his mind for Gun, a political enemy who has great influence in the court and is holding him everywhere, otherwise virtue becomes weak.

A team of horses and horses came to the bank of the Yellow River quickly. Thousands of migrant workers were building a river embankment here to prevent floods during the flood season. Both sides of the bank will be destroyed. Yue Zhong stood on the tall sand mound and saw Di Shun's When the honour came, looking at that hurried look, he knew that Mei Hong had completed another beautiful appearance.

What he did will not really affect the history that has been formed, so Yue Zhong can play boldly without worrying about anything. This time he pointed the spear directly at the Gun family. I believe that this change in history is enough for him Closer to the realistic timeline.

Although Yue Zhong was demoted, his prestige is still there. The supervisor of this river embankment was very polite to him. Today he asked for a construction. The supervisor here agreed without any serious consideration. It happened that he could take the opportunity to steal Lazy. Gun arranged for Yue Zhong to prepare to grab his little braid. The person has ran to return to the matter. I believe that Gun will soon send someone to take charge of Yue Zhong's overpower.

   But these are already trivial things, because Emperor Shun has arrived, Gun has no chance to do anything to Yue Zhong.

  The emperor Shun in the carriage stood beside the carriage, and the bronze sword in his hand pointed to the humans who walked to a few yellow-skinned laborers and said to the people around them: "Why did those people only carry a half-frame of mud and sand and called to ask."

The guard quickly ran over and brought some of the people whom Di Shun pointed to. He hadn't waited for Di Shun to ask, and the one in the head knelt down to the ground and screamed: "Wang Shang Ming Jian, I haven't eaten for three days. Too much mud to carry."

  Emperor Shun noticed some problems vaguely and quickly asked: "Don't panic, shouldn't we distribute enough rations every day to build river embankments?"

   "I don't know why, since Lord Gun has visited our food last time, he seems to be very dissatisfied."

   "Unauthorized deduction of grain and grass is regarded as corruption, so call me Gun!" Emperor Shun Cang's old body suddenly exploded with a sense of majesty, and the words didn't have the old man's after rhythm.

   Just after saying this, there was a cry of exclamation from the river embankment. A pile of sand and stones piled up was suddenly broken by the water of the Yellow River. The turbulent river flooded into the river bank and instantly flooded a field of farmland.

In the ancient times, there was no tofu project that cut corners. All this was naturally done by Yue Zhong to frame Gun, but in the eyes of Emperor Shun, it became a major crime of buckling grain and grass and causing poor repairs. His face became It's getting harder to look.

The preparatory work done by Youmei Hong made Di Shun have to believe that there were serious problems in the water control project. When he came here, all the things he saw naturally considered the bad aspects, and he did not realize this at all. Is someone's conspiracy.

After the flood broke through, it began to wreak havoc in the farmland. Both floods and droughts have always been a weapon for harvesting the life of ancient people. When the farmland is destroyed by the flood, a large number of people will starve to death because of lack of food. Death will cause a scary plague, unlocking the reaction is not terrible.

At this moment, all the initiators came forward, and he began to order the migrant workers present to dredge the water and reduce the damage to the farmland as much as possible. This was naturally seen by Emperor Shun on the side: "Who is that person, See how they should be ordinary people, why can they command everyone to work together to fight against floods."

  The local officials who followed Di Shun to patrol immediately told Yue Zhong about Di Zhong's story, focusing on how he had disagreement with Gun and was degraded.

   "The mouth of defending the people is worse than that of defending the river. Those who defend the river are better to block than to sparse... It is because he is a virtuous person."

   This flood was caused by human beings. I don’t know why Yue Zhong felt that his solar power was increasing day by day. The power of manipulating nature to destroy a debris river bank was already a breeze. Although it brought a lot of harm, Yue Zhong did not feel that he had done anything wrong, aside from the purpose he could achieve. As long as he could leave this era as soon as possible, the impact would naturally be relentlessly repaired, and Even if he does not leave, according to Zaojian's current management ideas, it is a matter of time before major floods occur. It is worthwhile to sacrifice the necessary sacrifices to control the damage of the floods to a certain extent and change the way the humans manage the Yellow River.

Emperor Shun would naturally not interfere with Yue Zhong’s command. He just stood by and watched Yue Zhong while calmly dispatching and encouraging morale to stabilize people’s mind. The left and right were finally successfully introduced into a tributary of low altitude. Today's Yellow River flow is not a flood after the heavy rain, but it is inseparable from Yue Zhong's plan to be prepared so quickly.

"Bring this person." Emperor Shun nodded with satisfaction. He felt that he seemed to have found a good successor. The other party should be the so-called Yingde person of the angel of heaven. His own age is already old. The position zen gives people who choose from heaven should not be wrong.

   Yue Zhong came to Emperor Shun with mud covered with legs and feet. When he saw him from afar, he didn't feel much, but when he looked closer to see the old face of Emperor Shun, Yue Zhong's heart shivered.

In the era when Di Yao ruled, Yue Zhong and Di Shun had met more than once. The modesty and courtesy of the other party gave him a deep impression. However, Di Shun was still a heroic young man, but only in different time spans. In the vicissitudes of the sea, he has already entered the twilight.

   This is the first time Yue Zhong has seen a familiar person grow old quickly. The short life span of human beings and a heavy history are interwoven into a heart net covering Yue Zhong's heart. He suddenly realized that he is now twenty-four years old. Since receiving a call from the Spare Tire League and seeing Xiao Meiyan, he has grown two years old, and when he has spent a long historical career, he has returned. When it comes to reality, will you be as old as Di Shun; when you see Xiao Meiyan again, Qi Xiaomeng, and Gong Yongsaki, will you even spend your eyes, I can't see what they look like, and I can't remember what they look like... Maybe, even the names are forgotten.

   "There is a reopening day, no one is young."

   Yue Zhong does not mind abandoning the status of ordinary human beings as a race with a long life span. The technological capabilities of the spare tire major league can even increase his life span indefinitely without changing his own human genes. So Yue Zhong had never worried that Xiao Meiyan and himself would not be able to be together because of the theory of longevity, but now he has to worry about it because he has been trapped in history.

  Although I never regret it, I always have a fear of getting old and a fear of death.

Emperor Shun felt that the young man in front of him suddenly had some sense of vicissitudes. The sentence he just sighed also hit the deepness of his heart. When he was young, he was probably as heroic as he was. My eyes are full of confidence. At the time of the regency, I was also so young. I wanted to be...

  The two met again across decades, and their identities changed. One was old and the other was still young. The two stared at each other for a long time and looked at each other until Gun appeared and broke the silence.

"Wang Shang forgive sins, Wang Shang forgive sins!" Gun's first reaction to seeing Emperor Shun was to kneel down on the water-filled land and ask for sin. When Di Shun visited the world, the battle between the two had a long history. Although most of the time Di Shun would choose to retreat in non-essential aspects, if Di Shun had the opportunity to cure his sin, then he might also be Heartbeat.

   So Gun chose to show his weakness, hoping to make this wise king known for his heart. After all, he is also a very old man.

   "What's your name?" Di Shun ignored Gun and directly said to Yue Zhong.

   "My surname is Yue Zhongzhong, as Tai Yue means calm."

   "Good name... how do you think I should deal with Gunun?"

   "Remove the title from being degraded to ordinary people, and send the whole family to a remote tribe for resettlement, and never return to the Central Plains for life." Yue Zhong continued to answer.

He did not propose to kill the family of Gun, so that although he could directly obliterate the existence of Dayu and directly change the destiny of Xia Dynasty, the benevolence of Emperor Shun would inevitably not be promised. As long as Xia Yu pushed himself away from the position of Zen meditation, it also played a role in changing the major historical development. (My novel "Baby Tire League" will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there is also a 100% lottery gift for everyone! Now open WeChat, click on the "+" sign at the top right to "add friends" , Search the public account "qdread" and follow, speed up!)

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